Request for Proposal

for installation of sonogrpahy recording& Monitoring system

RFP No: NRHM/;[______

National Rural Health Mission Uttarakhand (NRHM)

Uttarakhand Health & Family Welfare Society,

Directorate Health & Family Welfare, Uttarakhand,

Vill. Danda Lakhond,Post Gujrada, Near IT Park,

SahashatraDhara Road, Dehradun- 248 001

Table of Content

1SectionI – Invitation for Bid RFP

2Section II – Instructions to Vendors


4section IV – Detailed Scope of Work


6Section VI – Checklist for Documents

7Section VII – Financial Bid Format


SectionI – Invitation for Bid RFP

Sealed Tender in 2 Bid forms are invited from eligible and experienced agencies for implementation / installation and monitoring for sonography recording & monitoring system in the state of Uttarakhand.

Interested Parties/Agencies may get the tender document download from the

Interested parties may send their Requests in the prescribed Performa to:

Mission Director, NRHM, UKHFWS,

Office of – DG, MH & FW, Uttarakhand,

Vill. Danda Lakhond, Sahastra Dhara road,

Post: Gujrada, Dehradun (UK)

  1. Publishing of Tender Documents: 19 October 2012.
  1. Last Date of Submission of Bid: 08 November 2012 upto 10:30am
  1. Pre-bid Meeting: 05 November 2012 at 3:30 pm
  1. Opening of Technical Bid :08 November 2012 at 11 am
  2. Demonstration of Equipment 08-09 November 2012 at 11 to 2pm and 3to 5pm
  1. Opening of Financial Bid: 09 November 2012 at 5:00 pm


  1. The NRHM shall not be responsible for any postal delays about non-receipt/ non-delivery ofthe documents.
  2. In-complete documents are liable to be rejected.
  3. Offers without earnest money shall not be entertained.

Mission Director,



2 Section II – Instructions to Vendors



2.1.1The whole Process will be divided into three parts. Pre-technical(Pre-Bid Meeting), Technicaland Financial Bids. RFPs for Installation and monitoring for sonographyrecording & monitoring systems in the State (2 copies) should be submitted in a sealed cover super-scribed by the words “RFP for Request for Proposal for Providing Professional Services in Installation and monitoring for sonographyrecording & monitoring system in the State".

2.1.2Each and every page of RFP for Installation and monitoring for sonography recording & monitoring systemsubmitted and all documents in support of the RFP must be serially numbered, signed and stamped by the Vendor before submitting it.

2.1.3Any erasing or alteration that may have been made in the RFP for Installation and monitoring for sonography recording & monitoring system in the State should be signed by the Vendor.

2.1.4RFPs will be opened on the prescribed date and time.

2.1.5Each copy of the RFP for Installation and monitoring for sonographyrecording & monitoring systems in the State should be covered in a separate sealed cover. Each copy should be marked as “Original copy” and “First copy”. Both the copies should be put in a single sealed cover super-scribing the wording “RFP”. Request for Proposal for Providing Professional Services in Installation and monitoring for sonographyrecording & monitoring system the State”. In case of any discrepancy between the two copies, original copy shallprevail.

2.1.6The cover thus prepared should also indicate clearly the name and address of the Vendor toenable the RFP to be returned unopened in case it is received “Late” or otherwise.

2.1.7The RFPs received late and declared late by the Departmental Evaluation committee after the last date and time for receipt of RFPs prescribed in the document may be rejected and/or returned unopened to the Vendor.

2.1.8Each copy of the RFP for Installation and monitoring for sonographyrecording & monitoring systems in the State should be a complete document and should be bound as a volume. Different copies must be bound separately.


The Vendor shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Bid, includingcost of presentation for the purposes of clarification of the bid, if so desired by the NRHM, Uttarakhand.NRHM, Uttarakhand will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Installation and monitoring for sonographyrecording & monitoring systems in the State

2.3The Vendor is expected to carefully examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications

In the RFP documentfailure to furnish all information required in the RFP document orsubmission of a RFP not substantially responsive to the RFP document in every respect will be at the

Solution Provider’s risk and may result in the rejection of the bid.


A prospective Vendor requiring any clarification of the RFP document may notify the NRHM, Uttarakhand inwriting at the NRHM, Uttarakhand mailing address.


2.5.1At any time upto the last date for receipt of bids, the NRHM, Uttarakhand, may, for anyreason, whether at his own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by aprospective Vendor, modify the RFP document by an amendment.

2.5.2The amendment will be notified through department’s website to the prospective Vendor who have received the RFP documents and will be binding on them.

2.5.3In order to afford prospective Vendor reasonable time or otherwise for any otherreason, in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their bids, theNRHM, Uttarakhand may, at their discretion, extend the last date for the receipt of Bids.



The RFPs prepared by the Vendor and all correspondence and documents relating to the RFPsexchanged by the Vendor and the NRHM, Uttarakhand, shall be written in the English language, providedthat any printed literature furnished by the Vendor may be written in another language so long asaccompanied by an English translation in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the bid, theEnglish translation shall govern.


