Workshop“Micro Characterisation of Wood Material & Properties”

October 24-26, 2011 | Our Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, Scotland

Registration Form

Deadline for registration: September 14, 2012

Registrations received after the deadline cannot be considered for possible reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs by COST. For each abstract one registration has to be received by the deadline, otherwise the presentation cannot be included into the final program.

Please fill in this form and return it by September 14, 2012 to:

Evelyn Hall
Forest Research, Northern Research Station
Roslin, Midlothian,
EH25 9SY

Tel: +44 (0)131 445 2176
Fax: +44 (0)131 445 5124

 Prof.Dr Mrs  Ms  Mr FIRST NAME ______

LAST NAME ______



ADDRESS ______

CITY CODE ______CITY______COUNTRY ______


TEL ______FAX ______

Special dietary requirements (e.g. vegetarian/gluten free)
Do you have any special needs that you wish us to be aware of? / Yes  / No 
If yes, please state

 I am a member of the Management Committee of COST Action FP0802.

 I am a member of the Working Groups of COST Action FP0802.

 I am a PhD student.

 I am an early stage researcher (< 10 years after PhD).

Post-conference tour to StirlingCastleand a whisky distillery on Saturday 27th October 2012

 I would be interested in participating in a tour to StirlingCastle

(Note this tour will only be organised if there is sufficient interest. Cost is likely to be in the region of £35 excluding lunch)


Authors and delegates £220

The fee covers coffee breaks and lunch on each of the workshop days,workshop dinnerand the book of abstracts.



Cheques should be made payable to ‘Forest Research’.

Credit/Debit Card:

Card Type
Card No. / Valid from
Issue No. (if paying by Debit Card) / Expiry Date
Card Verification Number*
Cardholder Name
Cardholder Signature

*Due to bank security regulations we require the three-digit Card Verification Number (CVN) on the back of your card. If you do not want to include your CVN on this form, please contact Evelyn Hall on +44 131 445 6916. Note that registration paid by Credit/Debit Card will not be confirmed until the transaction has been authorised.

By bank transfer:

Bank: HSBC Bank Plc, 33 The Borough, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 7NJ, UK

A/C No: 11413392

Sort: 40-21-05

IBAN: GB66 MIDL 4021 0511 4133 92

Swift: MIDLGB2112U

Reference: “Participant NameCOST FP0802”

Date______Signature ______