Pathfinder Meeting

3:40 – 5:00 p.m., October 22 (Monday)

Agenda Recorder: Erin

3:40 p.m. October 26 Staff Development—Final Run Through

·  Confirm schedule

o  There were a few time changes (SIPs, School report card)

§  After meeting with Andrew, the Differentiation group has changed from doing a survey to small discussion groups

o  Will be grouped in departments for part of day and focus/discussion groups for Differentiation presentation

3:51 p.m. November 5 Staff Meeting

·  Set schedule

o  Technology Show& tell? (Suggestion from Tech committee)

o  Dog-Gone Good

o  Student Feedback in Performance Classroom--Bonnie

o  Check & Connect info & update—Shannon, Brittany, & Brandon

o  Continuous Improvement Sharing—possibly Social Studies

o  Feedback from Oct 26 Staff Development

o  Academic Honesty article discussion-Nichole & Val

4:04 p.m. November 1—District SIP Work/Qtr 2 Action Planning

·  We will not have grade data yet from Q1, but will work on action steps

o  Might have to meet again to input grade data

o  Next year, would be better to meet after 1st quarter grades are available

4:15 p.m. Monthly SIP Reports—How may classes?

·  Teachers should be reporting on ALL classes

o  This is important for the SIP teams to have data from all classes to study

o  If teachers are struggling with finding an easier way to keep track of data, contact Nichole for help

o  Use the gold check-box sheet to help keep track for each class, keep track daily/weekly instead of trying to remember at the end of the month

·  Teachers of multi-grade level classes should choose the CCRS skill they would like to work on

o  Can vary between the specific grade level skills if that works better

4:26 p.m. Tier I RTI—Peer Observation for Student Engagement—Jason Kling

·  Jason will start peer observations based on what he learned at a recent conference.

o  He will start with the Pathfinders’ classrooms

o  More info will be coming out later

4:41 p.m. English—Review of Writing Structures

·  Renee offered to review & work with other departments on writing structures

o  Will possibly set aside time for Dec 3 inservice

4:49 p.m. Other

·  Quarter grades

o  Teachers should be giving students a cut-off date for when all assignments are due at the end of the quarter.

o  There is not a rule in place for this, it is at the discretion of each teacher

Upcoming Dates

Oct. 30 & 31 WKCE Testing

Nov. 5 End of Qtr 1

Nov. 5 Staff Meeting

Nov. 6 Grading

Nov. 12 Fall Academic Award Banquet

Nov. 15 P/T Conferences

Nov. 19 P/T Conferences

·  Next meeting: Monday, November 12 Recorder: Jeremy