RCC Minutes



Present: James, Mark, Brian, Hans, Andy, Miriam, Jenny

8:20am - Approve Minutes from 2/07/07 and 2/14/07 meetings

  • Emailed 2/08/07 and 2/19/07 Respectively
  • VOTE TO APPROVE 2/14/07-PASSED – 5-0-0
  • VOTE TO APPROVE 2/07/07-PASSED – 5-0-0

8:21AM - National Travel Fund – Tennis

  • Review of request
  • If funding request for airfare, advisor writes memo to council regarding cost changes for council to vote on.

8:31am - Review of Finances - Brian

  • RCC
  • Including National Travel Fund? YES
  • Will we review and present monthly programmatic budgets? They are already a part of the excel spreadsheet, and new items will be highlighted and summarized by the treasurer. Will report what allocated, spent, remaining, on a monthly basis and compare to banner report.

Review of Finances – Mark

  • Rec Clubs
  • What allocated, what has been spent, how much remaining for each individual club, and totals for all clubs.
  • Including National Travel Fund? NO

8:55am - Equestrian Budget

  • Officially release funds
  • Budget:
    $40 per helmet for 5 helmets= $200
    $20 per lesson for 10 lessons= $200

9:00am -Spring Term Meeting

  • Main topics – elections, RCC panel
  • Elections within clubs for following year leadership? Mandatory? James’s Idea – outgoing leadership nominates a new leader, election held only in case of objection.
  • RCC will relate what other clubs have done in the past and what has worked/not worked as far as continuing leadership of the club.
  • Clubs must use and explain a process used to fill at least three leadership positions by a date to be determined.
  • Date
  • Elections
  • RCC Panel/Question and Answer time
  • Availabilities of current RCC members
  • What topics? Jenny and Miriam will make a proposal of suggestions

9:20am - Continued Discussions

  • Bad Standing
  • Definition – any one of the following; not participating in term meeting/training, not turning in registration, not turning in term reports, not participating in required elections.
  • What to do to get out of
  • Options to get out of bad standing for not voting - Essay, volunteer time (4hrs) for Campus Rec, participate in a vote
  • Term training – what are consequences of not participating?
  • Bad Standing
  • How to get out of Bad Standing – short essay quiz.
  • No meeting finals week
  • No meeting spring break
  • No meeting week of spring training

Agenda for next week:

-National Travel Fund for Table Tennis

-Topics for spring training

-inactive club definition

Meeting Adjourned at 9:47am