Fruzsina Veress Résumé

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Fruzsina Veress

87 Gayland Rd.

Needham, MA 02492


Work on natural language software for internationalization or categorization and information retrieval.

A software engineer with a background in linguistics, I am best qualified and most interested in working on natural language processing projects. Having over ten years of experience with several programming languages, operating systems, development environments, source control systems, editors, data bases and web tools, I will face new challenges confidently.


programming languages / Java, C/C++, Perl
development environments / Gnu GCC, G++, Microsoft MSVC++ , MSVJ++ , Jbuilder, Apple MPW shell
platforms/operating systems / Linux, Solaris, Windows 2000/NT/CE, MacOS, MS-DOS
libraries / MFC, JNI, STDL, Perlib
database related software / Sybase, isql, JDBC, OpenClient, DBase
other software / JavaCC, LotusNotes, SourceSafe, emacs, ClearCase, cvs, make
internet / HTML, Xpath
natural languages / Hungarian (native), German (fluent), French (rusty), Russian (rudimentary)


·  Computational Linguist Teragram Corporation: 2003 February - present

Code tools in Perl for information retrieval and categorization.

Maintain morphological engine (written in C under Linux).

Create various tools and components for concept extraction.

Code context free grammar rules for German and Swedish.

Maintain German, Dutch and Swedish lexicons.

·  Senior Software Engineer Divine (formerly NorthernLight): 2001 February - 2002 December

o  Internationalize search engine

design, code language module in C++ to work with indexer
UTF-8 conversion, tokenization, stemming
Arabic, Chinese, Hungarian modules
research, spec other languages
work with native language consultants
make test plan

o  Conduct classification experiments

write various tools in Perl under Unix
training and tests for an automatic classification system
research internationalization issues of taxonomy development

·  Senior Software Engineer Lernout & Hauspie, 1998 - 2001

Design and code parser in Java, recode in C++.
Rewrite parts of a C language spelling checker in Java.
Create a rule compiler for grammar rules using JavaCC (a Yacc-like tool.)
Design and code a JNI (java) wrapper for a C++ database application.
Design, code MFC GUI demo of speller for Windows CE.

·  Software Development Engineer Inso Corporation, 1992 - 1998

Maintain and develop international spelling checker: add languages, features.
Add features to grammar checker.
Design and code OpenClient module for communication with Sybase server.
Write technical specifications.
Provide customer support.

·  Applications Specialist Houghton Mifflin Company, 1990-1992

Develop and maintain database applications in Foxbase, DBase and Recital.

·  Computer Science Instructor Boston University, 1984-1990

Teach introductory programming courses in C and Pascal on various platforms.

·  Information Systems Consultant San Jose State University, CA, 1988-1989

Help academic computer users with software needs, mostly under VM/CMS.

·  Translation Analyst Xerox Corporation, Rochester, NY, 1983-84

Linguistic work servicing machine translation.


In-house course at Divine / Topic Classification / 2002
Harvard Extension School / Windows Programming / 1999
In-house courses at Inso / Perl, C++, software engineering / 1995-97
University of Rochester, Rochester NY / Computer Science Courses / 1980-82
Hungarian Academy of Sciences / Research Assistantship in Linguistics / 1975-77
Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest, Hungary / MA in Linguistics / 1974
Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, East Germany / Year abroad / 1973