Go for the Greens Foundation Inc.
Mentorship Program
The Go for the Greens Foundation Inc. is expanding a pilot program that provides young women like you in high school and college with an opportunity to meet and connect with women business leaders. This program is designed to recognize your leadership qualities and inspire you to dream big and focus on the next steps to realizing your potential as an entrepreneur or a leader in the workforce.
This mentoring initiative provides educational opportunities in a highly interactive environment to encourage you to learn from mentors as well as each other. The goal is to show you an array of top-level careers that are open to you, with the idea in mind that “You can’t be what you can’t see.” It will include in-person and virtual events.
The initiative kicks off with a one-day curriculum at the Go for the Greens 10.5 business development conference on Friday, February 16, 2018 at Disney’s BoardWalk Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. This event offers you a unique opportunity to learn from women all over North America. You can find more information at www.goforthegreens.org.
If you’d like to participate in the mentorship program, please read the enclosed application and submit your information online at www.goforthegreens.org. The foundation will notify you as soon as possible whether you are accepted into the program so you can make travel arrangements to participate in the February 16th event. Please see the attached information sheet with a schedule for the event.
Thank you, and we wish you great success!
Billie Bryant Schultz, Chair, Go for the Greens Mentorship Program
Cindy Chace, Chair and Co-Founder, Go for the Greens Foundation
Diane Sears, Co-Chair and Co-Founder, Go for the Greens Foundation
Go for the Greens 2017 10.5 Conference
Mentorship Program Activities
Schedule subject to change
Friday, February 16, 2018
Disney’s BoardWalk Resort, Lake Buena Vista, FL
8 to General Session
8:30am Breakfast, Welcome and Announcements
Participants join the general session of the Go for the Greens conference for the initial keynote speech before breaking out into their own special programming.
8:30 to General Session
9:50am Panel: What You Need to Know to Thrive in the Circular Economy
Where do all the materials go when you throw out pieces of equipment and other items that have outlived their usefulness, including simple garbage? Some companies and organizations have put that question to the test and are creating what is known as “The Circular Economy,” taking waste out of the equation. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation defines a circular economy as one that relies on system-wide innovation and aims to redefine products and services to minimize negative impacts. One of its foundations is a transition to renewable energy sources, but it goes much deeper than that. What is your business already doing to contribute to the circular economy, and what more can you do? Our expert panel will discuss why this is important to your customers, your vendors, your shareholders and your bottom line.
Moderator: Tim Center, Sustainable Florida, Tallahassee, FL
· Susanna Carson, BSI Biodegradables, Vancouver, BC
· Rhonda Clark, UPS, Atlanta, GA
· Ken Lindeman, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL
Spotlight: Businesses Making a Difference
· Interviewer: Carolyn Parrs, Women As Game Changers, Santa Fe, NM
· Guest: Mike Taylor, Walt Disney World, Lake Buena Vista, FL
Fireside Chat: Making a Difference in Your Community and Our World
Moderator: Tim Center, Sustainable Florida, Tallahassee, FL
· Clayton Ferrara, IDEAS for US, Orlando, FL
· Dr. Penelope Canan, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
9:50 to Break
10am Move to Marvin Gardens for Mentorship Program
10:20am Orientation
Begin this day of special programming designed to encourage you to think about your future.
Presenters: Cindy Chace and Diane Sears, Go for the Greens
Moderators: Billie Bryant Schultz and Betty Manetta
Introductions around the room
Learn who is in the mentorship program with you as we make introductions around the room.
10:20 to ST. JAMES PLACE
11am Panel: How I Became What I Am Today
Hear from powerful female leaders including entrepreneurs, corporate executives, military officers and nonprofit directors about how they grew up to become who they are today. What did it take to get there, what do they do to stay focused, and what advice do they offer the next generation?
11:40am Workshop: I Can Be Anything I Want
As you write down your goals and ideas of what kinds of careers you might like to pursue, you begin to plan for your future.