The RFPs prepared by the Vendor shall comprise of following: (RFP to be submitted in sameorder with proper Indexing and page numbering)


RFP Proforma sheet duly filled-in, signed and complete in all respects. (Proforma -I).

Qualifying data duly filled in as per relevant Proforma provided in the RFP that the Vendor iseligible to RFP and is qualified to perform the contract, as and when required to do so (Proforma-II).

Basic Eligibility Criteria (attach proof for every point):

  • The Bidder can be an Organization / Institute / Company / Corporation / Society / Trust / Firm registered / incorporated in India and should have been in existence for minimum of 3 years.
  • The Bidder must furnish a copy of Memorandum of Associationwherever applicable or corresponding certificate(s) of registration to support its area ofdealing in supply, installation, commissioning of IT related products and services.
  • Consortium in any form will be allowed.
  • The bidder withISO9001:2008certification is preferred. The bidder having ISO 27001:2005 for data securityshall be given preference.
  • Any bidder who has been barred by the Central / State Government, or any entity controlled by them, from participating in any project and the bar subsists as on the date of application, would not be eligible to submit a bid.
  • Any bidder who has voluntarily or forcefully expelled, leaving the project incomplete / withdrawn from the project before the completion of project duration nor have had any contract terminated for breach by such Applicant would not be eligible to submit a bid.
  • The bidder must submit documents regarding the profile of the company, address andcontacting person or office.
  • The bidder should have a minimum annual turnover of Rs 25Lakhs in the last financial year. The copies of the audited balance sheet and P&L for the last three years shall be attached along with the bid and this is duly certified by a CA.Company should have made cash profits in each of the last 3 Financial Years.
  • The Company should be registered with Sales Tax, Service tax, & Professional Tax. The certificates to this effect should be attached. “The bidder(s) who do not comply with this, the final decision shall be made by the tender committee“
  • Should have a ready device at the time of technical presentation.


The Bidder is required to provide following documents as a part of this tender.

  • Technical Deviations if any from the terms and conditions and specifications as specifiedin the Bidding Documents (Performa-III).
  • Proposed methodology for undertaking Tasks/Projects.

Proposed Quality Plan for doing the tasks/ activities.

  • Technical demonstration is required by the bidder at the designated site by the tender committee.

2.7.3Evaluation criteria

The bids will be evaluated on Technical and Financial Basis at the ratio of 70:30 (Technical: Financial).

The working will be done as below:

1)Technical Marking (T): The bidder getting highest marks (T1) in marking system will be given 70 points. All other bidders will be given points in proportion to that. As an example, If T1 gets the highest marks that is say 80 marks, then he will be given 70 points and the bidder with 60 marks will get 52.5(60*70/80) points.

2)Financial Marking (F): The L1 (Lowest) bidder will get 30 points and from L2 to Ln all remaining bidders will get 25 points.

The bid will be awarded to the bidder who scores the maximum after adding Technical marking (T) and Financial Marking (F).

Financial bids of only those bidders will be opened who will qualify in the basic qualification criteria as stated in 2.7.1, asdecided by the committee ofofficers deputed by the NRHM.



3.1.1The NRHM, Uttarakhand reserves the right to carry out the capability assessment of the Vendor andthe MD NRHM’s decision shall be final in this regard.

3.1.2The individual signing the RFP for Installation and monitoring for sonography recording & monitoring systems or otherdocuments, in connection with the RFP must certify as to whether he or she has signed as: -

a)A “Sole proprietor" of the Vendor or constituted attorney of such sole proprietor.

b)A partner of the Vendor, if it be partnership, in which case he must have authority torefer to arbitration disputes concerning the business partnership either by virtue of thepartnership agreement or a power of attorney. In the alternative all the partners should signthe RFP for

c)Constituted attorney of the Vendor, if it is a company.

d)The bids should be accompanied by an authorization in the form of a power of attorney in the name of the person signing the bid.


3.2.1The completion period of the said tasks should be as per the conditions mentioned atthe time of award of the contractor no later than 60 days from the award of the contract including the first phase of training. The supply shall actually be deemed to have beencomplete on the actual date of installation after the certification of the department.

3.2.2The Vendorwould be required to submit at least two backup copies of the user documentation including allthe technical and functional specifications of the device.

3.2.3The two bound set of copies of Documentation of Users Manuals are to be handed over to the NRHM, Uttarakhand after its completions at respective stages alongwith its soft copies on the latest storage media available at that time.

3.2.4Three years CMC will be will be provided by the selected Firm for the device w.e.f date of installation in the cost. Furthermore, the bidder should suggest the applicable AMC charges for the following 3 years. NRHM Uttarakhand reserves the right to discuss and negotiate the AMC charges with the successful bidder. The cost of AMC shall not be included in the commercial bid evaluation. Therefore, the bidder should bid for the device and three years of CMC on per unit basis, including all applicable freight/tariff, GSM/GPRS or any other recurring charges and the govt taxes.


3.3.1Delivery of the items shall be made or the contract Services shall be completed/provided by the Vendor in accordance with the time schedule specified by the NRHM/purchaser in this schedule of requirement

3.3.2An unexcused delay by the Vendor in the performance of its delivery obligations shallrender him liable to any or all of the following penalties:

  • In case of non/partial performance development of software and Device withina stipulated period, penalty @ 2% per week and a further maximum period of onemonth shall be given for development of software.
  • Forfeiture of earnest money/ security.


