Technician of the Year Award 2017

The Animal Care Program Technician of the Year Award is presented to an individual at Colorado State University who has demonstratedseveral of the following attributes:


  • Has apositive attitude, high level of performance and innovative approach towards improving animal care and welfare.
  • Promotes Laboratory Animal Science through education or training of technicians and investigators, and/or participation in the technician certification.
  • Assumes a leadership role within a group involved with training and education of individuals working with animals or certification processes.
  • Shares information on improvement of animal wellbeing through presentations, posters, publications or other means.
  • Has been affiliated with the Colorado State University for at least one year.
  • Have a significant proportion of their work responsibilities devoted to at least one of the following:research or teaching procedures using animals; direct animal care (husbandry or veterinary care) of research or teaching animals; activities that directly support animal care; providing education or training for individuals involved in the animal care program.
  • Engages in volunteer or public service activities
  • Eligible nominations include: state classified staff, administrative professionals, graduate or undergraduate students, and student hourly employees.
  • Previous winners are not eligible for re-nomination.

Nomination process

  • Complete and return the nomination form accompanied byat least one (maximum two) one page letter(s) of reference. Letter(s) of reference should state what the individual has accomplished in the past year (what difference they have made) and why the individual deserves the award.
  • Self-nominations accepted

Awardees will be recognized at the Celebrate CSU Awards Recognition, receive an honorarium, and a one year membership to the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) National or the Mile High Branch AALAS.


2017Technician of Year AwardNomination

Nominee information:


Department (unit):Address:

Employment data (include responsibilities and special activities which have benefited the department/unit):

Endorsement (explain why this individual deserves the award based on the criteria for selection)[1]:

Professional organizations and volunteer activities:

Submitted by:

Daytime phone:email:

Submit nominations by February 15, 2017 to Ms. Marty Welsch, Office of the Vice President for Research, 2001 Campus Delivery, 203 Administration. Fax 970-491-5541.

[1]Please submit form plus one or two 1 page letters of recommendation. Self-nominations welcome.