Outline of the Books of Moses


1 - The Beginning

2 - Adam and Eve

3 - The Fall of Man

4 - Cain and Abel

5 - From Adam to Noah

6 - The Flood

9 - God's Covenant With Noah

- The Sons of Noah

10 - The Table of Nations

- The Japhethites

- The Hamites

- The Semites

11 - The Tower of Babel

- From Shem to Abram

12 - The Call of Abram

- Abram in Egypt

13 - Abram and Lot Separate

14 - Abram Rescues Lot

15 - God's Covenant With Abram

16 - Hagar and Ishmael

17 - The Covenant of Circumcision

18 - The Three Visitors

- Abraham Pleads for Sodom

19 - Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed

- Lot and His Daughters

20 - Abraham and Abimelech

21 - The Birth of Isaac

- Hagar and Ishmael Sent Away

- The Treaty at Beersheba

22 - Abraham Tested

- Nahor's Sons

23 - The Death of Sarah

24 - Isaac and Rebekah

25 - The Death of Abraham

- Ishmael's Sons

- Jacob and Esau

26 - Isaac and Abimelech

27 - Jacob Gets Isaac's Blessing

- Jacob Flees to Laban

28 - Jacob's Dream at Bethel

29 - Jacob Arrives in Paddan Aram

- Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel

- Jacob's Children

30 - Jacob's Flocks Increase

31 - Jacob Flees From Laban

- Laban Pursues Jacob

32 - Jacob Prepares to Meet Esau

- Jacob Wrestles With God

33 - Jacob Meets Esau

34 - Dinah and the Shechemites

35 - Jacob Returns to Bethel

- The Deaths of Rachel and Isaac

36 - Esau's Descendants

- The Rulers of Edom

37 - Joseph's Dreams

- Joseph Sold by His Brothers

38 - Judah and Tamar

39 - Joseph and Potiphar's Wife

40 - The Cupbearer and the Baker

41 - Pharaoh's Dreams

- Joseph in Charge of Egypt

42 - Joseph's Brothers Go to Egypt

43 - The Second Journey to Egypt

44 - A Silver Cup in a Sack

45 - Joseph Makes Himself Known

46 - Jacob Goes to Egypt

47 - Joseph and the Famine

48 - Manasseh and Ephraim

49 - Jacob Blesses His Sons

- The Death of Jacob

50 - Joseph Reassures His Brothers

- The Death of Joseph


1 - The Israelites Oppressed

2 - The Birth of Moses

- Moses Flees to Midian

3 - Moses and the Burning Bush

4 - Signs for Moses

- Moses Returns to Egypt

5 - Bricks Without Straw

- God Promises Deliverance

6 - Family Record of Moses and Aaron

- Aaron to Speak for Moses

7 - Moses' Staff Becomes a Snake

- The Plague of Blood

8 - The Plague of Frogs

- The Plague of Gnats

- The Plague of Flies

9 - The Plague on Livestock

- The Plague of Boils

- The Plague of Hail

10 - The Plague of Locusts

- The Plague of Darkness

11 - The Plague on the Firstborn

12 - The Passover

- The Exodus

- Passover Restrictions

13 - Consecration of the Firstborn

- Crossing the Sea

15 - The Song of Moses

16 - Manna and Quail

17 - Water From the Rock

- The Amalekites Defeated

18 - Jethro Visits Moses

19 - At Mount Sinai

20 - The Ten Commandments

- Idols and Altars

21 - Hebrew Servants

- Personal Injuries

22 - Protection of Property

- Social Responsibility

23 - Laws of Justice and Mercy

- Sabbath Laws

- The Three Annual Festivals

- God's Angel to Prepare the Way

24 - The Covenant Confirmed

25 - Offerings for the Tabernacle

- The Ark

- The Lampstand

26 - The Tabernacle

27 - The Altar of Burnt Offering

- The Courtyard

- Oil for the Lampstand

28 - The Priestly Garments

- The Ephod

- The Breastpiece

- Other Priestly Garments

29 - Consecration of the Priests

30 - The Altar of Incense

- Atonement Money

- Basin for Washing

- Anointing Oil

- Incense

31 - Bezalel and Oholiab

- The Sabbath

32 - The Golden Calf

33 - The Tent of Meeting

- Moses and the Glory of the LORD

34 - The New Stone Tablets

- The Radiant Face of Moses

35 - Sabbath Regulations

- Materials for the Tabernacle

- Bezalel and Oholiab

36 - The Tabernacle

37 - The Ark

- The Table

- The Lampstand

- The Altar of Incense

38 - The Altar of Burnt Offering

- The Courtyard

- The Materials Used

39 - The Priestly Garments

- The Ephod

- The Breastpiece

- Other Priestly Garments

- Moses Inspects the Tabernacle

40 - Setting Up the Tabernacle

- The Glory of the LORD


1 - The Burnt Offering

2 - The Grain Offering

3 - The Fellowship Offering

4 - The Sin Offering

5 - The Guilt Offering

6 - The Burnt Offering

- The Grain Offering

- The Sin Offering

7 - The Guilt Offering

- The Fellowship Offering

- Eating Fat and Blood Forbidden

- The Priests' Share

8 - The Ordination of Aaron and His Sons

9 - The Priests Begin Their Ministry

