PROGRAM – 2018
We are offering a 6 Week Developmental Program that will focus on the total development of the hitter. This program is limited to 3 players per group and will incorporate the advantages of training in a “state-of-the-art” facility and learning the most advanced techniques involved in hitting. The Six Week Development Program offers players the opportunity to maximize their potential in a six week span leading up to their first day of practice. Don’t wait for the season to begin, start working NOW!!!
Dates: (choose session(s) below)
Ages (8-10) Ages (11-13)
Session 1 Mon. 7-8pm Jan.8, 15, 22, 29 Feb.5, 12 Session 9 Mon. 8-9pm Jan.8, 15, 22, 29 Feb.5, 12
Session 2 Tues. 7-8pm Jan.9, 16, 23, 30 Feb.6, 13 Session 10 Wed. 7-8pm Jan.10, 17,24, 31 Feb. 7, 14
Session 3 Wed. 6-7pm Jan.10, 17,24, 31 Feb. 7, 14
Session 4 Sun. 1-2pm Jan.14, 21, 28 Feb. 4, 11, 18
Session 11 Mon. 8-9pm Feb. 26 Mar.5, 19, 26 Apr.2, 9
Session 5 Tues. 6-7pm Feb. 27 Mar.6, 20, 27 Apr. 3, 10 Session 12 Tues. 8-9pm Feb. 27 Mar.6, 20, 27 Apr. 3, 10
Session 6 Wed. 6-7pm Feb. 28 Mar.7, 21, 28 Apr.4, 11 Session 13 Wed. 7-8pm Feb. 28 Mar.7, 21, 28 Apr.4, 11
Session 7 Sat.11-12pm Mar. 3, 10, 24, 31 Apr. 7, 14
Session 8 Sun. 1-2pm Mar. 4, 11, 25 Apr.1, 8, 15
*Week of Spring break – No Clinic for the Week – Mar. 12-18*
Development Cost
$195.00 per player (3 Players/Session)
Circle Session Desired Hitting Development
Session: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Failure to attend a clinic instruction results in a loss of the session. Clinic sessions are not subject to rescheduling.
Name:______Age:______Date of Birth:______
Parents Name:______Wk. Phone:______Home:______Cell:______
Email Address:______
Payment Amt: $______Cash______Check______Charge______
Credit Card #:______Exp. Date:______V-Code:______
Card Type: Visa______MasterCard ______Discover ______Amer Express______
4137 120th – URBANDALE, IA 50323