Lenape Media Center

Technology Orientation

Mastery Objective: As a result of your time in the Media Center today, you will be able to access and use the Lenape network, your Lenape student email account, your Genesis account and your H-drive.

  1. Log on to computer and change your password (only for 1st time you log in):
  2. Hit CTRL-Alt-DeleteClick OK to agree to ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY
  3. USERNAME is YOUR ID #(NOT your lunch pin! Your ID# ends with your graduation year and can be found on your schedule.)
  4. PASSWORD for first logon is Month and day you were born, initials and graduation year
  5. Example: Mary Smith, junior, born May 2: May2ms15
  6. You must change your password. Passwords must be:
  7. At least 8 characters
  8. At least one capital & one number
  9. No part of your first or last name
  10. Something you will REMEMBER!
  1. Log on to your Lenape email account
  2. Double click on Internet Explorer icon
  3. This will take you to our Lenape Media Center website
  4. Click on STUDENT EMAIL (on right side of page)
  5. You can also access STUDENT EMAIL from “home” page of Lenape HS
  6. Log in to your email the same way you log onto computers:
  7. Username: ID#
  8. Password: Password you created for the computer account
  1. Accessing Genesis (grades/schedule)
  2. Click on STUDENT GRADES (on right side of Lenape High School Media Centerpage) or go to
  3. Your Genesis username is your LENAPE STUDENT EMAIL ADDRESS: ID#@lrstudents.org
  4. First log-in: You must change your Genesis password at the first logon. Make it something you will easily remember.
  5. If you have previously accessed genesis, use the password you created (this may be different from your computer login)
  6. If you forget your genesis login, go to and click on “forgot password” and use your LENAPE STUDENT EMAIL (a password reminder will be sent to your Lenape Student Email account)
  7. Your parents also have their own login to Genesis, using the email address Lenape has on record for them for their username.
  8. If your parents are having trouble accessing Genesis, they can come to the Media Center at Back to School night for assistance OR email the parent helpdesk at:
  1. Accessing your H-DRIVE
  2. Double click on COMPUTER icon on your desktop or from the start menu
  3. You should see an H-DRIVE folder: YourID#on (H:)




Your Lenape email address

(and Genesis username):______

1)I can successfully log on to Lenape’s computersYESNO

2)I can log on to my Lenape student email accountYESNO

3)I can log on to my Lenape Genesis accountYESNO

4)I can find and access my H-DriveYESNO

***If you answered NO to any of the questions above, please see Ms. Gaffney or Ms. Fauver. If ever you have any problems accessing or using these tools during the school year, come see us. We’re here to help you!