/ Student Retrieval Package
(following an Awards BoardDecision ofCannot ProceedorCannot Confer Intended Award)

A Retrieval Package must be constructed for a student for whom the Awards Boardhas made a Cannot Proceedor Cannot Confer Intended Awarddecision. The purpose of the Retrieval Package is to detail the modules the student will undertake to retrieve his/her position in order to be eligible for aProceedor Confer Intended Awarddecision at a future Awards Board. [NB:such students remain registered for the same course.]


Section 1: Student Details

Student’s Surname / SID Number
Student’s Forename / Aw BdDate of Progression Decision
Intended Award / Course Title

Section 2: Modules with assessment and/or re-assessment (with or without attendance) still to be completed (usually highlighted in YELLOW on the Academic Profile Report)

Module Code / Module Title / Please tick () as appropriate / Date of assessment (mm/yyyy) or period (Sem/Tri) for attendance / Comments/Notes
Initial Assessment / Reassessment / with attend-
MOD00_ _ _ _

Section 3: Modules to be retaken or taken as a replacement module(usually highlighted in ORANGEon the Academic Profile Report)

Module Code / Module Title / Period (Semester or Trimester) / If this module is a replacement module… / Comments/Notes
…it is replacing:
MOD00_ _ _ _

Section 4: Intermission, next progression pointand new expected end date

Intermission / Does this Retrieval Package require the student to intermit? / NO / YES (if so, please detail start and end dates for intermission)
Next Progression Point / This student will next be considered for Progression at the end of the following period (delete as appropriate): / 20_ _ /_ _SEM1 / SEM2 / TRI1 / TRI2 / TRI3 / TRN1 / TRN2 / TRN3 / SES1 / SES2
This student’s academic year will now operate as a: / September Start / February Start (only permitted if such a structure is validated) / other (please state)
New Expected End Date / The student’s expected end date for his/her course will be at the end of the following period (delete as appropriate): / 20_ _ /_ _SEM1 / SEM2 / TRI1 / TRI2 / TRI3 / TRN1 / TRN2 / TRN3 / SES1 / SES2

Section 5: Confirmation of Retrieval Package

Has this Retrieval Package been discussed and agreed with the student? / YES / MEETING SCHEDULED (if so, when?)

Director of Studies: ______(name) ______(signed)Date: ______

Please send completed Retrieval Package forms directly to (with ‘Retrieval Package’ and the SID in the E-mail Subject Line)