Client Registry Active Mode
Procura® Health Management Systems
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Documentation version / 8.0
Last Update Date / 2014-07-17
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Client Registry Active Mode
Trusted Partner ID for the Client Registry Active Mode
To add a System Reference for the Client Registry Active Mode
Adding ERLs for the Client Registry Active Mode
Lookup Table for the Client Registry Active Mode
Client Registry Active Mode
To Intake a Client using the Client Registry Active Mode
990001 - Identifier List
Client Registry Active Mode
Client Registry Active Mode
Trusted Partner ID for the Client Registry Active Mode
The Trusted Partner ID for the Client Registry Active Mode is ClientRegistryActive.
Trusted Partner Tags
The following tags are required to be entered in the Options area of the Trusted Partner form. The values entered will determine how the query is constructed and where it is sent.
-sapplication "Sending Application"
Specifies the sending application name, for example -sapplication "PHCS-Procura"
-sfacility "Sending Facility"
Specifies the sending facility name, for example -sfacility "PRF"
-rapplication "Receiving Application"
Specifies the receiving application name, for example -rapplication "JCR"
-rfacility "Receiving Facility"
Specifies the receiving facility name, for example -rfacility "INITIATE"
-username_prefix "Prefix"
Text to be added to the user name in order to authenticate to the Query Broker. For example -username_prefix "hc_" if the Procura user logged in and initiating the query is test then the query itself will contain the username hc_test.
A parameter will be added to the Options area labeled -mode. This parameter indicates whether the Client Registry being accessed is providing live data or other data. The valid values for this parameter areP = Production data, D = Testing and T = Training. Example: -mode "D"
A parameter will be added to the Options area labeled -URL. This parameter indicates the URL that the Web Service Connectivity DLL should use to connect to the Client Registry Query Broker. This URL must be entered in order for the connection to take place.
For example the testing Query Broker would be accessed via -URL ""
A parameter will be added to the Options labeled -results_limit. This parameter indicates the maximum number of client records to be returned from the Client Registry. This directly sets the value sent with therowLimitparameter. The default value and the suggested starting value for this parameter is 20.
Example: -results_limit "20"
A parameter will be added to the Options labeled -minimum_score. This parameter indicates the minimum score in order for search results to be retrieved from the Client Registry. This directly sets the value of the confidenceThreshold parameter. The suggested starting value for this parameter is 2. This will ensure a minium level of relevance of search results to the criteria.
Example: -minimum_score "2"
A parameter will be added to the Options labeled -mb_expiry_date. This parameter defines the attributes for the identifier that will be used to extract the date for the column MB Expiry Date. The intent of the MB Expiry Date column is to display the expiry date of the client's Manitoba PHIN # therefore this option will always be used with the values for that identifier:
Example: -mb_expiry_date "CANMB:JHN:MB"
A parameter will be added to the Options labeled -source_identifier. This parameter will define the Client Reference Number that will be treated as the Source Identifier for the purposes of matching client results from Procura to client results from the Client Registry. The value of this option will be the Client Reference Name. The Client Reference named by this option must also be named in a -PID_identifier option and have its Description value entered according to the format provided forPatient Identifiers.
Example: -source_identifier "Procura Registry #"
A parameter will be added to the Options labeled -default_search_identifier. This parameter will define the Client Reference Number that will be selected when the Find Client form is loaded initially. The Client Reference named by this option must also be named in a -PID_identifier option and have its Description value entered according to the format provided forPatient Identifiers.
Example: -default_search_identifier "PHIN #"
Template | HT_-_Trusted_Partner_Options_for_Client_Registry_Active_Mode.htm
To add a System Reference for the Client Registry Active Mode
Add a system reference label called Client Registry Active Mode with a value of YES.
Template | HT_-_System_Reference_for_Client_Registry_Active_Mode.htm
Adding ERLs for the Client Registry Active Mode
The primary client identifier in Manitoba is the Manitoba Health Number, entered in the WRHA Rural database as the Client Reference Number PHIN #. However because not all clients who receive service will be registered in Manitoba, it is necessary to account for those who have an Alternate Identifier from another Assigning Authority. So the user might be presented with a new intake who can provide only an Alternate Identifier. These will be set up as Client Reference Numbers. A new trusted partner option defines the Client Reference Numbers to be included in the HL7 export as Alternate Identifiers. It is called -PID_identifier.
A Source Identifier will also be required to uniquely identify the Client within Procura. The Source Identifier is a Client Reference that is specified by a -PID_identifier Trusted Partner option. The Description will follow the format for HL7 identifiers, where the Assigning Authority, Identifier Type and Assigning Facility are separated by colons. The values entered into this specific reference identify it to the Client Registry as the Source Identifier CANMB:MR:PR. The auto-generation of the Source ID will allow clients who are added to Procura after Client Registry is running to automatically have the Source Identifier entered. For clients who already have a record in Procura a script will need to be run to populate this Client Reference as a one-time event prior to implementation.
