Table of Contents
1. Overview Page 2
2. Mission Statement Page 2
3. Scope Page 2
4. Geographical Boundary Map Page 2
5. Organization Chart Page 3
6. State Support Agency
a. Powers and Duties Page 4
7. Executive Board
a. Powers and Duties or Roles and Responsibilities Page 4
b. Membership Page 4
c. Term of assignment Page 5
d. Removal Page 6
e. Amending By Laws Page 6
f. Annual Report Page 6
g. Conflict of Interest Page 7
h. Conduct page 7
8. General Body Membership
a. Powers and Duties or Roles and Responsibilities Page 7
b. Chair and Co-chair Page 7
c. Voting Membership
i. Voting members Page 8
ii. Non-Voting Members Page 8
iii. Voting Page 9
d. Term of assignment Page 9
e. Removal Page 9
f. Conflict of Interest Page 9
g. Conduct Page 10
9. Sectors
a. Power and Duties Page 10
b. Chair and Co-chair Page 10
c. Voting Membership Page 10
d. Term of Assignment Page 10
10. Committees
a. Powers and Duties Page 11
b. Term of Assignment Page 11
11. Task Forces
a. Powers and Duties Page 11
b. Terms of Assignment Page 11
12. Definitions Page 12
13. Glossary Page 13
14. Acronyms Page 14
The Southern Arizona Health Care Coalition (SoAZHCC) is composed of membership from public and private healthcare organizations and representatives from other emergency response organizations engaged in emergency response planning throughout the Southern Region of Arizona.
Southern Arizona Health Care Coalition (SoAZHCC) will coordinate all Health Care types in the region, public health, community resource, law enforcement, emergency medical services and community offices of emergency management membership to address an all hazards approach to mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery to any emergency or disaster that affects any part or all of Southern Arizona.
SoAZHCC includes local, county, tribal, state and federal government entities as well as private and non-government partners in Cochise, Graham, Greenlee, Pima, Santa Cruz and Yuma Counties. SoAZHCC implements its own strategic goals and objectives, based on federal and state guidance, for emergency and disaster:
· Prevention
· Mitigation
· Response’
· Recovery
SoAZHCC identifies health care and public health capability needs and gaps through discussion, education, table top exercises and single agency and community wide exercises.
In the event of an actual emergency or disaster, SoAZHCC will coordinate resources within the incident management system by becoming the Health Care Resource Coordinating Center (HRCC). The HRCC may be activated in an emergency. The HRCC can become a resource within Emergency Support Function #8 at the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in the event of a declared disaster.
The SoAZHCC Geographical Boundaries include Cochise, Graham, Greenlee, Pima, Santa Cruz Counties with a partnership with Yuma County.
Arizona Department of Health Services (AZDHS) Bureau of Emergency Preparedness
1. Powers and Duties or Roles and Responsibilities
A. SoAZHCC state support partner is The AZDHS Bureau of Emergency Preparedness. It administers funds for Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) and for the Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) objectives. (PHEP) was created to detect and respond to natural or intentional disease events. Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is the program mission to ensure that the public health system of Arizona is prepared for public health emergencies. HPP was developed by U.S. Health and Human Services to work with public and private health care organizations on preparing for disasters and public emergencies.
1. Powers and Duties or Roles and Responsibilities
A. Provides overall strategic direction and priorities, leadership, and decision-making authority for the SoAZHCC
B. Identifies overarching policies, procedures, and standards for the coalition.
C. Provides oversight on compliance with applicable programmatic, financial, grant guidance and/or healthcare regulatory agency requirements.
D. Consult with and review Assistant Secretary for Preparedness Response (ASPR)/Hospital Preparedness Program HPP and Public Health Emergency Preparedness PHEP grant guidance with AZDHS Bureau of Emergency Preparedness.
