T110 Guidelines for Eagle Scout Candidates


Required materials:

-Life to Eagle Packet.

-Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook.

-Eagle Scout Application.

-Binder to hold Eagle Application, Project Workbook and Blue Cards.

-Full page clear sleeves for all pages and “trading card” sleeves for your blue cards.

These can be downloaded from the council website at:

For a copy of the latest Project Workbook that can be filled in on your computer go to:


-Tom McCarthy, T110 Advancement Chairman
208 Manzanita Ave.
Sierra Madre, CA 91024

(626) 355.1723 - home
(626) 255.8421- mobile

-Tom Wynne, T110 Advancement Co-Chair
(626) 355.8080

-Ray Loesch, T110 Committee Chairman
(626) 355.6037

-Mr. Dave Maynard, SGVC Lucky Baldwin District Eagle Advisor
4914 Fratus Dr.
Temple City, CA
(626) 286.7720

Project Selection

-Discuss potential projects with your parents, Scoutmaster and Advancement Committee.

-Note date concept was discussed with Scoutmaster on Project Workbook page 6.

-Discuss project details with your proposed sponsor.

-Complete Project Description and Project Details pages in the Project Workbook.

-Take photographs of project site before you begin the project.

-Submit to Advancement Chairman, Mr. McCarthy, for format approval. (Adv. Chair only approves the writing of the project. Scoutmaster, Committee Chairman, Project Sponsor and District Eagle Advisor (Mr. Maynard) approve the project plan).

Required Signatures

-When the format is approved by the Advancement Chairman, submit the paperwork to your Scoutmaster, Committee Chairman and Sponsor for approval (Workbook page 6). Be sure to include your “before” photographs.

-When unit and sponsor signatures are obtained, submit your paperwork to the District Eagle Advisor for approval. You must wear your complete Class A uniform (including sash) when you meet with Mr. Maynard.

-DO NOT BEGIN actual work on your project until you have all the required signatures on the Approval Signatures for Project Plan page of your workbook.

Log Time Spent on Project

-Create a spreadsheet, diary or other document to record all time spent on your project.

-Include all time spent on preparing and carrying out your project. This includes time spent talking to potential sponsors, planning, obtaining signatures, shopping for materials, etc.

Carrying Out Your Project

-After all approval signatures are obtained it is time to begin you project.

-Inform the Troop and other potential helpers that you will need help with your project. Helpers do not have to be restricted to only Troop members, they can be friends, schoolmates, family, etc. Make a flyer with complete and clear information about dates, time, location type of clothing and/or equipment required (if applicable) and the purpose of your project.

-Be sure to plan enough lead-time so helpers can avoid potential conflicts. A minimum of four weeks is recommended.

-Save copies of information flyers for your Project Workbook.

-Have a sign-in sheet available at the project site for all helpers to sign-in with arrival and departure times. Include adult helpers also.

-Be sure to take photographs at various stages of your project showing helpers work in progress.

-Be sure to take “after” photographs of your completed project.

Project Summary

-List any changes made to the original plan on the Changes page of your Project Workbook. Explain why those changes were made.

-Include before, during and after photographs in your Project Workbook. These can be several pages with multiple photos on each.

-Obtain the required signatures on the Approvals for Completed Project page of your Project Workbook.

Reference Letters– see sample in Workbook

-Seven reference letters are required. They include:


2)Religious leader

3)School (principal or teacher)

4)Employer (if applicable, other if not)


6)Other (should not be another family member or relative)

7)Other (should not be another family member or relative)

-Each letter must have two stamped envelopes. (See samples).

  • One envelope will be addressed to the recipient with the Advancement Chairman’s return address. See address for Mr. McCarthy on first page.
  • One envelope will be addressed to the Advancement Chairman, the return address will be that of your reference person.

-Submit your unsealed your letters and a reference list to Mr. McCarthy, he will sign and mail the letters for you.

-Patriotic stamps are preferred.

Completing Your Notebook

-Request a copy of your Individual History Report. This will help you organize your blue cards.

-Prepare your Eagle Resume (Sample found in your Life to Eagle Packet).

-Prepare your Eagle Scout Rank Application ( or

-Prepare your “Life Purpose” statement (see below).

-Organize your blue cards in your notebook. Use transparent trading card sleeves and organize first in the order of the Eagle Application and the remainder in chronologically.

-Print out and insert the Eagle Scout Check List (from the Life to Eagle Package) into your workbook. You will need this for your final meeting with Mr. McCarthy.

The sequence of items in your notebook should be as follows:

-Cover page.

-Eagle Application.

-Eagle Checklist.

-Eagle Resume.

-Life Purpose Statement.

-Project description, details, “before” photos and approvals pages.

-Hours Worked Log.

-Materials list, fundraising/donations descriptions. Include samples of project flyer, etc. (as applicable).

-Changes to the project (if applicable).

-“After” photos and approvals for completed project.

-Blue Cards. Eagle required in the sequence they appear on the Eagle Application, others chronological.

-Individual History Report.

-Copies of other personal awards (academic, athletic, community, etc.).

-NOTE: Please omit all instructional pages from the Project Workbook.

Life Purpose Statement

In your Life Purpose statement you are not expected to know exactly what career path you will follow. If you do know that’s great but most young men at your age are still sorting that out. What you should be able to address in this statement would be what Scouting has done for you in terms of:

-Leadership skills

-Community service

-Outdoor skills

-Interests you have been exposed to through scouting

-Scouting principles and how you may apply these in the future.

Final Steps

-Meet Mr. McCarthy for a final review of your workbook and checklist.

-Schedule a Scoutmaster Conference with Mr. Pett. Obtain his signature on the Eagle Scout Application and Check List.

-Call Mr. Maynard for an appointment to submit your complete package to him. You must wear a Class A uniform that meets BSA standards to this meeting. One or both of your parents must attend also.

-When Mr. Maynard sets the date for your Board of Review be sure to inform Mr. Pett.

-Your parents must attend your Board of Review.

T110 Guidelines for Eagle Scout Candidates. Rev.: 22 June/2009