· Tracy Barber, UPS, Atlanta, GA
· Sunny Nastase, UPS, Atlanta, GA
11:40am to ST. JAMES PLACE
12:20pm Workshop: I Am Prepared for the Future
Representatives from Walt Disney Company and UPS give insight into how to apply for an internship or a job. Who do you contact, how do you address people, what methods of contact do you use, and how do you follow up?
· Beth Merrick, Walt Disney World, Lake Buena Vista, FL
· John Stephenson, Walt Disney World, Lake Buena Vista, FL
12:20 to ST. JAMES PLACE
12:50pm Lunch
Share a meal and compare notes from the morning. Decide who at each table will represent the group at the closing session from 4 to 4:30pm.
12:50 to Break
1pm Move to East Ballroom
2pm General Session
Keynote: Drive Determines Distance: How Far Are You Willing to Go?
Speaker: Lisa “Longball” Vlooswyck, Calgary, CA
Lisa is a peak performance specialist and will share her journey with you, how she went from a high handicap recreational adult golfer to being ranked second in the world and one of the longest hitters on the planet. She will help you find clarity in the areas of:
· Intrinsic motivation– What are you passionate about? What gets you excited?What drives you?
· Goal setting– How far do you want to go? What do you want to achieve? Do you have limits? Are you challenging yourself enough?
· Overcoming obstacles– You will have setbacks and difficulties. How will you persevere and thrive?
· Collaboration– Teamwork and communication are vital to success. Surround yourself with people who support you.
2 to General Session
2:50pm Active Workshop: Golf Techniques for Any Skill Level (Even None!)
Learn from our group of experts everything from beginner moves — such as how to hold a club, tee off, and putt — to advanced skills—such as chipping, improving your stance, and hitting a longer drive. Visit the interactive stations to brush up on your favorite skills and you’ll be ready to play in the Go for the Greens events on Saturday, or at least talk about golf at the office next Monday.
2:50 to Break
4pm General Session
Mentorship Power Rounds
Young women students meet in informal roundtable sessions with women business owners and leaders from corporate, government, military and nonprofit organizations. Tables will be grouped by industry, topic or interest. Participants should bring business cards.
Moderator: Billie Bryant Schultz, CESCO, Dallas, TX
4:30pm General Session
Interactive Workshop: The Next Generation of Business Leaders
In this interactive session, hear from students who are participants of the Go for the Greens mentoring program about what they’ve learned and what they plan to do with their new knowledge. Also learn about sister mentorship programs by Enterprising Women magazine and other organizations to learn how you can get involved.
Moderator: Monica Smiley, Enterprising Women, Cary, NC
4:30pm Travel home
Go for the Greens Foundation Inc.
Mentorship Program
Please return to by 11:59 p.m. February 9, 2018
NAME: ______HOME CITY: ______
Please include a short essay (maximum 300 words) about your goals for the future. Tell us why you think this program would benefit you. The essay should include:
· How you have demonstrated achievements in leadership. Give specific examples.
· Your aspirations for the future, including educational and professional goals.
· Why this program would be of value and what you would gain as a result.
· Examples of your achievements or interest in entrepreneurship, if applicable.
Please indicate which topics are of interest to you as possible career choices. Choose all that apply, but also rank the top 3.
____ Entrepreneurship
____ Business (corporate leadership, consulting, real estate)
____ Science, technology, engineering and math
____ Environmental sciences
____ Politics and government service
____ Legal (attorney, law enforcement)
____ Military and defense
____ Aeronautics and aerospace
____ Healthcare
____ Animal care
____ Education
____ Sports (competition, medicine, business)
____ Fine arts (painting, drawing, dance, music)
____ Computer graphics, filmmaking, gaming
____ Writing, marketing, advertising
____ Finance (banking, accounting, insurance)
____ Manufacturing
____ Retail operations
____ Farming and agriculture
____ Transportation and logistics
____ Nonprofit leadership
____ Other (please specify) ______
Go for the Greens Foundation Inc., 2014 Edgewater Drive, Unit 186, Orlando, FL 32803
www.goforthegreens.org 407-835-3774, Facebook: GoForTheGreens, Twitter: @goforthegreens