E. The board will determine how the ASPR/ADHS Grant guidance will affect the coalition’s duties, and/or planning.
F. Delegates above power and duties to the General Body Membership as deemed necessary.
2. Membership
A. The Executive Board is tasked to approve the elections of all Chairs, Co-chairs, and Secretaries to facilitate the undertakings of this board, and General Body Membership
B. Voting Membership. The Executive Board will be comprised of fifteen (15) voting members:
1. Chief Medical Officer/Director of Public Health Department;
2. Designated Representative from Cochise, Graham, Greenlee, Pima, Yuma and
Santa Cruz County or Emergency Management/Homeland Security;
3. Representatives from 1 urban hospital system within Pima County;
4. One Rural hospital representative from outside Pima County;
5. Chair or Co-chair from the Ambulatory Care Sector;
6. Chair or Co-chair from the Behavioral Health Sector;
7. Chair or Co-chair from the Skilled Nursing / Long Term Care Sector;
8. Chair or Co-chair from the Corrections Health Sector;
9. Chair or Co-chair from the Hospice and Homecare Sector;
10. Chair or Co-chair from the Community Resource Sector;
11. Representative of Tribal and County Public Health Sector;
12. Designee from each Tribal Nations Health Agency;
13. Chair or Co-chair of General Body Membership;
Voting Quorum is 1/3 of all filled positions in person at the meeting. Questions are decided by majority vote.
C. Non-voting/Untitled Membership. Non-voting members may attend Executive Board meetings as well as General Body Membership and Sector meetings, but will not vote. Non-voting members include:
1. Representatives from the Arizona Department of Health Services Bureau of Public Health Emergency Preparedness;
2. Tucson Urban Area Strategic Initiative (TUASI) representatives;
3. Designated Representative from the Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS);
4. Any other outside agency representative who is or is not directly related to healthcare and is not a current representative to this coalition;
5. Subject Matter Experts who may be invited to provide guidance and information as requested by the board.
6. Coalition Coordinator
7. Training and Exercise Committee representative
Note: The composition of the Executive Board is subject to change based on state and/or federal guidelines for the development and maintenance of this health care coalition.
3. Terms of Assignment
Election of Leadership: In order to ensure continuity of leadership, the Executive Board and the General Body Membership have established a four year succession plan to fill key leadership positions as follows:
A. The Executive Board Chair will serve a term of 1 year. After completion of that term, the Chair will assume an official Executive Board advisory role for an additional full year.
B. If at any time a position is vacated, the next in line will immediately fill the position.
C. The Executive Board gives final approval for election of Chair and Co-chair of the General Body Membership and when necessary, can vote to allow elected leadership to continue through or be removed from the leadership succession, should circumstances change.
D. The Executive Board will make a decision at the next meeting after receipt of recommendation by the General Body Membership to confirm a candidate or make special considerations.
E. The Co-chair and Secretary will be elected from the membership of the Executive Board.
F. The Co-chair and Secretary will each be elected to a term of one year, and may choose to retain the position for subsequent terms with the approval of the Executive Board and if there are no other qualified candidates for the position.
4. Removal
The Executive Board and/or the General Body Membership may remove any Chair or a Co-chair by a majority vote for:
A. Non-attendance at fifty percent (50%) of the meetings in a calendar year without cause;
B. Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude;
C. Repeated disruptive behavior after sufficient warning.
5. Amending Bylaws
A. The bylaws may be submitted for amendment at any meeting of the Executive Board after not less than fourteen (14) days notice, has been given to all members of all of the Executive Board, and a copy of the proposed amendment sent with the notice.
B. A change in the bylaws requires approval by vote of 1/3 of the voting members present.
6. Annual Report
A. At the direction of the Chair of the Executive Board an Annual Report will be completed by December 31 of each year. This report should include progress reports from the Sectors, Committees and task forces.
B. The SoAZHCC Annual Report will be approved by the Executive Board and the General Body Membership before being sent to any other agencies or governing bodies.
C. The SoAZHCC Annual Report will highlight goals and objective progress and healthcare emergency response activities such as:
1. Planned exercises for the next fiscal year;
2. Prevention, mitigation, response, and recovery activities;
3. Community benefit and impact of activities;
4. Recap of significant incidents and lessons learned;
5. Analysis of core capabilities, resources, and gaps;
6. Subcommittee updates;
7. Task Force progress, final outcome;
8. Overview of financials and expenditures.
D. The Chair of the Executive Board after completing an Annual Report may also request the General Body Membership complete an Annual Report. In that case, the dates and reporting requirements will be submitted to the SoAZHCC.
