

By: Angel Cottom

INTRODUCTION:Have you ever asked someone, or has anyone ever asked you, “Can I have half of thatcookie?” Or what about half of a candy bar, half of a slice of pizza, half of an orange, or half of something else? YES? People ask me questions like that all the time too! Did you know that we are dealing with fractions when we talk about things like this? Would you know how to break a candy barinto six equal pieces if you had to share it? What are some other things you can think of that involve the use of fractions? During this lesson you and your detective-buddywill discover what fractions are and the many ways you use fractions everyday!! “Half fun”!

TASK:You and your detective-buddy are going to discover ways in which people use fractions everyday. While you are doing so, I would like you to visit the websites below to learn about the different types of fractions and what they mean. When you are finished, you and your detective-buddy will have a choice of what to do. You only need to pick 1.


(everyday life)



1)Pick a detective-buddywhom you have not worked with before.

2)Explore the first website and listen to what other students have to say about fractions.

3) With your detective-buddy, pick at least 2other websites to explore and learn from.

4) Discuss with your detective-buddy why you think learning fractions is or isn’t important. Also, share what you learned about fractions. Do you know how to use them now?

5) Pick 1 of the followinghighlighted letters and do it with your detective-buddy:

a) Make up at least one everyday math problem using fractions.

b) Make a list of every way you can think of that fractions are used.

c) Draw a situation in which you would need to know what fractions were.

d) Act out a situation which involves fractions.


Question 1 requires you and your detective-buddy tomake up your own problem using fractions. You can use your math book, any library book, or information from the websites for this. Please work together to create at least one problem on a sheet of paper. Don’t forget to include both of your names.

Question 2requires you to make as long of a list as you can think of on a piece of paper. You may draw some things if you wish. Try to be creative and really think hard about what you do or see around you that uses fractions.

Question 3asks you to draw a situation where you would need to know how to use fractions. For example, you could draw yourself cooking with your mom and using different measuring spoons and cups. Try to think of and draw a different example.

Question 4asks you to think about a situation where you would need to use fractions. You and your detective-buddy will need to act out, in front of the class, this situation. You may make or use props to use for your acting (see the teacher for materials).

EVALUATION:You and your partner will receive a combined grade based on your effort, enthusiasm, and final product. You will find the grading scale below:

E+ / Equal participation from both detectives; high effort and enthusiasm; final product displays deep understanding and real-world application of fractions
E / Equal participation from both detectives; high effort and enthusiasm; final product displays significant understanding and real-world application of fractions
S+ / More or less equal participation from both detectives; good effort and enthusiasm; final product displays understanding of fractions
S / Unequal participation from detectives; average effort; final product somewhat displays understanding
N / Unequal participation from detectives; minimal to no effort; final product is insufficient

CONCLUSION: Do you and your detective-buddynow have a good understanding of what fractions are and how we all use them every day? Do you have any questions and wonderings about fractions? What are some new and interesting things that were learned from this activity? What did you like and not like about this activity?

Hopefully, by doing this activity you have realized how much you already use fractions everyday, and how common it is for people to use it around you!! Fractions are fun and a necessary part of life, as you have learned. Keep an eye out for more things today and everyday that incorporates the use of fractions! 