EMRP 2010
Joint Research Project Protocol
Version Date: 23 June 2011
Metrology for pressure, temperature, humidity
and airspeed in the atmosphere
From 01 October 2011
Andrea Merlone
A.1 JRP Identification 3
A.2 JRP Timing 3
A.3 JRP-Participants 3
A.3.a Coordinating Organisation 3
A.3.b JRP-Coordinator contact details and location 3
A.3.c JRP-Participant details 3
A.4 FinancIAL SUmmary 4
A.5 Summary of Participation in Work Packages 4
B.1 Scientific and/or Technical Excellence 5
B.1.a Summary of the JRP 5
B.1.b The need for the project 7
B.1.c Progress beyond the state of the art 8
B.1.d Overview of the scientific and technical objectives 10
B.2 Relevance to the Objectives of the EMRP 10
B.2.a How the JRP addresses the overall objectives of the EMRP 10
B.3 Potential Impact through the Development, Dissemination and use of the Project Results 11
B.3.a Projected impact of the JRP 11
B.3.b Projected JRP impact on EC Directives, and other relevant standards 12
B.4 The Quality and Efficiency of the Implementation and Management. 14
B.4.a Overview of the JRP-Consortium and JRP management 14
C.1 Detailed work plans By workpackage 16
C.1.a WP1: Upper air measurements: sensors and techniques 16
C.1.b WP2: Novel methods, instruments and measurements for climate parameters 21
C.1.c WP3: Traceable measurement methods and protocols for ground based meteorological observations 27
C.1.d WP4: Harmonisation of data. Assessment of the historical temperature data, data fusion 35
C.1.e WP5: Creating impact 39
WP6: JRP management and coordination 42
C.2 SUMMARY List of All Deliverables 46
C.3 The Project Timescale: Gantt Chart 51
D.1 Scientific/Technical Risk 54
D.2 Management Risks 58
E.1 Labour Resources per Workpackage (in person months) 59
E.2 Rationale for Non-Labour Resources 59
E.3 Total Budget Breakdown from JRP Costing Spreadsheet 60
F.1 Description of Every JRP-Participant (except Collaborators), Including Key Roles and Contributions 61
Section A Key data for the JRP
A.1 JRP Identification
JRP Number / Full JRP Title / JRP short nameENV07 / Metrology for pressure, temperature, humidity and airspeed in the atmosphere / MeteoMet
A.2 JRP Timing
Start date (month) / End date (month) / Duration (months)JRP / 01/06/2011 / 31/05/2014 / 36 months
REG 1 / 01/05/2013 / 30/04/2014 / 12 months (full time)
REG 2 / 01/06/2011 / 31/05/2014 / 36 months (18 months FTE 50 % part time)
REG 3 / 01/07/2011 / 30/06/2013 / 12 months (full time)
A.3 JRP-Participants
A.3.a Coordinating Organisation
Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica
A.3.b JRP-Coordinator contact details and location
Andrea Merlone
Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica
Str. Delle Cacce 91, 10135 Torino, Italy
Phone: +39 011 3919 734
A.3.c JRP-Participant details
- JRP-Partners (those who will accede to the JRP Contract).
Short name / Organisation legal full name / Country
1 / Funded
JRP-Partner / INRIM / Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica / Italy
2 / Funded
JRP-Partner / CEM / Centro Español de Metrología / Spain
3 / Funded
JRP-Partner / CETIAT / Centre Technique des Industries Aérauliques et Thermiques / France
4 / Funded
JRP-Partner / CMI / Cesky Metrologický Institut / Czech Republic
5 / Funded
JRP-Partner / CNAM / Conservatoire national des arts et metiers / France
6 / Funded
JRP-Partner / DTI / Teknologisk Institut / Denmark
7 / Funded
JRP-Partner / INTA / Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial / Spain
8 / Funded
JRP-Partner / INTiBS / Institut Niskich Temperatur i Badan Strukturalnych IM. Wlodzimierza Trzebiatowskiego Polskiej Akadamii Nauk / Poland
9 / Funded
JRP-Partner / JV / Justervesenet / Norway
10 / Funded
JRP-Partner / MG / Ministerstwo Gospodarki / Poland
11 / Funded
JRP-Partner / MIKES / Mittatekniikan Keskus / Finland
12 / Funded
JRP-Partner / UL / Univerza v Ljubljani / Slovenia
13 / Funded
JRP-Partner / NPL / NPL Management Limited / United Kingdom
14 / Funded
JRP-Partner / PTB / Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt / Germany
15 / Funded
JRP-Partner / SMD / Federale Overheidsdienst Economie, KMO, Middenstand en Energie - Dienst Wetenschappelijke Metrologie / Belgium
16 / Funded
JRP-Partner / SMU / Slovenský Metrologický Ustav / Slovakia
17 / Funded
JRP-Partner / SP / SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut AB / Sweden
18 / Funded
JRP-Partner / TUBITAK UME / TUBITAK Ulusal Metroloji Enstitusu / Turkey
19 / Unfunded
JRP-Partner / AU / Aarhus Universitet / Denmark
20 / Unfunded
JRP-Partner / Chalmers / Chalmers tekniska hoegskola AB / Sweden
21 / Unfunded
JRP-Partner / Wroclaw Univ / Uniwersytet Wrocławski / Poland
- Other JRP-Participants (those who will NOT accede to the JRP Contract).
