/ MARIE-PT/1-DP No. #




Montréal, 27 to 268February 2012

Agenda Item / ?:


(Presented by Dennis Hart)

MARIE-PT was asked to support the ICAO MET section on a number of activities that will drive the developments of performance based ATM requirements for MET and the subsequent ICAO provisions. To have an effective and efficient working team, a more detailed planning of (internal) deliverables needs to be developed. This paper provides some consideration and suggestions for such a planning.


1.1The group may wish to recall the decision of AMOFSG/9 and the subsequent endorsement of the Air Navigation Commission (ANC) on the terms of reference, deliverables and milestones for MARIE-PT with respect to MET Support to ATM.

1.2The terms of reference and main activities agreed were for the Project Team (PT) to support the METSecretariat with:

•Liaising with the appropriate Groups to consolidate user requirement for MET support to ATM;

•Liaising with WMO on the meteorological capabilities in support of meeting the foreseen consolidated user requirements

•Developing subsequent proposals to amend Annex 3 with respect to user requirements related to MET Support to ATM;

•Developing proposals for Procedures, Manuals or other guidance in support of MET Support to ATM, and;

•Promoting the notion of MET support to ATM.

1.3The deliverables and associated milestones for the 2012-2014 timeframe agreed were:

Deliverable / Target Date / Remarks
Presentation of MARIE-PT at ATMRPP / November 2011
MET capability demonstration / July 2012
Initial set of functional requirements for meteorological elements related to ATM / July 2012
Initial set of performance metrics for meteorological elements related to ATM / July 2012
Presentation of MARIE-PT at ATMRPP / September 2012 / Presentation of the initial functional req. and performance metrics
CONOPS for MET support to ATM / February 2013
Guidance on MET support to ATM / July 2013
PANS-MET Major Release version 1 / October 2013

1.4To fulfil all these obligations and to meet the agreed milestones, a more detailed plan needs to be developed. Furthermore, a commitment to a schedule by the MARIE-PT members will enable the ICAO secretariats of both MARIE-PT and ATMRPP to plan and prepare the appropriate coordination required.

1.5This paper provides some considerations for such a planning for the coming 24 months. As a general note and in agreement with the discussions at AMOFSG/9, physical meeting of MARIE-PT will be limited to the maximum extent possible. When terms as ‘endorsement or approval by MARIE-PT’ are used in the considerations to follow, this could be done by teleconference, web conferences or other forms of communication.


2.1MET capability demonstration; at AMOFSG/9 it was discussed that in support of the development of functional requirements and performance metrics it could be beneficial to provide the stakeholder community with an clear insight of current and foreseen capabilities from a MET service provision perspective. A demonstration of capabilities with a demonstrable benefit to ATM or clear indications of benefits in case the capability is non-existent today.

2.2Such a demonstration could comprise of two elements. One element will be a document detailing the most important existing and foreseen MET capabilities currently not utilised to its maximum extent, not utilised or even considered. This document should focus on the core capabilities and the contribution to potential use cases from an ATM decision support perspective. With only a few examples on visualisation aspects and how this could be perceived from a MET provision perspective.

2.3The second component would be a tailored presentation for ATMRPP explaining the document and providing some guidance to ATMRPP on potential future developments. This will be one element that will be presented to ATMRPP at their Q3/Q4 2012 meeting. The aim of this two tier approach is to stimulate thought and debate within the ATM community and more specific within ATMRPP without suggesting ‘solutions’ for ATM from MET.

2.4The valuable work done in this area by WMO should be considered a prerequisite for developing and executing this awareness campaign. Additionally, it is therefore proposed that the WMO member of MARIE-PT would lead the development. For information purpose only, the SESAR MET work package will work on similar initiatives starting Q2 2012.

2.5The initial target date for completion of the capability demonstration deliverables was scheduled for July 2012. This will enable coordination with the ATMRPP secretariat to modify the deliverables to make them fit for purpose for their Q3/Q4 2012 meeting. Before the deliverables could be used in the discussion with the ATMRPP (secretariat) they need to be endorsed by the MARIE-PT.

2.6The following schedule is suggested:

