What We Believe for Teens

Author: Seth J. Pierce

© 2007 by Pacific Press©

Readability Level 7.4 / Points 15

Word Count: 58,135

176 pages

1. Shooting toy missiles at a Black Belt dad illustrated ______.

a. giving bad advice
b. human creativity
c. humorous ways to communicate with parents
d. parental forgiveness

2. When reading the Bible you should ______.

a. read a few verses and think about what you have read.
b. always ask God to send you the Holy spirit to help you understand
c. wait for God to impress your thoughts with holy ideas
d. all of these

3. Different kinds of paintings and photos are used to explain ______.

a. distorted pictures of God / b. the Holy Spirit
c. God’s creativity / d. none of these

4. Pierce’s science teacher thought fish became monkeys because ______.

a. they got stuck in pools / b. they ran out of food
c. they were pulled out of the ocean by the sun / d. none of these

5. “You were born______don’t die______“.

a. free….a slave / b. an original… a copy / c. pure….sinful / d. smart…dumb

6. The problem Magellan had going around the world was ______before he got home.

a. he died / b. he picked a fight with Philippine Islanders
c. most of his sailors mutinied / d. all of these

7. When the 7 sons of Sceva commanded a demon to come out, the demon______.

a. beat them and stripped their clothes off / b. laughed at them
c. went into some pigs / d. none of these

8. The Polar Bear Club ______.

a. protected polar bears from hunters / b. raised polar bears
c. swam in ice cold water / d. worshipped polar bears

9. The Remnant is the ______.

a. first part / b. last part / c. strongest / d. most popular

10. When Pentecost came the disciples were ______.

a. all dressed alike / b. all with the same understanding of what to do
c. all with one objective / d. all planning to lead out

11.Baptism is a symbol of ______.

a. dying to sin
b. a public declaration of your faith
c. being committed to doing what God wants you to
d. all of these

12.Foot washing is a symbol of ______.

a. cleansed sin / b. serving each other / c. both of these / d. neither of these

13. The author got a ______for his bride-to-be.

a. blue glass bear / b. golden watch
c. antique locket / d. none of these

14. The Spirit of Prophecy is given to prophets ______.

a. to receive visions / b. to give warnings about the present
c. to encourage God’s followers / d. all of these

15. Life without laws is ______.

a. boring / b. dangerous / c. pleasant / d. none of these

16. If we aren’t interested in keeping God’s commandments, we aren’t ______.

a. followers of Jesus / b. going to be liked
c. very smart / d. well

17. Jesus worshiped every week at ______when he was growing up.

a. home / b. the synagogue / c. the temple / d. the sea side

18. Stewardship is about how we use ______.

a. abilities / b. money / c. time / d. all of these

19. A man in Nepal married his ______.

a. dog / b. cat / c. sister / d. aunt

20. The Sanctuary system explained how to get rid of ______.

a. enemies / b. food / c. sin / d. none of these
Correct answers: / 1-a 2-d 3-a 4-a 5-b 6-a 7-a 8-c 9-b 10-c 11-d 12-c 13-c 14-d 15-b 16-a 17-b 18-d 19-a 20-c