CSE Initial Screening Tool

The initial CSE screen is provisionally to determine what level of risk is passed to a child and to assist with decision making and (if required) support referral.

Name of person making referral: / Organisation:
Child’s Name: / Worker’s Contact Details:
Age: / Local Authority:
Ethnicity: / Gender:
Languages spoken: / Physical/learning disabilities :
Date completing
Vulnerabilities / Tick if relevant / Vulnerabilities / Tick if relevant
History of local authority care: / Isolated from peers/Social networks:
Low self-esteem / Breakdown of family relationships:
Family History of abuse/neglect / Lack of positive relationship with adult:
Risk Indicators / Tick if relevant / Risk Indicators / Tick if relevant
Offending/ Anti-social behaviour / Sexual harmful behaviours
Exclusion from school/ not engaged in school/ college/ training: / Expressions of despair )self-harm, overdose, eating disorder, challenging behaviour, aggression):
unexplained absence from school: / Sexually transmitted infections (STI's), multiple pregnancies/termination of pregnancy:
Change in performance at school: / Change in presentation
staying out late: / Substance misuse:
Disclosure of sexual/physical assault followed by withdrawal of allegation: / Multiple Callers (unknown adults/older people):
Use of mobile phone that causes concern: / Over reaction to expression of concern
Physical injury without plausible explanation:
Significant Risk Indicators / Tick if relevant / Significant Risk Indicators / Tick if relevant
Possesses items with no means of / Secretive online activity
Periods of going missing overnight or longer: / Older 'boyfriend'/ relationship with controlling adult:
Entering/ leaving vehicles driven by unknown adults: / Unexplained amount of money, expensive clothing or other items:
Sexual activity is being explained as undertaking consensual sex / Sending / Receiving sexual images
Access dating agencies online / Children exploring their gender identity or sexual orientation in an unsupported way.

Professional judgement

With the information you have how do you rate the overall risk to the child?

a) Vulnerable: Consult your Manager or Safeguarding Lead and undertake an Early Help Record

b) At risk of CSE: Refer to Family Contact Point/MASH and discuss with your Manager or Safeguarding Lead

c) CSE- Child at risk of significant harm: Contact FCP/MASH immediately and speak to your Manager/Safeguarding Lead


What is needed to address to address the risk and vulnerabilities of this child?

You can consult with or refer your concerns to children’s social care MASH/ Family Contact Point Tel 01793 466903. If the child is at risk of significant harm do not delay. If you believe a child or young person has suffered or is at risk of suffering significant harm, you must follow the Child Protection Procedures.