Short name / Organisation legal full name / Country
22 / REG / EV-K2-CNR / EV-K2-CNR / Italy
23 / REG / KIT / Karlsruher Institut für Technologie / Germany
NOTE: details of Collaborators are given in Section G
A.4 FinancIAL SUmmary
Total eligible costs (€) / EURAMET financial contribution requested (€) / Unfunded JRP-Partner contribution (months) / REG contribution (months)4 413 682.82 / 2 012 639.37 / 28.5 / 36
A.5 Summary of Participation in Work Packages
WP No / Work Package Name / Active JRP-Participants (WPleader in bold)WP1 / Upper air measurements: sensors and techniques / PTB, MIKES; KIT
WP2 / Novel methods, instruments and measurements for climate parameters / CNAM, CETIAT, MG, INRiM, NPL, SP, Chalmers
WP3 / Traceable measurement methods and protocols for ground based meteorological observations / INRiM, CEM, DTI, MG, INTA, INTiBS, MIKES, UL, NPL, PTB, SMD, SMU, SP, TUBITAK; AU, Wroclaw Univ
WP4 / Harmonisation of data. Assessment of the historical temperature data, data fusion / CMI, JV, INRiM, SMU
WP5 / Creating impact / NPL, All
WP6 / Management and coordination / INRiM, All
Section B Overview of the research
B.1 Scientific and/or Technical Excellence
B.1.a Summary of the JRP
The project is focused on the traceability of measurements involved in the climate changes: surface and upper air measurements of temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed and direction, solar irradiance and reciprocal influences between measurands. It responds to the need of new stable and comparable measurement standards, protocols, sensors and calibration procedures, data-fusion and uncertainty-evaluation methods, to enhance data reliability and to reduce uncertainties in climate models.
The JRP structure reflects two key aspects: scientific innovation and practical traceability for end users. It includes development and testing of novel instruments as well as improved calibration procedures and facilities for ground based observations, in-situ practical calibrations and best practice dissemination. The development of novel instruments for the measurement of water vapour, the most important gas in the atmosphere and a key player in climate change, is a scientifically and technically relevant part of the project.
The work will address the following topics:
Upper air measurments.
In this project, the possibility for a new generation of traceable absolute humidity sensors based on tuneable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) will be investigate in order to provide consistent atmospheric humidity data. TDLAS hygrometers offer great opportunities for rapid, highly selective analysis of water in air. This is a major challenge as traceable absolute hygrometers have not been developed so far. These instruments will be validated at a national standard and analyzed with respect to the uncertainties.
Open path measurements covering the troposphere (lowest portion of Earth's atmosphere, its average depth is approximately 17km) and stratosphere (situated between about 10 km and 50 km altitude above the surface, at moderate latitudes) are very demanding due to the large pressure, temperature and humidity range occurring in an atmospheric vertical profile. In this project, for the first time, will be carried out the traceable spectral data (line strength and width) of the water molecule including their pressure / temperature and matrix dependence. This task will allow to overcome the literature discrepance.
Furthermore, a new generation of compact, robust and high-sensitive hygrometers based on microwave quasi-spherical resonant cavities will be developed. Microwave quasi-spherical hygrometers would provide a unique instrument able to perform measurements from the lower troposphere up to the stratosphere with very high sensitivity to the water concentration in a gas as well as high measurement accuracy. A microwave quasi-spherical cavity suitable to be installed in air-borne devices will be developped, to perform humidity measurements in the upper atmosphere, where slight humidity ratios need to be measured with high accuracy.
In order to improve comparability between existing sensor technologies this project also will develop:
A)special calibration protocols to produce quantitative information about the consistency of data obtained with different sensor technologies,
B)a new transportable humidity generator to enable onsite calibration of field hygrometers,
C)intercomparison of airbone field humidity sensors of different types (Aquavit 2 campaign).
D)a new “fast humidity calibration system” for establishing traceability to radiosonde-based measurements.
