Appendix: study sample (164 citation classics on the transparency of the public information)
- Abrahamson, D. E., & Goodman-Delahunty, J. (2013). The impact of organizational information culture on information use outcomes in policing: an exploratory study. Information Research, 18(4).
- Abushamsieh, K., López-Hernández, A. M., & Ortiz-Rodríguez, D. (2014). The development of public accounting transparency in selected Arab countries.International Review of Administrative Sciences,80(2), 421-442.
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- Argyrous, G. (2012). Evidence based policy: principles of transparency and accountability.Australian Journal of Public Administration,71(4), 457-468.
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- Cárcaba García, A. I., & García García, J. (2010). Determinants of online reporting of accounting information by Spanish local government authorities. Local Government Studies, 36(5), 679-695
- Cerrillo-i-Martínez, A. (2011). The regulation of diffusion of public sector information via electronic means: Lessons from the Spanish regulation. Government Information Quarterly,28(2), 188-199.
- Cherry, M., & McMenemy, D. (2013). Freedom of information and ‘vexatious’ requests—The case of Scottish local government.Government Information Quarterly,30(3), 257-266.
- Cini, M. (2008). European Commission reform and the origins of the European Transparency Initiative.Journal of European Public Policy,15(5), 743-760.
- Clarke, D. P., Hrasky, S. L., & Tan, C. G. (2009). Voluntary Narrative Disclosures by Local Governments: A Comparative Analysis of the Textual Complexity of Mayoral and Chairpersons’ Letters in Annual Reports.Australian Journal of Public Administration,68(2), 194-207.
- Coglianese, C. (2009). The transparency president? The Obama administration and open government. Governance, 22(4), 529-544.
- Cohen, N. (2013). The power of expertise? Politician–bureaucrat interactions, national budget transparency and the Israeli health care policy.Policy Studies,34(5-6), 638-654.
- Cook, B. J. (2007). Full Disclosure: The Perils and Promise of Transparency. Perspectives on Politics, 5(04), 828-829.
- Coyne, C. J. (2009). Albert Breton, Gianluigi Galeotti, Pierre Salmon, and Ronald Wintrobe, eds., The Economics of Transparency in Politics.Public Choice,138(1), 259-261.
- Crowe, C., & Meade, E. E. (2008). Central bank independence and transparency: Evolution and effectiveness.European Journal of Political Economy,24(4), 763-777
- Cuadrado-Ballesteros, B. (2014). The impact of functional decentralization and externalization on local government transparency.Government Information Quarterly,31(2), 265-277.
- Cuadrado-Ballesteros, B., Frías-Aceituno, J., & Martínez-Ferrero, J. (2014). The role of media pressure on the disclosure of sustainability information by local governmentsOnline Information Review, 38(1), 114-135.
- Cucciniello, M., Bellè, N., Nasi, G., & Valotti, G. (2015). Assessing public preferences and the level of transparency in government using an exploratory approach.Social Science Computer Review,33(5), 571-586.
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- Etzioni, A. (2010). Is transparency the best disinfectant?. Journal of Political Philosophy, 18(4), 389-404.
- Evans, M. (2012). Beyond the integrity paradox–towards ‘good enough’governance?.Policy Studies,33(1), 97-113.
- Fox, J. (2007). Government transparency and policymaking.Public choice,131(1-2), 23-44.
- Frías-Aceituno, J., Rodríguez-Ariza, L., & González-Bravo, M. I. (2013). The Effect of Societal Values on Local Government Transparency: Applying Hofstede’s Cultural Dimmensions. Lex localis-Journal of Local Self-Government, 11(4), 829-850.
- Frías-Aceituno, J. V., García-Sánchez, I. M., & RodrÍguez-Dominguez, L. (2014). Electronic administration styles and their determinants. Evidence from Spanish local governments.Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences,10(41), 90-108.
- Fung, A. (2013). Infotopia unleashing the democratic power of transparency.Politics & Society,41(2), 183-212.
- Gallego-Alvarez, I., Rodríguez-Domínguez, L., & García-Sánchez, I. M. (2011). Information disclosed online by Spanish universities: content and explanatory factors. Online Information Review, 35(3), 360-385
- Gandía, J. L., & Archidona, M. C. (2008). Determinants of web site information by Spanish city councils. Online Information Review, 32(1), 35-57.
- Gagnon, A. C., & Palda, F. (2011). The price of transparency: do campaign finance disclosure laws discourage political participation by citizens’ groups?. Public Choice,146(3-4), 353-374.
- Garcia-Murillo, M. (2013). Does a government web presence reduce perceptions of corruption?.Information Technology for Development,19(2), 151-175.
- García-Sánchez, I. M., Rodríguez-Domínguez, L., & Gallego-Álvarez, I. (2011). The Relationship between Political Factors and the Development of E–Participatory Government. The Information Society, 27(4), 233-251.
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