Senior Capstone

The senior project is to be the capstone of your academic work here at FCHS. It is intended to showcase your strengths, skills and interests to Mr. Piper, prospective employers and/or colleges/universities.

Projects may range from concerns central to learning about the English language, English literature, or the Art of writing to learning in other domains. Suitable projects may involve a research paper, power point, workshop, or video.

Guidelines for the Senior Capstone in English IVA

All English IVA students MUST complete a capstone experience, no exceptions. All students must complete all additional requirements of the Capstone course during the final semester of enrollment. These requirements are: resume/job, exit survey, final portfolio submission, individual project submission, and capstone presentation.

Due Dates for Spring 2011 Capstone

Individual Project: Monday, May 9, before 3:45 pm

Writing Portfolio: Friday, April 21, before 3:45 pm

Capstone Presentation, To Be Announced

Individual Capstone Project

Individual project: Under the supervision of Mr. Piper, the student will propose a project, write a proposal to be approved by Mr. Piper, and execute the project. The student should concentrate on experiences s/he has had at FCHS that would be useful to college/university or career choices. Projects may include but are not limited to: preparation of a research paper; development of a substantial website; creation of a special workshop for English class; presentation of a power point, and creation of an informational video for other English classes. At the end of the semester, students will present their projects to Mr. Piper and anyone else interested in the presentations. Presentations will not be during class time.

Individual project presentation: All students completing the capstone course will be required to present their work to Mr. Piper.

Individual project workshops: Each student will meet with Mr. Piper a minimum of three times to confer/discuss/plan the individual’s project. Each student will be required to keep a log of the times meet and what was discussed/planned. The log will be turned in with the final individual project.

Real World Capstone Documents

Resume/Cover letters: Students will work with other various faculty members to create/maintain/update these documents. Students in their final semesters will work with various faculty members on their resumes and their sample job application letters, of which both documents will then be included in the final portfolio.

Capstone Portfolio

Portfolio: Each student will create his/her portfolio under the supervision Mr. Piper. In addition to the resume and sample cover letter (both developed with guidance from various faculty members), the portfolio will include an overall assessment letter, two reflective essays, Writing Slip six, Writing Slip seven, table of contents, a title page, and three to five samples of the student’s work. The students must work closely with the mentor to create a portfolio, which represents the breadth of the student’s achievements in the written language. The student will choose the work from his/her courses that best demonstrates the learning goals the Department of English has identified as outcomes for our program. These are:

1) Student will demonstrate clear and effective expression in written English.

2) Student will demonstrate the ability to research from a variety of sources and evaluate, analyze, and synthesize the information.

3) Student will organize ideas in a clear and lucid argument.

4) Student will appreciate the global significance of humanist tradition as manifested in the literature of various times and cultures.

5) Student will demonstrate original and critical thinking including the ability to analyze text.

The portfolio will include:

1) Title Page

2) Table of contents
3) Cover letter to department (letter will reflect on student’s learning experiences with specific references to the portfolio contents that demonstrate the Department of English learning outcomes)

4) Resume and cover letter (a one-page resume and one-page cover letter to a potential employer)

5) Two reflective essays on two pieces of work selected for the portfolio

6) Writing Slip six and seven

7) 3 to 5 pieces with corresponding Writing Slip from class work to be showcased (student-selected works that demonstrate the outcomes listed above; works included will probably be primarily from upper-division or advanced courses and will utilize MLA or other appropriate format; other pertinent material could also be included, e.g., websites, PowerPoint presentations, etc.)

Hard copy versions of the portfolio should be submitted in a three-ring binder. Web portfolios (with relevant texts hyperlinked) are also permissible.