Metropolitan State University August 2006
Community Faculty Orientation is Aug. 7
The Metropolitan State University Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) will be holding a Community Faculty Orientation on Tuesday, Aug. 7, from 6-9:30 p.m. on the Saint Paul Campus, Library and Learning Center, Room 302. The orientation provides recently-hired community faculty members the opportunity to meet with other community faculty members and ask questions of Metropolitan State University’s key support people and their services.
If you are a community faculty member who was unable to attend a previous orientation or a community faculty member who has not taught for several years and would like to attend the orientation, contact Sam Erickson at 651-793-1774 or to register.
University Picnic is Aug. 24
President Bradshaw will host the university’s annual picnic on Thursday, Aug. 24 on the front lawn of the Saint Paul Campus, 11:30 a.m-12:30 p.m. In the event of bad weather the picnic will be in the Great Hall. Community faculty members are encouraged to attend and take the opportunity to meet with fellow university faculty and staff. If you would like to attend the picnic, RSVP no later than Aug. 14 to Leanne Derry at 651-793-1901 or
Fall Faculty Conference is Sept. 30 – Proposal Deadline Sept. 1
Mark you calendar! The Fall Faculty Conference will take place on Saturday, Sept. 30 on the Saint Paul Campus from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. The conference theme is Teaching Locally, Thinking Globally. The keynote speaker will be Nick Hayes, Professor Saint John’s University. Other conference features will include a “Chat with Deans and Directors” session, and the presentation of the Excellence in Teaching and Advising Awards.
Conference information may be found on the Calls for Proposal form found on page 6 of this Update. You may also submit an electronic proposal at The Call deadline has been extended to Sept. 1 to accommodate faculty not teaching over the summer.
Faculty Needed for FallFest Activities
As part of this years homecoming (FallFest), Student Life and Leadership Development would like to implement a program called “Classes without Quizzes.” The idea is to allow knowledge-seeking individuals a chance to attend a “class” and hear lectures from some of our top professors on topics of your choice.
The lectures would be designed to run between 45 to 90 minutes each and would be held at various times on Friday, Sept. 15. If you would like more information or are interested in presenting a topic, contact Philip Fuehrer at 651-793-1551 or by Wednesday, Aug. 9.
Faculty Services Available at Metropolitan State Campuses
Nancy Bagshaw-Reasoner, Director, Educational Services and Special Events
The fall 2006 semester begins on Aug. 26 and Building Services would like to remind faculty of the various services provided on our three campuses.
Saint Paul Campus
General Information: The Saint Paul Campus information desk is located in the main lobby of Founders Hall and staffed Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Copy Services: Copy services are available within each of the colleges/schools; contact the appropriate office for hours and procedures. There is a public copier located in New Main on lower level on the south end near the elevator and steps and on the second floor of the Library by the circulation desk. Faculty and staff may access this copier by using their Metropolitan State I.D. card. The cost of the copying is charged back to the appropriate college/department. Students may access this copier by coin operation.
Security and Escort Services: The Saint Paul Campus security officer can be reached at 651-775-0444 (cell phone). The security officer at The Library and Learning Center on the Saint Paul Campus can be reached at 651-775-0715. Security staff is responsible for general safety, locking and unlocking doors, escort service, key related issues, and assistance with audiovisual requests, severe weather information, lighting issues, lost and found, power outages, fire alarm response, and other general security/safety items. Dialing **11 at the Saint Paul campus phone will connect you with the safety officer.
Minneapolis Campus
Parking: Ramp parking is available for $5 in the ramp across from MCTC on Hennepin Avenue. The automated ramp gates will accept $1, $5 or $10 dollar bills, or quarters, and will dispense up to $5 change. Prepaid parking access cards can be purchased from the Bookstore or the MCTC Website They are also available for purchase on the Saint Paul Campus at the Cashier’s Office on the third floor of Founders Hall. Parking costs with this card are reduced to $2.50 per entry.
*Note: Staff and faculty may also purchase parking cards through payroll deduction. The charge for parking is also $2.50 per day or $25 per pay period. With payroll deduction, you are charged for five days a week, but have access seven days a week. And with payroll deduction, your card is accepted at the parking lot on the Saint Paul campus for no extra charge.
Security and Escort Services: If you have any safety or security concerns at the Minneapolis Campus, call the campus public safety office by dialing 612-659-6900 or extension 6900 from any campus phone. To request an escort, call a campus public safety officer by dialing 612-659-6910 or extension 6910 from any campus phone.
Copy Services: The MCTC copy center is located on the second level (second floor) of the Technology Building and offers a variety of services available to all Metropolitan State faculty and students. The copy center is open Monday to Thursday from 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m..; 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Friday; and on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to noon. Available services are as follows:
· Copies – Both full service copying and self-serve copying is available at a cost of 10¢ per page. A coin-operated copier is also located in the library.
· Faxing – Fax machines are available at $1 per page.
· Postal Service – Both business and personal mail can be dropped off for US Mail pick-up.
· Courier – The MnSCU courier makes daily pick-up for interoffice delivery.
Classroom Access: Keys are provided to faculty for each classroom in which they teach. On the first night of classes, stop by the Public Safety Office located on the skyway level of the parking ramp. You will complete a key request form. Photo identification is required to sign-out a key. (The keys may not be available until the following week.)
Midway Center
General Information: The Midway Center information desk is located in Suite 100A and staffed Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Security: The Midway Center security officer can be reached on the cell phone: 651-775-6122. Security staff is responsible for locking and unlocking doors, general safety, escort service, key related issues, severe weather information, lighting issues, lost and found, power outages, fire alarm response and other general security/safety items
Copy Services: The Midway Center is not equipped or staffed for large copying jobs. However, there is a public copier located in the reception area. Faculty and staff may access this machine by using their Metropolitan State I.D. card. The cost of the copying is charged back to the appropriate college/department. Students may access this copier by coin operation. Faculty may have their support staff copy material and send it to the pick-up table located in the reception area.
