Name ______MW 11:30

Anthro. 3 Homework 3: “Busted” Worksheet 10 points.

Due on ______, at start of class, with “Busted” Checklist, worth 5 points.

A.Fill in the following sheet or copy this form from the Anthro. 3 web site and fill it in with your computer. You must hand in a hard copy, double-spaced, on the due date at the beginning of class. 1 point per item, unless noted otherwise.

1. (1 point)Thorough citation for the web site you chose, using the current MLA style guide. Include the URL. ______

2. (1 point) Which chapter of the textbook seems to be the most closely related to your website?

Chapter number (no need for title): ______

3. (1 point) Quote one statement from your website that you think might not be accurate. Be sure to quote EXACTLY as it appears on the website. If the website has a spelling mistake, copy the mistake, but follow it with “[sic]” (without the quotation marks).



4. (1 point) Write the in-text citationfor your quotationas in the current MLA Style Guide. See “Citing Sources for Anthro 3” for details and examples. Then, if you still have questions, visit me at an office hour.


5. (1 point) Quote or paraphrase one statement from your textbook showing that the website statement is wrong.



6. (1 point) Write thein-text citation for the textbook material as in the current MLA Style Guide. See “Citing Sources for Anthro 3” for details and examples. Then, if you still have questions, visit me at an office hour.


7. (4 points) Write a paragraph using your answers to 3, 4, 5, and 6. Your first sentence must be the following, including the in-text citation (Elder and Paul):

This website violates the universal standard of accuracy (Elder and Paul).

Example: This web site violates the universal standard of accuracy (Elder and Paul). For example, the author quotes Marija Gimbutas, asserting that “Nowhere in Old Europe is there evidence of warfare. . . . Nowhere are there buried warriors, with limbs hacked off or spearheads embedded in bones" (Curtis). But certainly the 5,300-year-old Iceman qualifies as having lived in “Old Europe,”and he died from a wound inflicted with a stone point that still is embedded in his shoulder (Feder 50).

Please print your answer neatly below. If typing, please use a standard font (not italic, not bold) and double space the lines.