Eighth District Post Initiation Orientation Program Neophyte Booklet

Welcome to the Eighth District Omega Psi Phi Fraternity.

This program and document is being prepared to provide you with the true understanding of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, and the Eighth District.

This is a required part of your life in Omega.

The Brothers who are presenting this information are here to guide you. Feel free to seek out true Brothers of Omega, those who truly display the Cardinal Principles and values of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity as discussed in this booklet.

Omega needs strong men of principle. Those men, who are willing to live by her principles and standards. Men of action, who are willing to be examples of true leadership. Men who can, and will, influence and inspire their communities.

The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity wants you to take full advantage of all the opportunities and benefits that come with membership.

Take the time to fully read the two books by Dr. Herman Dreer and Dr. Robert L. Gill about the history of Omega to understand the basis for our founding and development.

Please understand that the information in this booklet and from this presentation are strictly confidential and not to be shared with anyone outside of the Fraternity.

It is a good idea that confidential Fraternity materials be kept in a secure stop and inform a Brother where to obtain these materials if anything were to happen to you. Also, inform your family that a Brother will retrieve the materials.

Now it is your time to be a part of the glorious and rich history of Omega. How will your participation influence the next chapters and members of our beloved Fraternity.

May God bless your future endeavors in Omega and life.

Post Initiation Orientation Program for New Members


I. Omega Fraternity Perspective

A. Preamble to the Constitution and Purpose of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

B. Basic Fraternal Traditions

C. Doctrines of Fraternal Ethics

D. The Four Cardinal Principles – A Functional Meaning

II. Fraternity Organization

A. General Information

B. 12 Districts

C. Supreme Governing Bodies

1. Grand Conclave

2. Supreme Council

D. Fraternity Officers

1. Grand Officers

2. Appointed National Positions

3. District Officers

4. Chapter Officers

III. Official Omega Documents

A. The Ritual

1. Formal & Public Meetings

2. Memorial Service

3. Initiations

B. Governing Documents

1. Constitution and Bylaws

2. Policies and Procedures Manual

3. Protocol and Traditions

C. History Books

1. Dr. Herman Dreer

2. Dr. Robert Gill

D. Fraternity Publications

1. The Oracle

2. The Omega Bulletin

IV. Ritualistic Information

V. Duties and Responsibilities of an Omega Man

VI. Official Songs of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

VII. Basic Parliamentary Procedure

VIII. Mandated Programs

Section I: Omega Fraternity Perspective



We, the members of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., believing that men of similar ideals of fellowship should bind themselves together in order to form a more perfect union among college men; to promote the principles of manhood, scholarship, perseverance and uplift; to further brotherly love and fraternal spirit within the organization; and to protect the sanctity of the home and the chastity of woman, do enact and establish this Constitution and accompanying Bylaws for the governance of its members.



The purpose of the Fraternity shall be to bring about a union of college men of similar high ideals of scholarship and manhood in order to:

(a) Stimulate the attainment of ideals and ambitions of its members;

(b) Disseminate and inculcate those ideals among those with whom its members come in contact;

(c) Cooperate with the schools where its Chapters may be located in fostering these ideals;

(d) Occupy a progressive, helpful and constructive place in civic and political life, domestically and internationally;

(e) Prepare its members for greater usefulness in causes of humanity, freedom and dignity of the individual; and

(f) Aid down-trodden humanity in its effort to achieve higher social, economic and intellectual status.

The Basic Fraternal Traditions

Name: The name of the organization shall be the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated.

Cardinal Principles: Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift.

Fraternity Motto: “Friendship is Essential to the Soul.” The implied motto of the Fraternity is “Lifting as We Climb.” Omega Psi Phi represents the Greek words, “Ophelema Philia Psukis.”

Fraternity Colors: Royal purple and old gold.

Fraternity Greeting: The official greeting of members of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. with each other is brother.

Fraternity Hymn: “Omega Dear.”

Official Publication: The Oracle shall be the official publication of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

Purpose of the Fraternity: The purpose of the Fraternity shall be to bring about a union of college men of similar high ideals of similar high ideals of scholarship and manhood. Fraternity is our chosen way of life.

Protocol and Recognition for the Founders: Oscar J. Cooper, Frank Coleman, Edgar A. Love and Ernest E. Just – represent the history and ideals of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. We honor the legacy they passed on to us. The Founders should be revered and honored.

Protocol for Recognition of Chapter Charter members: It is important to recognize and respect those brothers who chartered a chapter, but they are not called Founders. Instead they are referred to as charter members.

Protocol for the Grand Basileus, past Grand Basilei and Grand Officers: Whenever the Grand Basileus, past Grand Basileus or Grand Officers attend any chapter or district function, we afford them a place of honor which may include reading part of the Ritual or standing with Chapter Officers. When Grand Basileus, past Grand Basileus or Grand Officers enters the room of is recognized by the presiding officer, the membership stands in recognition. When Grand Basileus, past Grand Basileus or Grand Officers are introduced or presented the membership stands and remains standing until each have been presented.

Protocol for District Representative or past District Representatives: When the District Representative and/or past District Representative enter a district activity and are introduced; the membership stands and remains standing until they are seated.

Order of Protocol Observance: The order of protocol observance shall be as following: International officers, district officers and then chapter officers.

Governance: The supreme governing body of the Fraternity shall be the Grand Conclave. The supreme governing body of the District shall be the District Meeting.