- From the Maintenance menu, select Funders. The Funder/Provider Module form displays.
- Select from the table the funder you want to work with.
- Click Edit. The Provider/Funder Information window displays the General tab.
- Click the References tab.
- Click Add above the Client table. The Funder/Client Reference Fields window displays.
- In the Label textbox, type the descriptive name for the reference number that is shown to users, (e.g., PHIN #).
- In the Description textbox, type the Assigning Authority for the Identifier, Identifier Type and Assigning Facility, separated by colons, (e.g., CANMB:JHN:MB). See Appendix: Table 990001.
- Click the Unique Value checkbox.
- From the Formula drop-down box, select Modular 11 Primes.
- In the Min Length and Max Length spinboxes, select 9.
- Click OK to return to the Provider/Funder Information window.
- Click Add above the Client table. The Funder/Client Reference Fields window re-displays.
- In the Label textbox, type Procura Registry #.
- In the Description textbox, type the Assigning Authority for the Identifier, Identifier Type and Assigning Facility, separated by colons, (e.g., CANMB:MR:PR). See Appendix: Table 990001.
- Click the Unique Value checkbox.
- From the Formula drop-down box, select Check Length.
- In the Min Length and Max Length spinboxes, select 10.
- Click OK to return to the Provider/Funder Information window.
- Click Add above the Client table. The Funder/Client Reference Fields window re-displays.
- In the Label textbox, type z-Other Health ID.
- In the Description textbox, type a description for the reference field.
- Click the Unique Value checkbox.
- From the Lookup Table drop-down box, select the province you want to work with.
- Click OK to return to the Provider/Funder Information window.
Template | HT_-_ERL_for_the_Client_Registry_Active_Mode.htm
Lookup Table for the Client Registry Active Mode
A lookup table with the label Z-OTHERHEALTHID must be created for the z-Other Health ID Client Reference Label. Valid values include the following:
Province / PID-3.4AB / CANAB
Template | HT_-_Lookup_Table_for_the_Client_Registry_Active_Mode.htm
Client Registry Active Mode
In Manitoba, client information exists in numerous health care information systems throughout the province. Client demographics are replicated many times and there is no means to tie the various sources of clinical and administrative information together. To resolve these problems the Provincial Client Registry was created as a system that gathers client information from across the province to create a single authoritative source of demographic information on each person receiving health care in Manitoba.
There are two types of interfaces that can be implemented between Procura and the Client Registry. The Passive Mode is a one-way interaction in which the registration system sends client data to the Client Registry, and then the Client Registry is updated. The licensed Active Mode enables the registration system to query the Client Registry and retrieve the client's last demographics. The interface is integrated with the Client Registry. So you can search the Client Registry from within the registration system, retrieve client information from the Client Registry, and then save it into the registration system.
If you enable the Active Mode, Procura will connect to the Provincial Client Registry system to obtain client demographic information from the system. This will prevent you from having to re-enter demographic information for new client registrations, re-admissions (update demographics), etc. The client records are color-coded in a table to differentiate between those that are Procura only, Client Registry only and Client Registry matching Procura. In order to use this mode, the MBCR_ACTIVESERVICE.DLL file must exist in the Procura install path, where the Winpro.exe file resides. Keep in mind that your System Administrator should not add the Add Client access right to users or groups.
First Name (your client's first name) (all Name fields are combined as name 'tokens' and will return matches, regardless of the specific name element they are entered in, e.g., if a First name search uses the name 'Steve' that string will be matched against all the name fields in the Client Registry; First Name, Last Name, etc.) (the minimum number of search criteria that must be entered for the Name is 2 tokens, e.g. First Name + Last Name, or First Name + Alias, etc.)
Middle Name (your client's middle name)
Last Name (your client's last name)
Alias (the name your client prefers to be called)
Birth Date (your client's date of birth)
Home Phone (your client's home telephone number)
Identifier Type (the client reference you want to search for)
Identifier Value (the value of identifier you want to search for)
Clear (clears the form of all information)
Procura Search Method (the method you want Procura to use to find your client)
- Exact Match - only an exact match of the information entered in the boxes below will display in the search results
- Partial Match at Beginningspecifies - a partial match at the beginning of the information entered in the boxes below will display in the search results
- Partial Match Anywhere - any match of the information entered in the boxes below will display in the search results
Search (begins the search process of both the Procura database and the Client Registry)
Table of matching clients (if there are client records in Procura that match the search information you entered above, they will appear here) (if you see your client record listed in this table, you do not need to add it to your Procura database; just select it from the table and open it) (if you are unsure as to which client to open, you can use the References/Identifiers table below to further filter the results of your client search)