Sarah Harris, Ph.D.,Co-Chair
Spring 2017
Committee Members
Present:Co-Chair: Jennifer Vega La Serna, Sarah Harris
Faculty Representatives: Amy Vega-Pritchett, Emily Campbell, Jeanette Rollinger, Milli Owens, Scott Williams, Vineta Harper,James McDonnell,Erik Armstrong,Tracy Myers
Articulation Officer: Greg Keen
Curriculum Librarian: Daniel Alvarado
Academic Deans/Directors:Cindy DeLain, Jessica Morrison, Louann Waldner, Robert Urtecho, Michelle Brock,Brent Davis
Distance Ed Coordinator:Deborah Nolan
Financial Aid Director: David Loverin
Financial Aid Resources Specialist: Amanda Cota
Evaluations Specialist: Justine Kincade
Director of Police Academy: Rick Haskill
Absent:Faculty Representatives:Andy Hinojosa, Jennie Garcia,Kim Pitigilano,Terri Paden
Academic Deans/Directors: Marshall Fulbright,Thad Russell
Director of Learning Resources: Mary-Catherine Oxford
Evaluations Specialist: Joanne Barkhurst
Student Representative: Andrew Siegel
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
3:10 pm – 5:00 pm, Hospital Rock Room 133
- Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 3:10 pm
- Comments/Questions
- Regarding items on the Agenda – None
- Regarding items not on the Agenda – None
- Action Items
- Minutes from December 7, 2017– MSC Armstrong/Owens. No discussion. No opposed and no abstentions.
- Course Approval: CULN 020/CULN 107 –NUTR 020 and NUTR 107 were approved by the Board on June 13, 2016. The Division of Consumer and Family Studies is asking approval to cross-list these courses as CULN 020 and CULN 107. CULN020 is identical toNUTR 020. CULN 107 is identical to NUTR 107. MSC Vega/Owens. All in favor. No opposed and no abstentions.
- Information Items
- Currency Report – Sarah presented the updated Currency Report and reminded members to review their queues in CurricuNet.
- Curriculum Committee Reports to the Academic Senate – Sarah presented the reports. The Curriculum Committee reviewed the reports. Members had small group discussion about the curriculum. Members presented their experiences moving curriculum through the processes.
- New Business/Discussion
- Chancellor’s Office Updates – Sarah presented information about the Chancellor’s Office Inventory System, expectations on curriculum, and timeline.
- Policy Discussion: New Programs, New Departments – Members discussed developing a policy to for creation of new programs requiring presentation to the committee prior to the development of new courses, and a policy related to the development of new departmental course designations.
- CourseLeaf Catalog Demonstration – Mike Wood with CourseLeaf demonstrated a draft version of the 2017-18 General Catalog. There was a question and answer session and discussion on the curriculum portion of the software.
- Unfinished/Ongoing Business
- Division Curriculum Process –Sarah reminded divisions to send her text detailing the division’s curriculum process. In the next meeting we will work as a group to help develop the Curriculum Handbook.
- Adjourn– Meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm. MSC Owens/Williams.