[Effective for students entering ME after Spring 2006]
Shown below is a typical program of study including the recommended Freshman year. Courses need not be taken in the semester indicated providing you observe prerequisites, but all courses are required. (The program map on the web at: shows required prerequisites).
It is your responsibility to make sure you fulfill the degree requirements.
First Semester Second Semester
(4) MA 165Analytc Geometry & Calc I (4) MA 166 Analytc Geometry & Calc II
(4) CHEM 115 General Chemistry (3 or 4) Sci. Selective (CHEM 116 or CS 158)
(3) ENGL 108 (or 106) English Composition I(4) PHYS 172 Mechanics
(3) ENGR 126 Comput Tool for Engrs(3) COM 114 Fundament of Speech
(2) CGT 163 Intro to Graphics for Mfg.a
(1) ENGR 100 Engineering Lectures
17 14
Third Semester Fourth Semester
(4) MA 261 Multi-variate Calculus(4) MA 262 Linear Alg. & Diff. Eq.
(3) ME 200 Thermodynamics I(3) ME 263 Intro. Mech. Engr. Design
(3) ME 270 Basic Mechanics I(3) ME 274 Basic Mechanics II
(1) ME 290 Mech. Engr. Seminar(3) EE 201 Linear Circuit Anal
(3) PHYS 241 Electricity & Optics(1) EE 207 Elect. Meas. Tech.
(3) Economics Electiveb(3) World Affairs & Cultures Electiveb
17 17
Fifth Semester Sixth Semester
(3) MA 303 Diff. Eq. for Engrs. & Sc.(4) ME 352 Machine Design I
(4) ME 309 Fluid Mechanics(3) ME 375 Syst. Modeling & Analysis
(3) ME 323 Mech. Of Materials(3) MSE 230 Struc. & Prop. Materials
(3) ME 365 Systems & Measurements(3) Technical Electived
(3) General Education Electiveb(3) General Education Electiveb
16 16
Seventh Semester Eighth Semester
(4) ME 315 Heat & Mass Transfer(3) ME 463 Engineering Design
(3) Restricted Electivec(3) Restricted Electivec
(3) Technical Electived(3) Technical Electived
(3) Free Electivee(3) Technical Electived
(3) General Education Electiveb(3) General Education Electiveb
16 15
Minimum total credit hours required – 128.a, b, c, d, e – See Other Side.
The 39 credit hours of electives must be chosen in accordance with the following conditions:
- Introductory EngineeringCourses – (required)
- Entering Freshman interested in Mechanical Engineering are required to take a Science Selective (CHEM 116 or CS 158).
- CGT 163 Introduction to Graphics for Manufacturing is a required course in the ME curriculum (and a prerequisite for ME 263). Students interested in ME should take CGT 163 as part of the introductory engineering program.
- GeneralEducation Electives– (18 hrs)
Eighteen credit hours of general education electives must be chosen from the areas of:
agricultural economics, audiology and speech sciences, child development and family studies, communication, creative arts, economics, english, foreign languages and literatures, history, interdisciplinary studies, philosophy, political sciences, psychological sciences, and sociology and anthropology.
Two restrictions to the General Education Electives include the following:
- Economics Elective (3 cr. hrs.) – Any approved economics course will satisfy the economics elective requirement. ECON 252 Macroeconomics is recommended. Please note that ECON 251 Microeconomics is not a prerequisite for ECON 252 Macroeconomics.
- World Affairs & Cultures Elective (3 cr. hrs.) – General education elective courses that emphasize an international and/or cultural perspective will satisfy the world affairs & cultures elective requirement. Pre-approved general education courses that meet this requirement are shown in bold.
For the general criteria see the Guide to the General Education program available on the web at:
- RestrictedElectives – (6 hrs.)
Students are required to complete two of the following three courses to satisfy the Restricted Elective requirement. The remaining course may be taken as a technical elective or as a free elective.
ME 300 Thermodynamics II
ME 452 Machine Design II
ME 475 Automatic Control Systems
- TechnicalElectives – (12 hrs.)
Students must complete 12 credit hours in engineering, mathematics, natural sciences, or project/honors option research to satisfy the Technical Elective requirements. The general criteria for technical electives are provided below. A list of pre-approved technical elective courses is providedonthe web at: Any substitutions must have prior approval of the Associate Head.
- Non-required ME 400 and 500 level courses.
- Physics courses of higher level than PHYS 241.
- Chemistry courses of higher level than CHM 116.
- Advanced biology courses and veterinary science courses
- Mathematics courses more advanced than MA 303
- Technical writing, ENGL 421
- 300, 400, or 500 level courses in any engineering school other than mechanical engineering that are not duplicates of other courses taken.
- Free Elective – (3 hrs.)
Students are permitted one 3 credit hour Free Elective. The Free Elective can be satisfied by most
courses on campus with few exceptions. The general guidelines are listed below.
- Additional General Education Electives or Technical Electives can be used for free elective credit.
- Excess introductory engineering electives can be used for the free elective.
- ROTC courses may be used for free elective credit.
- The primary exceptions that are not permitted for the free elective are remedial courses and courses not intended for technical majors.
5.One course we would recommend you consider is CSR 342 Personal Finances.
Note: i. The pass/not pass option may not be used for any courses required for graduation. All courses counted toward any graduation requirement must be taken for a grade. However, any extra courses not being utilized for graduation may be taken pass/not pass.
- A list of project/honors option research topics is available in the Counseling Office (ME 222).
- Deviations from the stated core curriculum must be approved by the Curriculum Committee
of the School of Mechanical Engineering. Requests for substitutions must be made in
writing; they should be submitted to Professor Jones (ME 222).
Reference: University Regulations, Part 2, Section V.F
Policy initiated January 9, 1978
Policy revised August 25, 1982
Students registered in the School of Mechanical Engineering will be subject to the following policies relating to Schedule Revisions:
- Course Additions, Change of Level, or Change of Grade Option
Academic advisors in the School of Mechanical Engineering will not approve course additions, change of level, or a change of grade option (i.e., for a grade vs. P/NP) after the end of the fourth week of a semester, the second week of a summer session, or the first week of Maymester. All courses counted toward BSME graduation requirements must be take for a grade.
- Late Withdrawal from a Course Assignment
Academic advisors in the School of Mechanical Engineering generally will not approve withdrawal from a ME or non-ME course after the end of the fourth week of a semester, the first two weeks of a summer session, or the first week of Maymester. The one exception is when there are extenuating circumstances out of the control of a student that necessitates withdrawal from a course (e.g., a death in the family, a serious illness, etc.). In this case, a student will receive a “W” (withdrawal) grade if they have earned passing grades at the point of withdrawal, which will have no impact on the student’s GPA. The student will need to provide written documentation of the extenuating circumstances. However, if a student does not have passing grades at the point of withdrawal, he or she will receive a “WF” (withdraw failing) grade.