CedarsPark Residents Association AGM
Held Friday 30th June 2017 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre
Apologies were received from . MP Jo Churchill, Arthur Charvonia MSDC Chief Exec, Councillors Barry Humphreys, Barry Salmon, and Andy Emms Head Teacher Cedars Park School.
The Chairman Roger Willison Gray opened the meeting at 7.30 pm and thanked all those attending. During the course of the evening Roger gave a summary (as follows) on issues important to the whole of the Cedars Park community.
“Over the time I have spent as Chairman of the CPRA I have dealt with a wide range of issues and met with many elected representatives and officers of the various councils and agencies who provide services to Cedars Park. Sometimes relationships have been warm and sometimes they have been fiery but rarely have we been excluded or ignored. Since the merger of Mid Suffolk and Babergh Councils things have cooled significantly and it is increasingly difficult to get effective engagement with the new council.
We decided to take the initiative and together with our Life President Fred Hillyer arranged a meeting with the new CEO of the merged council. We presented the CEO (Arthur Charvonia) with a range of issues affecting us and asked for his assistance in engaging with the relevant officers.He assured us that he would deal with the issues we raised and that he would engage with his team and get back to us. That meeting was over two months ago and despite working with our local councillors and many fruitless phone calls we have had no response.
One of the issues we particularly wanted the CEO to address is the Village Centre Public Art Project. Crest Nicholson donated £10,000for a public art installation in what was planned to be the Village Centre (now Cedrus House). A number of promising discussions were held with Mid-Suffolk District Council about what form the project should take and where the installation should be, to allow the residents to enjoy the artwork.
Unfortunately the officer dealing with the case went on maternity leave and was not replaced. During her absence, a decision was taken ( without further consultation) to assign the project to a contractor without any procurement process or oversight. The first we knew of this was when we received a copy of the project report highlighting how the funds had been spent. Over £9000 had been spent on consultancy fees and expenses and less the £500 on materials.
The result was asmall project between the school and Cedrus House Care Home ( a commercial enterprise) involving a small number of children and residents of the home. We certainly have no objections to projects of this natureand support any activities which bring young and old closer together. Our objections are simple the £10,000 was misused by an organisation which was not properly appointed ( without competition) and no public art has been installed as a result. At best , this is mismanagement and we believe that the funds were improperly spent. As a result of the CEO’s lack of response we held a public vote at the AGM as to how to proceed. I am pleased to say that the decision was unanimous by the members attending, who voted to raise a formal complaint against the council with the goal of regaining the funds which we believe were misspent”
Local Press
Fred Hillyer contacted local press to attend, neitherthe Mercury or Bury Free Press(who said they did not attend after 6pm) put in an appearance:Very disappointed with this response. Do we have a 9am to6pm press thesedays or are we not newsworthy?
No police officers were able to attend.We did have a short information e-mail from PC Stefan Henricksen informing us that the two recent burglaries and robberies were under investigation and arrests had been made in connection with other offences.
There was considerable concern voiced by residents about the low level of policing and lack of visibility of police officers. At the moment there are no foot patrols and the PCSO’s ( 70% Of the area’s Safer Neighbourhood Team) finish at 6pm. No wonder visible presence is lacking. For years we have enjoyed low levels of crime , but these levels are rising both nationally and locally, a worrying and unacceptable trend. We paid a further increase in the Police Precept this year in our Council Tax; we are paying more and more for less and less. Residents are urged to attend the ‘on the road’ sessions given by the Chief Constable and the Police and Crime Commissioner. Be vocal in making your concerns known. (Dates and venues are usually in the local press or on notice boards) . Members of the committee have attended these and do not spare their words or concerns. Bend the ear of our local MP, she is there to represent you and take up your concern.
Commercial Developments around Cedars Park
There are three major sites at present. 1)Stowmarket East (Carter Jonas)-2) The Industrial one on what was Pigeons land, and-3) The Haydon’s Hybrid (mixed business, residential and amenities) proposal for three separate pieces of land on the South side of Guncotton Way.