Meetings: All meetings of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. shall be opened and closed with prayer prescribed by the Ritual. The Keeper of Peace shall be stationed at the door and shall admit only those persons who are members of the Fraternity. The seating arrangements, when possible, at chapter meetings should be as follows: The Basileus of the chapter occupying the seat in the center, while the Keeper of Records and Seal and the Keeper of Finance occupy to his right and left respectively. Fraternity members should wear business attire to all chapter meetings, district meetings, and the Grand Conclave. Smoking, eating and drinking are not permitted during ritualistic ceremonies and are inappropriate for chapter meetings. Ritualistic opening and closing ceremonies must be conducted at chapter meetings, District meetings and Grand Conclaves.

Recognition of members: Members of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. shall refer to each other as “brother.” Any other name such as “dog,” “bruh,” “bro,” is never allowed and should be avoided. Such terms are inappropriate, demeaning and does not constitute the intent of our Founders.


• “Think nobly” - And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever thing are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

• “Walk uprightly” - The unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God - 1Corinthians 6:9-11

• “Forgetting self” - For every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted. Luke 18:14

• “Forgetting petty differences” - A wrathful man stirreth up strife; but he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife. Proverbs 15:18 He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city - Proverbs 16:32

• “Help a worthy, distressed Brother” - Verily, I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40 And the Lord said unto Cain, “Where is Abel, thy brother?” And he said, I know not: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Genesis 4:9

An Omega Spiritual Charge

Former Tenth District Chaplain – Bro. Alan Bacon Sr.

1) MANOOD - The foundation, the start, the beginning - GEN. 1:26 - We are made in the image of God, that is who we represent – the Supreme Basileus. Omega Men, act like men. How do men act? Men act Godly, Nobly, brotherly, friendly, Christ-like. The charge is to remember that we are real men, true men, standing strong for our eternal shrine.

2) SCHOLARSHIP - II Timothy 2:15- Having the spiritual awareness combined with the academic adeptness, the mental preparedness, the intellectual superiority to think nobly, with the mind of Christ.

Omega men use our minds to reason our way into and out of the circumstances and challenges that this life will confront us with; but remember we are facing just what other men have met; Scholarship is more than a tool you received in school; it is a mindset of superiority that will enable you to conquer all. The charge here is to think nobly, and apply your God –given brilliance to illuminate the world in which you live.

3) PERSEVERANCE - GAL.6:9 - Quit, give in, give up, throw in the towel, surrender, bow down, bow out, back away, cut your losses, wave the white flag, call it a day, take your ball and go home, relinquish, resign, walk out, abandon; STOP! None of these words apply to AN OMEGA MAN – The charge is to – Go on, push on, carry on, press on, proceed, full steam ahead, advance, keep on keeping on, eyes front head high to the finish! Remember: Luke 1:37 – “For With God, NOTHING Shall Be Impossible”.

4) UPLIFT - James 4:10 - As The Lord has lifted, is lifting, and we must lift as you climb, teach as you learn, help as you heal, plant as you grow, and watch the Lord of Heaven pour blessings and favor upon you so abundantly that you will be proud and honored to hold OMEGA up and shine her light and uplift our brotherhood for all the world to see.

The Four Cardinal Principles – A Functional Meaning

Manhood - The composite of qualities, such as courage, determination, integrity, and nobility. The true character of being a man among men.

Scholarship – the quest for Knowledge resulting from study and research. The desire to continue earning, the quest to find a better path.

Perseverance - steady persistence in a course of action, or purpose, or state, in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. To fight for what is right against all odds.

Uplift - the process or work of improving life; socially, intellectually, and morally. The action of “Lifting as we climb.”

Section II: Omega Organization

The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. is composed of all Graduate and Undergraduate Chapters and all Financial members of the Fraternity.

NOTE: An Undergraduate Brother is defined as a Brother enrolled in an institution of higher learning and pursuing a baccalaureate degree. Technically, non-financial Brothers are not considered part of the Fraternity.

All Chapters and Financial members are organized into 12 Districts for the purpose of administrative supervision and control. The Districts are governed by the Grand Conclave and are the intermediary governing body between the Supreme Council and the Chapters.

Supreme Governing Bodies

The Grand Conclave: The supreme governing body of the Fraternity. The Grand Conclave shall be composed of the Supreme Council, the Grand Marshal, The Founders of the Fraternity, Past Grand Basilei, and the delegates of the respective Chapters. Other registered Brothers shall be admitted to the sessions of the Grand Conclave, have a voice therein, and serve on committees, however they cannot vote. Delegates are determined by the respective Chapter's financial Membership.

The Grand Conclave shall assemble regularly, but not less than biennially, and at such times and places as may be decided by the Supreme Council.

The Grand Conclave shall hear and act upon the reports of the Officers of the Fraternity, committees, District Representatives, and special panels or commissions established by the Fraternity.

The Grand Conclave shall pass such actions as it deems fitting and proper for the enhancement, perpetuation and general welfare of the Fraternity.

The Grand Conclave shall elect the officers of the Fraternity and representatives to the Supreme Council as provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws. Any member in good standing with the Fraternity, except those holding International or Honorary membership, is eligible for election to office, provided he meets any specialized requirements for a particular office as provided for in the Constitution.

Each chapter in good standing shall be entitled to: two (2) votes; if the Grand Conclave is more than 500 miles from the location of the chapter, then one (1) delegate may cast the two votes of the chapter; and One (1) additional vote for each ten (10) members in good standing above the base limit of twenty (20) members. Each additional vote shall be cast by the registered delegates from the Chapter not serving as the delegates previously mentioned. These delegates may vote only as a delegate of one chapter.

The Grand Conclave has the authority to levy International dues, fees and assessments on the members of the Fraternity.

The Grand Conclave shall hold a banquet in honor and memory of the Founders of the Fraternity: Frank Coleman, Oscar J. Cooper, Ernest E. Just and Edgar A. Love.