10 - The Death of Nadab and Abihu

11 - Clean and Unclean Food

12 - Purification After Childbirth

13 - Regulations About Infectious Skin Diseases

- Regulations About Mildew

14 - Cleansing From Infectious Skin Diseases

- Cleansing From Mildew

15 - Discharges Causing Uncleanness

16 - The Day of Atonement

17 - Eating Blood Forbidden

18 - Unlawful Sexual Relations

19 - Various Laws

20 - Punishments for Sin

21 - Rules for Priests

22 - Unacceptable Sacrifices

23 - The Sabbath

- The Passover and Unleavened Bread

- Firstfruits

- Feast of Weeks

- Feast of Trumpets

- Day of Atonement

- Feast of Tabernacles

24 - Oil and Bread Set Before the LORD

- A Blasphemer Stoned

25 - The Sabbatical Year

- The Year of Jubilee

26 - Reward for Obedience

- Punishment for Disobedience

27 - Redeeming What Is the LORD's


1 - The Census

2 - The Arrangement of the Tribal Camps

3 - The Levites

4 - The Kohathites

- The Gershonites

- The Merarites

- The Numbering of the Levite Clans

5 - The Purity of the Camp

- The Test for an Unfaithful Wife

6 - The Nazirite

- The Priestly Blessing

7 - The Dedication of the Tabernacle

8 - Setting Up the Lamps

- The Setting Apart of the Levites

9 - The Passover

- The Cloud Above the Tabernacle

10 - The Silver Trumpets

- The Israelites Leave Sinai

11 - Fire From the LORD

- Quail From the LORD

12 - Miriam and Aaron Oppose Moses

13 - Exploring Canaan

- Report on the Exploration

14 - The People Rebel

15 - Supplementary Offerings

- Offerings for Unintentional Sins

- The Sabbath-Breaker Put to Death

- Tassels on Garments

16 - Korah, Dathan and Abiram

17 - The Budding of Aaron's Staff

18 - Duties of Priests and Levites

- Offerings for Priests and Levites

19 - The Water of Cleansing

20 - Water From the Rock

- Edom Denies Israel Passage

- The Death of Aaron

21 - Arad Destroyed

- The Bronze Snake

- The Journey to Moab

- Defeat of Sihon and Og

22 - Balak Summons Balaam

- Balaam's Donkey

23 - Balaam's First Oracle

- Balaam's Second Oracle

- Balaam's Third Oracle

24 - Balaam's Fourth Oracle

- Balaam's Final Oracles

25 - Moab Seduces Israel

26 - The Second Census

27 - Zelophehad's Daughters

- Joshua to Succeed Moses

28 - Daily Offerings

- Sabbath Offerings

- Monthly Offerings

- The Passover

- Feast of Weeks

29 - Feast of Trumpets

- Day of Atonement

- Feast of Tabernacles

30 - Vows

31 - Vengeance on the Midianites

- Dividing the Spoils

32 - The Transjordan Tribes

33 - Stages in Israel's Journey

34 - Boundaries of Canaan

35 - Towns for the Levites

- Cities of Refuge

36 - Inheritance of Zelophehad's Daughters


1 - The Command to Leave Horeb

- The Appointment of Leaders

- Spies Sent Out

- Rebellion Against the LORD

2 - Wanderings in the Desert

- Defeat of Sihon King of Heshbon

3 - Defeat of Og King of Bashan

- Division of the Land

- Moses Forbidden to Cross the Jordan

4 - Obedience Commanded

- Idolatry Forbidden

- The LORD Is God

- Cities of Refuge

- Introduction to the Law

5 - The Ten Commandments

6 - Love the LORD Your God

7 - Driving Out the Nations

8 - Do Not Forget the LORD

9 - Not Because of Israel's Righteousness

- The Golden Calf

10 - Tablets Like the First Ones

- Fear the LORD

11 - Love and Obey the LORD

12 - The One Place of Worship

13 - Worshiping Other Gods

14 - Clean and Unclean Food

- Tithes

15 - The Year for Canceling Debts

- Freeing Servants

- The Firstborn Animals

16 - Passover

- Feast of Weeks

- Feast of Tabernacles

- Judges

- Worshiping Other Gods

17 - Law Courts

- The King

18 - Offerings for Priests and Levites

- Detestable Practices

- The Prophet

19 - Cities of Refuge

- Witnesses

20 - Going to War

21 - Atonement for an Unsolved Murder

- Marrying a Captive Woman

- The Right of the Firstborn

- A Rebellious Son

- Various Laws

22 - Marriage Violations

23 - Exclusions From the Assembly

- Uncleanness in the Camp

- Miscellaneous Laws

26 - Firstfruits and Tithes

- Follow the LORD'S Commands

27 - The Altar on Mount Ebal

- Curses From Mount Ebal

28 - Blessings for Obedience

- Curses for Disobedience

29 - Renewal of the Covenant

30 - Prosperity After Turning to the LORD

- The Offer of Life or Death

31 - Joshua to Succeed Moses

- The Reading of the Law

- Israel's Rebellion Predicted

- The Song of Moses

32 - Moses to Die on Mount Nebo

33 - Moses Blesses the Tribes

34 - The Death of Moses