  • Draft MET capability demonstration document available: May 15th, 2012;
  • Endorsement MET capability demonstration document by MARIE-PT: July 1st, 2012;
  • MET capability demonstration document accepted by ATMRPP secretariat for circulation: July 15th, 2012;
  • Draft MET capability presentation available: July 15th, 2012;
  • Endorsement MET capability presentation by MARIE-PT: September 1st, 2012;
  • MET capability presentation accepted by ATMRPP secretariat for circulation: September 15th, 2012.
  • Initial set of functional requirements for meteorological elements related to ATM; at AMOFSG/9 it was discussed that an initial set of functional requirements would be derived based on the existing work and expertise on the subject matter around the globe. This initial set would then be used as a catalyst for further enhancement by the ATMRPP or other relevant groups.
  • The valuable work done in this area by the NextGen Program, in cooperation with emerging other ATM modernisation initiatives,should be considered a prerequisite for developing this initial set of functional requirements. Additionally, it is therefore proposed that the Steve would lead the development of this package.
  • The initial target date for completion of an initial functional requirements document was scheduled for July 2012. This will enable coordination with the ATMRPP secretariat to modify the deliverables to make them fit for purpose for their Q3/Q4 2012 meeting. Before the deliverable could be used in the discussion with the ATMRPP (secretariat) it needs to be endorsed by the MARIE-PT.
  • The following schedule is suggested:
  • Strawman (initial) functional requirements document available: April 1st, 2012
  • Draft (initial) functional requirements document available: May 15th, 2012;
  • Endorsement (initial) functional requirements document by MARIE-PT: July 1st, 2012;
  • (Initial) functional requirements document accepted by ATMRPP secretariat for circulation: July 15th, 2012.
  • Initial set of performance metrics for meteorological elements related to ATM; at AMOFSG/9 it was discussed that an initial set of performance metrics for MET related to ATM would be derived based on the existing work and expertise on the subject matter around the globe. This initial set would then be used as a catalyst for further enhancement by the ATMRPP or other relevant groups.
  • The valuable work done in this area by the NextGen Program, in cooperation with emerging other ATM modernisation initiatives, should be considered a prerequisite for developing this initial performance metrics. Additionally, it is therefore proposed that the Steve would lead the development of this package.
  • The initial target date for completion of an initial set of performance metrics document was scheduled for July 2012. This will enable coordination with the ATMRPP secretariat to modify the deliverables to make them fit for purpose for their Q3/Q4 2012 meeting. Before the deliverable could be used in the discussion with the ATMRPP (secretariat) it needs to be endorsed by the MARIE-PT.
  • The following schedule is suggested:
  • Strawman (initial) performance metrics document available: June 1st, 2012
  • Draft (initial) performance metrics document available: July 15th, 2012;
  • Endorsement (initial) performance metrics document by MARIE-PT: September 1st, 2012;
  • (Initial) performance metrics document accepted by ATMRPP secretariat for circulation: October 1st, 2012.
  • Presentation of MARIE-PT at ATMRPP; based on the previous three deliverables it was suggested to deliver to the Q3/Q4 2012 meeting of ATMRPP a dedicated briefing. The briefing will give the opportunity to ATMRPP to express their findings and suggestions with respect to what is and will be possible from a MET provision perspective. Moreover, to start to taken mutual ownership of the requirements and performance metric activities when it comes to MET support to ATM. The initial steps are at that stage executed by MARIE-PT but the follow-up will need to include ATMRPP’ commitment and as such inputs.
  • It is proposed that Dennis coordinates this activity with the ICAO secretariats for MARIE-PT and ATMRPP with an envisaged delivery date of the briefing October 2012.
  • CONOPS for MET support to ATM; taking into account the initial set of functional requirements, the initial set of performance metrics and the feedback and continuing dialogue with ATMRPP, a CONOPS for MET support to ATM will be developed. From this CONOPS, the requirements and the performance metric a first instantiation of a PANS-MET will be derived later in 2013.
  • Based on the assumption that the activities on an initial set of functional requirements and initial set of performance metrics will be lead by Steve. It is therefore proposed that the Steve would lead the subsequent step in this line of development.
  • The initial target date for completion of a CONOPS for MET support to ATM was scheduled for February 2013. Similar to the aforementioned deliverables, sufficient time needs to be incorporated in the development schedule to have the interaction/dialogue with ATMRPP. The following schedule is suggested:
  • Strawman CONOPS available: November 1st, 2012
  • Draft CONOPS available: February 1st, 2013;
  • Endorsement CONOPS by MARIE-PT: March 1st, 2013;
  • CONOPS accepted by ATMRPP secretariat for circulation: March 15th, 2013.
  • PANS-MET Major Release version 1; taking into account the initial set of functional requirements, the initial set of performance metrics, the feedback and continuing dialogue with ATMRPP and the CONOPS for MET support to ATM, a first major release of a PANS-MET document will be developed.
  • This first PANS-MET will be limited in scope to the concepts, operations and required provisions related to MET support to ATM and as such not covered in the Annex 3 with an applicability date of November 2013. Following iteration of the PANS-MET need to consider the inclusion of similar provisions with respect to digital information exchange and should include provisions currently captured at the level of the Annex but from a performance based requirements perspective better placed in a PANS context.
  • [DH1]This activity is seen multidisciplinary and it is therefore proposed that the secretariat would lead the subsequent step in this line of development with the full assistance of the team coordinated through Dennis.
  • The initial target date for completion of a PANS-MET was scheduled for July 2013.The following schedule is suggested:
  • Strawman PANS-MET iteration 1 (Annex 3 provisions) available: February 1st, 2013
  • Strawman PANS-METiteration 2 (including ‘new stuff’)available: May1st, 2013
  • Draft PANS-MET v1 available: July 15th, 2013;
  • Endorsement PANS-MET by MARIE-PT: October 1st, 2013.
  • Guidance on MET support to ATM; taking into account the CONOPS for MET support to ATM and the PANS-MET, guidance material needs to be developed. Since this activity is closely linked with the development of PANS-MET, it is proposed that the leadership of the task and the time schedule will be identical.


3.1To fulfil all the obligations of MARIE-PT, a detailed plan needs to be developed for the development of deliverables internal and external to the team. Furthermore, an agreed schedule for MARIE-PT will enable the ICAO secretariats of both MARIE-PT and ATMRPP to plan and prepare the appropriate coordination required.

4.action by the group

1)The MARIE-PT is invited to:

a)Note the content of the paper;

b)Agree on a feasible schedule with clearly indicated task/deliverable leaders.

—— — END — — —

[DH1]PANS-MET iteration 1 will include in essence Part 2 of ICAO Annex 3. This activity can start before the parts relevant for the ‘new stuff’. Envisaged start date November 2012 after AN Conf endorsement on PANS-MET principle.