A presentation was given on the Stowmarket East proposal by Mr Paul Knowles which was both informative and interesting provoking many questions. Most of these he was able to answer. The leaflet drop/questionnaire earlier this year by Carter Jonas resulted in a very good and varied response, (150 plus) they are attempting to incorporate some of the suggestions. It comprises a large mixed (commercial and some amenities ) proposal on the land adjacent to the A14 and A1120. This development is the Phase 2 part of the proposed Stowmarket Business and Enterprise Park. Nothing seems to have progressed on Phase 1. The planning application forStowmarket East has been passed by the Town Council and now goes on to Mid Suffolk District Council.
Mr David Elder the developer of the Pigeons land did a questions and answer session. It is primarily small divisible commercial units.It will be a gated site.This application has been passed by Mid Suffolk District Council and they are looking to start construction this year
The Three Haydon’s Developments--One at the Tesco end.-One going down to the pond and the third adjoining the back of Tomo Estate.They are a mixture of housing, business and amenities. Mr Duncan Haydon sent in an explanatory update letter and apology for absence. The first part 3D, opposite Tesco’swhich will most likely be called Thorney Park was up for planning approval at the time of the AGM. It has since been approved by Mid Suffolk District Council. The other two phases are yet to be decided upon
The present committee stood down. (This is required under our constitution) A motion was put to the floor by the President for a newor existing committee to be elected. There was no support for a new committee and it was carried by the floor to continue with present committee. They will continue to strive to resolve issues affecting residents
ScottGarrodthe present Tesco manager gave an interesting and amusing information session explaining the good neighbour policy of Tesco, and then outlined what they had done to engender this.
The store is now 24 years old; the garage has been upgraded; a barrier is now in place closing off the car park closing off the car park around 11pm. The toilets are going to be refurbished. Scott reported that it is one of the busiest and most profitable in the region.
Various community help projects have been supported , Red Gables assistance and lunch club, Pickerel Project on the Gipping, Litter picks providing staff and equipment, Pikes Meadow, Farm to Fork , teaching children where their food comes from. They also have a community grant scheme ‘Bags of Help’ to apply there is a leaflet, main criteria is that the project must bring benefit to the community. Community Food Connection enables charities and community groups to collect surplus food such as bakery products, fruit and veg at the end of the day FREE. There is leaflet on how to apply. So if anyone on Cedars think they have use or need of these things contact the store manager.
All part of their Good Neighbour policy; they have helped us in the past.
Roads and parking
Carol Ward gave this update, she works alongside Cllr Garry Green on these issues.The increasing ad hoc parking on the blind uphill section of Kestrel Drive by Tesco’s has caused safety concerns to both drivers and pedestrians attempting to cross safely. A solution to this problem is being sought by County Highways via Councillor Garry Green. Both Anglia Water and National Grid were approached directly and have responded taking action to find alternative parking for their vans. There also has to be some type of marking to ensure the Tesco vehicles are able to deliver without obstruction. Other concerns have been raised by residents about the parking on the junction of Osprey Drive and Harrier Way. There appears to be some confusion on the right of way. Councillor Garry Green is raising this issue with County Highways. Work has been carried out yellow lining on parts of the estate, eg Mortimer Road and Creeting Road East; this has resulted in a much clearer/safer turning at this junction
Flower beds
Considerable time and effort has been put in over the last few yearsby Fred Hillyeron the two beds in Guncotton Way,maintaining and planting. And at present he is looking to replace the timber sides. It would be greatly appreciated if we could find some extra help, even the simple task of watering. Let Fred know if you are interested via his e-mail :
New blood
The committee are always seeking new members and in particular would more than welcome some from the younger section of the community. This is something we have always felt strongly about.So please come forward. You may even want to start a youth committee.
Regular attenders
We thank you for your continued support, and ask your help in asking others to attend.
With a population bordering fourthousand Cedars Park should have a good size turnout at these meetings and make the local authorities sit up about our needs. Where are you?
If you have issues or concerns use your Councillors,that is what you elected them to do. We will take up and deal with what we can, but they carry authority at Town, District and County level. Their names and contact numbers are on our web site.
The meeting closed at approx 9pm