Hello Gophers! Can you believe we are close to the end of the school year? I can tell you that I am very proud of the great effort our students gave with the AIMS and SAT10 testing. I would like to thank the student council for all their help with the incentives for daily attendance. They did an outstanding job in preparing for this important event.

Secondly, our PTO Carnival was a huge success. We had about 300 students attend and participate in different game booths. The bouncies and the dunk tank were definitely great attractions.

During the quarter we had or will have several public events such as our 3rd quarter honors assemblies, kindergarten screening, DC Movie Night, Neon Dance and a variety of concerts for the 3rd, 5th and middle level choir.

May is loaded with activities starting with athletics for the first 2 weeks and then playoffs. We will have our student of the month luncheon on May 3rd with our “ Exceeds Luncheon” at the Blue Adobe on May 2nd for 1st through 6th graders and May 4th for 7th/8th graders. This is for students who exceeded on their 3rd quarter benchmarks. We had over 130 students who qualified. Wow!

We will have “End of the year assemblies” which you can see on our calendar culminated with 8th grade and Kindergarten promotion on May29th.

A big event that I would like to draw your attention to is on May10th. First we will have a PTO meeting at 4:30 p.m. in the band room. This will be followed by our 2nd Bingo night from 5:00 to 7:00. Please have some family fun and come out and play Bingo. It is fun and relatively cheap for the family. At 5:45 we will stop for l5 to 20 minutes as Dr. Nine will be showing a quick video about the district. I believe you will find this extremely interesting and will make you proud to be in FUSD. He will then do a short question and answer session about our district’s finances and the possibility of the override vote. It is extremely important that people attend and see what we have done plus what will happen if the override passes and/or fails. This is absolutely crucial for your children’s future. Please take the time to see this and participate. The override failed last fall which has caused us great financial difficulties resulting in pay to participate, supplemental kindergarten and 47 job cuts. The next vote will be even more important. Please come and bring your neighbor. After the talk, we will resume Bingo.

The last event of importance is Keys to Kindergarten which will be May2nd @ 5:30 in the band room. Any perspective kindergartener’s parents should show up. It will be a program to let you know what you can do to prepare your child for kindergarten as well as become familiar with the routine.

It’s going to be an exciting month of May. Go Gophers!