WSASEA Executive Board Meeting
August 4, 2008
10 am-3 pm
Central Washington University
SURC 135
Call to Order at 10:10 am
By: President, Gayle Dohrman
In Attendance: Gayle Dohrman, President- CWU; Kitty Parker, Past President- Evergreen State College; Pam Martin, President Elect- Pacific Lutheran University; Christi Ross, Vice President- Seattle Pacific University; Paula Blair, incoming Secretary- Everett CC; James Jolly, outgoing Secretary- Skagit Valley CC; Robin Guevara, Treasurer- Gonzaga; Daphne Lightfoot, incoming Member at Large- Columbia Basin College; Pam Martin, outgoing Member at Large-Pacific Lutheran University.
Absent: Jeffrey Powell, HECB
Gayle welcomed all & the group introduced themselves. Gayle informed group of logistics of restrooms and food court.
Lunch – provided by WSASEA; board was reimbursed after submitting receipts.
Job Descriptions/Responsibilities- Board members were in agreement they understood their responsibilities. Jim gave the WSASEA lap top computer into Paula’s care. Paula will sign documentation of receipt of computer at a later date. Christi Ross volunteered to do research for a new laptop computer w/printer and projector. Hopefully, we will have some new equipment by the Fall Town Meeting.
Meeting/Conference Expectations – All were in agreement that the events scheduled were feasible and no changes were made. Executive Board Meeting (July/August); Fall Town Meeting (October 17) Mary Grupe Bldg; Winter Meeting (January/Feb); Conference calls as needed.
Jim Jolly, out going Secretary, handed out the Secretary’s Report which consisted of 2008 Conference and Executive Board Meeting. Report was read and after corrections were made a motion was made by Gayle D. to approve the minutes and was unanimously approved.
Robin Guevara, Treasurer, distributed Treasurer’s report. Due to discrepancies in account balances, she will correct and re-distributed via email for approval.
Necessary updates will be made so Gayle D. and Pam M. and Robin G. will be the authorized signatures.
The current membership list will be distributed to Gayle D. and Christi and the active list of members to Jim Dewilde - cc: Gayle.
Old Business:
Presentation topics were discussed for the spring conference i.e. Breakouts for JLD; I-9; Grant Writing; DSHS; Career Development. I was suggested we look at the Evaluations after the Town Meeting to assist us in the preplanning of the conference.
Christi R. will send out electronically the Town Meeting Brochure and she will also update the Yearly Newsletter.
Paula B. volunteered to put together an Access report to create a Downloadable membership directory.
Listserve issues, problems getting on, how to promote use. A suggestion was to have each Board member post a question so others in our field will be awaken to the idea of utilizing the Listserve.
Additional responsibilities were added to the job descriptions as follows:
Post the Welcome-You’re signed up and event dates- Treasurer
Fall – Welcome to Fall – reminder to use the Listserve for questions- President
Spring – Election and SEOTY- Past President
Spring- Fall Town Meeting, Recruitment and HECB list- Vice President
Posting a question on the Listserve was added to all job descriptions.
New Business
Student Employee of the Year- Announcements will be sent out in January and put on the Listserve for SEOTY.
There were no changes to the bylaws or constitution to propose to membership. Current dues for membership are set for $50.00 for 2008-09.
PayPal will be considered as an agent for credit card payments for dues/registration
WSASEA committees – Survey committee was formed to draft up 10 questions for the monkey survey. Committee members are Kitty, Pam and Daphne.
Fall Town Meeting is set for October 17, 2008, 9:00 – 3:30 (9-10 meet & greet) at CWU
Fee for non-members still $15.00. Lunch will be “make your own” sandwiches meat/cheeses and fruit platters.
Suggested possible topic of discussion/speaker was Mark Oursland CWU ~ RE: High Demand Project.
Spring Conference is scheduled for April 27-29, 2009 at Rainbow Lodge. Keynote Speaker possibility is Swil Kanim, Virtuoso violinist of the Lummi Nation. Paula volunteered to contact him and work out the details.
Conference dates/updates were reviewed:
NSEA (2008) – October 20-23 in Philadelphia, PA
WASEA (2009) – April 19-24 in Sacramento, CA
WSASEA (2010) – May 17-19 at Rainbow Lodge
The Yearly Newsletter will be sent out fall quarter (mid September)
The meeting was adjourned @ 2:10 pm by President Gayle D. and was unanimously approved.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Paula Blair
August 8, 2008fs