Maps and Globes Unit
Day / AKS / Activity1 / 60 in 60 pretest
2 / 60 in 60 pretest
3 / FOCUS: What are maps used for? What is the purpose of maps?
1. Give One Get One- Students brainstorm what they know about maps and share.
2. Whole class creates KWL Chart About Maps, Using the overhead and white board
4 / A1995_5 / FOCUS: What is scale?
1. Mini-lesson on using scale with yarn and adding, then move to using a sheet of paper.
2. Students will play game in which the measure the distance at different stations at desks.
I explained scale, used string on a map and then moved to a ruler.
Then I took copier paper and drew one line on each sheet- lines were all different lengths. On the bottom of each sheet I created a scale (1 inch = 2 miles). Then I put the answers on the back. Each student got a ruler, scratch paper (to do the adding) and a piece of this copier paper. They found the scale and rotated to other desks/ copier paper
5 / A1998_4 / FOCUS: What is a key or legend? What are map symbols?
Mini-lesson- discuss the key and define symbols
Using the Atlas students play the matching game where each student will be given a different card. One student will get the symbol, another student will get the definition and another student will get an example. Students will need to find each other and then present what they had to the class.
I used a key from our atlas to create this game. On index cards I drew the symbol on one card, the word on another card and an example on the third card. For example, one card had a triangle (symbol), another card had (word) mountain on it, and the last card had Appalachian Mountains (example). Students each got a card and had to find the other two mates. They loved this!
6 / A1998_1 / FOCUS: What are cardinal and intermediate directions?
Label directions in the classroom and play Compass 4 Corners.
Play game of Where in the World with maps and oceans.
7 / A1998_1 / FOCUS: Does North ever change?
Using a bookcase, discuss how bookcase is stationary, and then relate to north.
Complete the Directional Riddles Worksheet.
8 / A1998_2 / FOCUS: Can you use a grid system?
Explain and play the game Battle Ship!
9 / A1998_2 / FOCUS: Assessment on using a grid.
Worksheet United States Desk Map Grid Activity
Play game of Where in the World with maps and oceans.
10 / A1998_2 / FOCUS: What is the Prime Meridian and where is it? What is the equator and where is it?
Explain the Prime Meridian and Equator and define. Discuss Lat is flat with hand motions.
Play Where in the World? Using continents, oceans, lines of lat and long.
11 / A1998_2 / FOCUS: Can you find a “global address?”
Nystrom wipe of map activity on Lat and long
15 / FOCUS: Can you correctly label and place the continents, oceans, equator and prime meridian?
Show students the rubric of how the project will be graded.
Fold map to create lines and label.
Color and label the continents.
Cut and glue.
Label the oceans.
16 / FOCUS: Assessment on labeling the map.
Complete the map quiz
17 / C1998-21b and c / FOCUS: Can you find all these areas?
Focus worksheet using an Atlas
18 / A1998-3 / FOCUS: What is a natural feature and what is a man made feature?
Create a T-Chart with sticky notes dividing the features.
21 / C1998-21b / FOCUS:
Show rubrics on how dictionary will be graded.
Create the Geography Dictionary.
22 / C1998-21b / FOCUS:
Play BINGO game as review
23 / C1998-21b / FOCUS:
Crossword Puzzle of geography terms.
Students cannot use dictionary.