In the project, new measurements on the saturation water vapour pressure in equilibrium over water and ice will be realized to improve the formulation of the water vapour equation. An open cell and the associated thermostat, and a special temperature controlled cell, designed expressly for this investigation, will be set up to perform measurements in the temperature range between -80°C and +100°C and new uncertainty budgets will be established. A new equation for the water vapour pressure curve will be proposed and compared to the existing theoretical data.
In order to provide new instruments and methods devoted to the measurement of temperature, humidity, and pressure in lower and upper atmosphere, the JRP will include: innovative multisensors for free-space non-contact atmospheric measurements and novel methods for GPS and Galileo-based measurements.
Ground based measurments.
Four basic aspects will be covered: a) proposal for calibration methods and protocols for weather stations, b) construction of new dedicated facilities for laboratory and “in situ” calibrations, c) corrections for solar influence on sensors, d) improved, dedicated and field calibration of anemometers.
The project aims to study the effect due to solar radiation (direct as well as indirect solar and IR from surrounding and ground) and ground thermal exchange on ground based climate measurements. It intends to lead to the proposal for a “standard” radiation shield in order to improve the air temperature measurement accuracy and uncertainty. It will also include the proposal of procedures for harmonizing measurements with different solar radiation shields and proposal of a theoretical model for the influence of solar radiation on weather measurements and for uncertainty budget evaluation taking into account aging effects as well.
Temperature data uncertainty is a critical parameter to estimate global temperature change. Among many complicating factors, thermometer calibration is a source of uncertainty. This project intends to reduce calibration uncertainty of air temperature sensors developping an accurate air temperature calibration facility. This will enable calibrations in air with expanded uncertainty smaller than 0.05 °C (actual value is around 0.08°C) in the range –20 °C to 50 °C initially, with proposals for how to extend beyond this range.
Wind speed is one of the most measured parameters in weather station, but the measurements performed are difficult to use. The main cause here is the environment. The project aims to overcome the lack of a traceable calibration and the environmental problems by developing methods to perform on-site field calibrations. A laser based measurement technique will measure the wind speed on-site of the weather station, and will relate this wind speed to the measurement of the weather station. To address the effect of foreign substances like seeding, rain, icing etc. on ultrasonic anemometers a mathematical model will be optimized with measurements.
Today conventional calibration of weather stations is performed by comparison, usually calibrating only one of the measurable quantities at a time. The general lack of analysis of the mutual influences of the parameters leads to systematic errors in the calibration process. The aim of this project is the development of a dedicated facility for the combined and simultaneous, calibration of temperature, humidity and pressure sensors in weather stations. The facility will contain a solar radiation and a wind speed generator in order to evaluate their effects on the sensors under study. Such an apparatus, capable of simulating Earth ground conditions in wide ranges and simultaneous combinations, is expected to lead to more robust calibration of weather stations with improved calibration uncertainty evaluations.
In situ calibrations of weather stations are usually performed by comparison positioning standard instruments close to the station under calibration. This procedure metrologically shows relevant weak points and is not possible to evaluate calibration uncertainty. In this project will be setting up a new reduced dimension climate chambers for in-situ weather station calibration allowing to study influence between parameters (temperature, pressure and humidity).
The reduced dimension of the device will make it adaptable also for the calibration of weather stations and instruments used for the monitoring of high altitude environmental parameters. At the moment, weather stations in high altitude mountains are mostly not calibrated. The innovative calibration chamber will be positioned by REG Researcher in the Pyramid Laboratory/Observatory in Nepal at the base of Mount Everest and will be used for calibration of weather stations operating both at research stations in the Karkonosze Mountains and at arctic station on the Spitsbergen (Svalbard). In fact, setting dedicated temperature and pressure ranges, the new facility can be used for calibrating instruments operating in different environments. Such a device together with specific procedures is expected to bring relevant advantage to the high altitude monitoring programs.
In many occasions, in situ weather stations use data-logging software to calculate the indirect measured value from the direct measurement. The validation of software for in situ weather stations is an objective that will be pursued in the project in order to avoid measurement processing errors. Reliability and maintainability aspects of instrumentation development and software support, including required redundancy schemes will be developed. Particular attention will be given to software quality, data protection, data security and data integrity.
Assessment of the historical temperature measurement data with respect to uncertaintis.
An investigation of the historical temperature dataseries across countries, under a metrological perspective, will enable better understanding of the real situation of the available set of data for climate change studies. When such a metrological analysis will be adopted, the requirement of standardised and traceable methods for collecting temperature data over wide scales and long terms will be strengthened. The main result will be the reduced variability of data made available for similar analysis to be performed also in the future. Harmonization uncertainties, statistical A-Type uncertainties and B-Type uncertainties will then be included in the temperature trends evaluations.