3.4.1Hiding of facts by the bidder if revealed at any stage, would amount to forfeiture ofEMD and subsequently the bidder may also be black listed.


3.5.1The Vendor shall carry out the tasks/ services assigned and carry out its ob ligationsunder the contract with due diligence, efficiency and economy in accordance withgenerally accepted norms techniques and practices used in the industry.

3.5.2The Vendor shall also adhere to professional engineering and consulting standardsrecognized by international professional bodies and shall observe sound management,technical and engineering practices.

3.5.3The vendor shall employ appropriate advanced technology and safe and effectiveequipment, machinery, material and methods.

3.5.4The Vendor shall always act in respect of any matter relating to this contract, asfaithful advisor to the NRHM, Uttarakhand and shall, at all times, support and safeguardthe NRHM, Uttarakhand legitimate interests in any dealings with the third party.


3.6.1The Vendor shall not, without the NRHM,Uttarakhand prior written consent, disclose thecontract or any provision thereof, or any specification, plan, drawing, pattern,sample or information furnished by or on behalf of NRHM, Uttarakhand in connectiontherewith to any person other than a person employed by the Vendor in theperformance of the contract. Disclosure to any such employed person shall be madein confidence and shall extend only so far as may be necessary for purposes of suchperformance.

3.6.2The Vendor shall not without the NRHM, Uttarakhand prior written consent, make use ofany document or information.

3.6.3Any document other than the contract itself shall remain the property of the NRHM, Uttarakhand and shall be returned (in all copies) to the NRHM, Uttarakhand on completionof the Vendor’s performance under the contract if so required by the NRHM, Uttarakhand.


3.7.1Payment shall be made by the appropriate authorities in the respective districts of Uttarakhand after the successful installation, commissioning and acceptance of the tasks allotted to the selected party, to the entire satisfaction of NRHM, UTTARAKHAND or anyother agency nominated by it.

Two training sessions per district should be provided to the officials designated by NRHM will also beprovided within the cost provided. No extra cost will be given for training.


3.8.1The Vendor will be responsible for providing Technical support for successful runningof the sonography recording & monitoringsystem for the period of one year from date of itssuccessful installation.


3.9.1The prices charged for the Goods/ Services/ products supplied under the contract bythe Vendor shall in no event exceed the lowest price at which the Vendor or any ofits associate by any direct or indirect involvement sells the Goods/services or offersto sell Goods/services of identical description to t he Department of the Central orState Government or any Statutory undertaking of the central or State Government,as the case may be, during the currency of the contract.


3.10.1The Vendor shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties, license fees, Octroi etc.incurred until delivery of the application Package to the NRHM, Uttarakhand.


The NRHM, Uttarakhand may, without prejudice, to any other remedy for breach of contract, bywritten notice of default sent to the Vendor, terminate the contract in whole or in part if:

3.11.1The Vendor fails to deliver any or all of the obligations within the time period(s)specified in the contract, or any extension thereof granted by the NRHM, Uttarakhand.

3.11.2The Vendor fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the contract.


The NRHM, Uttarakhand may at any time terminate the contract by giving written notice to theVendor without compensation to the Vendor, if the Vendor becomes bankrupt or otherwiseinsolvent, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right of action orremedy, which has accrued thereafter to the NRHM, Uttarakhand.


3.13.1The NRHM,Uttarakhand has the right to terminate the contract inWhole or in part at any time for its convenience. The notice of termination shall specify that termination is for NRHM,Uttarakhand’s convenience, the extent to which performance ofwork under the contract is terminated, and the date on which such termination becomeseffective.


The Vendor shall not be entitled to make any claim, whatsoever, against the NRHM, Uttarakhand under or by virtue of or arising out of this contract nor shall the NRHM, Uttarakhand entertain orconsider any such claim, if ma de by the Vendor after he s hall have signed a “no claim”certificate in favour of the NRHM, Uttarakhand in such forms as shall be required by theNRHM, Uttarakhand after the works are finally accepted.


The NRHM, Uttarakhand may by a written notice of suspension to the Vendor, suspend all paymentsto the Vendor under the contract, if the Vendor failed to perform any of its obligations underthis contract, (including the carrying out of the services) provided that such notice ofsuspension: shall specify the nature of the failure and shall request the Vend or to remedy such failurewithin a specified period from the date of receipt of such notice of suspension by theVendor.


The Vendor shall employ and provide such qualified and experienced personnel as arerequired to perform the services under the contract.


The Vendor shall ensure that all times during the currency of the contract Vendor projectManager, acceptable to the NRHM, Uttarakhand, shall take charge of the performance of thecontract.


All plans, drawings, specifications, designs and other documents prepared by the Vendor inthe execution of the contract shall become and remain the property of the NRHM, Uttarakhand,and before termination or expiration of this contract, the Vendor shall deliver all suchdocuments to the NRHM, Uttarakhand under the contract along with the detailed inventory thereof.