As you know, we are nearing the opening of Elf Jr. As we approach the tech phase of the production, here are some important reminders and additional information to help you through the busy weeks ahead:
· Girls wear camisoles/undershirts (shorts if needed) and boys wear boxer shorts under their costumes.
· Costumes (even if provided from home) and/or accessories are NOT to be removed from the theatre during tech week/shows.
· NO FOOD in costume without a cover-up (button up shirts work great).
· Every student must wear deodorant.
· In between weekends, you will get instructions from the costume chairs on how to either launder or febreeze your costumes.
· Students will be assigned a dressing room, where they will keep personal items, makeup & costumes.
· Actors must provide their own makeup removal products, tissues or wipes. Everything should be marked with their name (even tubes of mascara and lipstick!) and emphasize that there can be no sharing of makeup or hair care products.
· Dressing rooms at the theatre are open to actors and working crew members ONLY.
· You may drop off a small vase of flowers at your child’s dress room during the afternoon, or anytime the show is not running.
· Cast members are not permitted to use their cell phones in the dressing room or green room. In order to respect others’ privacy cast members are not permitted to take any photos in the green room.
· No food or drink is allowed in the dressing rooms.
· The Green Room will be staffed with cast parent volunteers and is where the students hang out during the shows. However, only parents assigned to that show are allowed.
· You may send a non-messy snack that must be PEANUT free & a water bottle.
· Students have been assigned a “sibling” and may want to write a note or do a little small gift for their sib. Every child will have a “mailbox” in the greenroom.
· Gifts for the whole cast are optional and not required. If your child would like to give out something to the cast & crew, we encourage you to keep it small and inexpensive (i.e. homemade cards, buttons, or a little something that relates to their character).
· Encourage your child to sleep as much as possible, eat healthy food and avoid germ-laden places during the run of the show.
· This is generally not a great time for late nights and sleepovers!
· If your child wants to have their shirt signed by their castmates, please see that you label their t-shirt with their name.
· Students may sign shirts on their own time as long as they are out of costume OR at the cast party.
· During tech/dress rehearsal and during the run of the show, actors will be given a “call time.” This is the time the actors are expected to arrive at the theatre.
· Current Call times (Subject to change): Tech (Sat, Nov 26) 6:00pm; Sandwich Sunday (Sun, Nov 27) 12:30pm, Dress (Mon-Wed, Nov 28-30) 5:30 for miced characters: Buddy, Jovie, Santa, Emily, Walter, Michael, Schwanda, Charlie, Elves 1-5. All others 6:00pm. Show call times: TBA
· If your child has a CTWS class during the 6-7 hour, PLEASE attend class first.
· Near the opening of the show, rehearsals tend to be long as the Directors will begin to run the entire show and tech crews work to adjust sound, lighting, costumes, etc.
· We try to end as on time as possible but ask for your patience.
· You may send your child with a snack, just make sure it’s costume friendly & peanut free. J (an apple, pretzels, crackers, etc.) Students should bring a water bottle.
· Sandwich Sunday (Nov 27th) will begin at 12:30pm. Cast will get into costume on arrival.
· Around 1:00pm the professional photographer will begin taking pics of the show. You are welcome to come at this time to take your own photographs (this will be your only opportunity to take pictures of the actors on stage). We will upload proofs onto the cast hub for you to order if you’d like.
· Around 1:30, we will eat together. Because of the size of this cast, we’re asking for some contributions. CTWS will provide a main dish. Last names A-D: Chips, pretzels, etc. F-K: Fruit, veggies, etc. M-S: Side dish. R-Z: Cookies, brownies etc. All items should be peanut free! (note that lunch is for cast and crew members only),
· Around 2:30pm, you and your family are invited to stay for the rehearsal! Keep in mind that the show will still be in rehearsal stages, but it’s a great chance to see what it will become.
· Just a reminder that on Dec 1, there are school day shows! Call time will be 90 mins for miced characters, 1 hour for all others.
è Communication –
· Some changes will need to happen, we will do our VERY best to keep everyone updated. Except email updates/callboard notes on Sunday, Tues & Thursday during tech/dress week.
· The Cast Party will be held on Saturday, Dec 10th, after the 4:00pm performance.
· All cast, crew & family members are welcome, however there is a small cover fee and RSVP needed. Please use the link on the website.
· All children must picked up no later than 8:00pm.
· Strike will immediately follow the final performance on December 11.
· All cast members and crew members present must stay to participate. Parental help is welcomed and appreciated.
· Every person will be assigned a specific area of responsibility.
è SPREAD THE WORD – We want lots of people to come and see all of the hard work everyone has put into this show. Please spread the word, distribute flyers (hand them out or send an email), post info on Facebook and Twitter, blog about the show, and generally encourage everyone you know to join us for a great time!
Lindsey Branson;