Resident and Community Faculty Professional Development Grants
Article 19, Section A
Article 10, Section J, Subd. 4
Fall Application Deadline: Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2006
Amount for Distribution
The amount available for professional development funds will be based on the current collective bargaining agreement. One-half to two-thirds of the awards will be distributed in the fall and the remaining in the spring.
Sept. 13, 2006 / Application from faculty member to appropriate college/school Faculty Issues Committee representativeSept. 22, 2006 / College/school faculty committee award recommendations to appropriate dean
NOTE: Only those awards recommended are forwarded to the next review level.
Oct. 6, 2006 / Dean’s council award recommendations to provost
Oct. 13, 2006 / Provost/academic affairs vice president award recommendations to President Bradshaw
Oct. 25, 2006 / Announcement of awards
If a grant is not funded, the dean/executive director will meet with the faculty member to discuss reasons and possible future proposals. The faculty member may also choose to meet with his/her college/school Faculty Issues Committee representative.
Possible activities
Examples of possible activities include but are not limited to:
· conducting traditional as well as nontraditional research;
· pursuing continued study related to new learning and/or research;
· delivering papers/presentations/artwork at conferences/workshops/festivals;
· attending seminars, workshops, festivals or courses;
· traveling or obtaining materials for continuing study or research; and
· traveling to collections, archives, and data sources for continuing study or research.
Criteria for All Types of Grant Applications
The purposes of professional development grants are to encourage continued scholarly growth and other creative activities and to assist faculty members in enhancing their professional competence in areas related to their work at Metropolitan State University. Grants to community faculty are limited to those community faculty represented by the Inter-faculty Organization, that is, faculty who teach at least one, three-credit course during a fiscal year and are not in another state agency bargaining unit.
Professional development grant awards will be judged on: the professionally recognized quality of the proposed activity (e.g., research, conference, workshop).
· the extent to which it demonstrates scholarship and represents new learning;
· community faculty member's availability for future teaching and the university's anticipated use of that community faculty;
· relationship to the faculty member's present or future work at Metropolitan State University;
· the rank of the faculty (applications from nontenured and tenure-track faculty will receive greater priority).
· the amounts, dates and purposes of past awards received by the faculty member.
Additional Criteria for Conference/Workshop/Festival Attendance:
Grants are awarded for many different, valued activities and conference/workshop/festival attendance, is only one type of grant allocation. The criteria listed above will be applied to all categories for which grants are awarded. In the case of grant applications for conferences, workshops, or festivals, the following rank ordering will also guide grant allocation.
1. Travel to present academic papers and/or artistic works already accepted (regardless of whether or not the person received a PDG during the prior round of grant awards).
2. Travel to present academic papers and/or artistic works submitted, but not yet accepted (regardless of whether or not the person received a PDG during the prior round of grant awards).
3. Travel to a conference, workshop or festival at which the person is in a formal role (e.g., chairing a panel, serving on a committee meeting at the conference) when the person did not receive a PDG during the prior round of grant awards.
4. Travel to a conference, workshop or festival at which the person is in a formal role (e.g., chairing a panel, serving on a committee meeting at the conference) when the person did receive a PDG during the prior round of grant awards.
5. Travel to a conference, workshop or festival for professional growth and development when the person did not receive a PDG during the prior round of grant awards.
6. Travel to a conference, workshop or festival for professional growth and development when the person did receive a PDG during the prior round of grant awards.
In general, professional development funds will not be awarded to:
· pursue graduate degrees, or
· reimburse faculty for their time.
All expenditures must be preapproved. Requests and expense reports for professional development funds must be forwarded to the deans who will forward them to the Provost/Academic Affairs Vice President’s Office. The required forms and detailed information on how to request reimbursement can be found in the online Reference Manual which can be found on the Faculty/Staff Portal.
Professional development grant applications for resident faculty and community faculty can be found at
Metropolitan State University Center for Teaching and Learning Fall Faculty Conference 2006
Call for Proposals
Teaching Locally, Thinking Globally
Fall Faculty Conference ● Saturday, Sept. 30, 2006
As new technology changes the way we live and work, it also presents numerous teaching opportunities and challenges. Questions and topics to consider for your presentation at the 2006 Fall Faculty Conference include: How can higher education faculty respond effectively to technology and workforce changes? How can teachers develop their on- ground and online instructional methods to respond to the increasingly interconnected, complex, and technologically sophisticated global community? How can we teach locally so that our students leave our institution with skills necessary to be critically engaged and successful global citizens? What pedagogical tools are critical to teach in culturally rich and academically diverse classrooms? Sessions are invited on a variety of topics including how to:
· teach critical thinking skills for engaged and effective global citizenship
· evaluate and navigate information and information sources
· generate higher level thinking skills in on ground and online discussions
· implement pedagogical strategies for classes with varying levels of student preparedness
· take advantage of new technology to promote teaching effectiveness
We hope you will consider the broad implications of the theme and submit a program proposal either individually or in collaboration with your colleagues. We encourage programs that create dialogue and lively, interactive and engaging interaction between the presenters and the audience. This theme should also encourage you to invite students to be a part of your proposed program. As Metropolitan State University examines its mission and vision for the future, we recognize that teaching responsive to diverse student learning needs and goals will remain at the core of this institution and that there is value in conversing about teaching in order to learn from the wisdom of others.
Call for Proposal Cover Sheet
Proposed program title: ______