The application for extended school year services consists of two parts. This is necessary because the period of time during which extended school year services may be provided transcends two fiscal years.

Part One covers the period of time from the close of the current school year through June 30. Payments must be made in June, prior to the close of the fiscal year. Requests for reimbursement must be received in the Special Education Office by May 31, 2001.

Part Two covers the period from July 1 through August 31. Part Two requests for reimbursement are due in the Special Education Office no later than September 14, 2001. Payments will be made in October.

The reimbursement rate will be $20 per day per student. Should total requests exceed the amount of available funds, the amount per day will be prorated.

To qualify for reimbursement, the district assures the following:

  1. The students served have been determined eligible in accordance with the guidelines for extended school year services as stated in section 19 of Special Education and Related Services: Procedural Requirements and Program Standards.
  1. The program is provided for the identified students listed and the amount of time stated in the application.

Instructions for completing application

Page 1:List the district name, county, and LEA number in the grid at the top of the page.

Line 2 -List the number of students provided extended school year services. (Do not count students from another LEA.)

Line 3 -List the number of days of all extended school year students. (Do not count attendance of students from another LEA.)

Line 4 - Requested reimbursement (line 1 x line 3)

Line 5 -Indicate service delivery mode(s) utilized.

Include the Superintendent’s signature and date signed at the bottom of the page.

Page 2:List each student receiving extended school year services by name or ID, disability

category, and number of days served.

Page 3:List each provider of extended school year services by teacher name, social security number and teacher/pupil ratio.

To complete the application for reimbursement, it is necessary that page 2 be completed prior to page 1. The district may provide the services or contract with another district or private agency; however, the district which has the responsibility for the student must request the reimbursement.

Should you have questions or need assistance, please call (501) 682-4223. Completed forms should be mailed to:

Arkansas Department of Education

Special Education

Grants and Data Management

4 Capitol Mall, Room 105-C

Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1071

Prepared in accordance with Ark. Code Ann. 6-41-102.