E. The Executive Board, General Body Membership, All Sectors, Committees, and Task Forces will complete Goals and Objectives each year and submit them to the General Body Membership Chair prior to Dec 31 of each year.
F. The General Body Membership Chair will use the submissions from the Sectors, Committees, and Task Forces to compile a Goals and Objectives Statement for the SoAZHCC by the first of February.
7. Conflict of Interest
A. Any member of the Executive Board who has a substantial financial interest in the outcome of any matter brought before the Executive Board shall make known that interest.
B. The member shall refrain from voting and participating on that issue.
C. Member conflict of interests will be documented in meeting minutes.
D. Within the subcommittee, members should consider recusing themselves from votes relating to funding requests for their home agency.
E. If a member or members recuse themselves there still will need to be a quorum to hold a vote.
8. Conduct
A. All meetings shall be conducted with the modified Roberts Rules of Order, as agreed to by the Executive Board.
1. Powers and Duties or Roles and Responsibilities
A. Implements strategic direction and priorities of the coalition through various prevention, mitigation, response and recovery activities.
B. Identifies issues for the Executive Board to make final recommendations.
C. Elects two members to serve as Chair and Co-chair of the General Body Membership.
D. Analyzes regional healthcare capabilities to identify needs and gaps; recommend training/exercise participation; seek opportunities that will help develop capabilities and meet resource needs.
E Ensures SoAZHCC compliance with applicable programmatic, financial, grant guidance and/or SoAZHCC help with healthcare regulatory agency requirements.
F. Develops and implements policies, procedures, and standards for HRCC.
G. Establishes subcommittee and task force structure and responsibilities.
H. Enhances whole community engagement in prevention, mitigation, response, and recovery activities.
2. Chair and Co-chair
A. The Chair and Co-chair are elected from the General Body Membership of the Coalition, with final approval granted by the Executive Board;
B. Serve as the point of contact and program coordinators for the SoAZHCC;
C. Manages established deadlines, regulatory and grant guidance;
D. Manages the administrative functions of the coalition including but not limited to:
· Establishing a regular meeting schedule;
· Setting meeting agendas;
· Presiding over meetings, including all points of order or procedure;
· Distributing pertinent information and other communications to the coalition membership and the Executive Board;
· Coordinating the completion of an Annual Report for ADHS and SoAZHCC and CEOs of SoAZHCC membership;
· Responding to program inquiries.
· Ensures that all Sectors and Committees have Chairs and Co-Chairs and are meeting.
E. Serves as liaison between the General Body Membership and the Executive Board, Arizona Department of Health Services, and other local, state, or other stakeholders.
F. Provides a summary of action items to the Executive Board within 14 days of the General Body Membership meeting.
G. Provides support to the General Body Membership.
H. Maintains the Governance, Bylaws and other historical documents.
3. Voting Membership.
A. The General Body Membership voting membership is comprised of the following members:
1. Representatives from Ambulatory Care Sector;
2. Representatives from Home Health and Hospice Sector;
3. Representatives from Behavioral Health Sector;
4. Representatives from Skilled Nursing and Long Term Care Sector;
5. Representatives from Corrections Health Sector;
6. Representatives from Tribal / County Public Health Sector;
7. Representatives from Community Resources Sector;
8. Representatives from the Hospital Sector
9. Tribal Nations Health representatives
10.County Office Of Emergency Management and Homeland Security Representative from each county
B. Non-voting Membership. The following representatives actively support the work of the HCC and contribute in an advisory role.
1. Representative from Military
2. TUASI representative
3. Chair of MMRS Steering Committee
4. Representative from NDMS
5. Coalition Coordinator
6. Exercise and Training Committee Representative
Note: The composition of the SoAZHCC is subject to change
C. Voting;
1. Each voting membership attendee shall have one vote on all matters brought before the General Body Membership.
2. The Chairperson shall not vote unless it is necessary to break a tie.
3. Telephone votes are accepted at the time of the vote.
4. Terms of Assignment
Election of Leadership: In order to ensure continuity of leadership, the Executive Board and the General Body Membership have established a four year succession plan to fill key leadership positions as follows: