PRESENT:- Cllrs P Clifton (Vice-Chairman),J Luscombe,D Doig, R Barge,Mrs B Managh.
Cllr Rob Gittins and 3membersof the public.
In attendance: Audrey Wellings, clerk.
WELCOME AND PUBLIC SESSION:-The Vice-Chairman opened the meeting and invited any questions or comments from the public present.
COMMUNITY CAR SERVICE: Mr Marcus Mackay gave an update on the current on-going consultation process. Currently the strongest contractors are bringing in contracts without grants. The exemption sections are being utilised at present but cannot be guaranteed for the future. Pressure continues to be applied.
DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS: Declarations of pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests in any item on the agenda were invited:-Cllr P Clifton declared an interest in the erection of the bus shelter and
Cllr B Managhdeclared a pecuniary interest regardingthe planning application regarding No 1 Steppes Way.
APOLOGIES: Cllrs L Sambrook (Chairman), R Barge and B Sale.
MINUTES:- Proposed by Cllr D Doig,seconded by Cllr B Managhand resolved that the minutes of the last meeting beapproved and signed as a true record.
CASUAL VACANCY: To date, there has been no application to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs Karen Connolly which remains available.
PLANNING:-Applications: (a)Reference 18/00744/FUL: Erection of a 5-bay steel framed agricultural storage building: Land at Village Farm, Eaton Road, Childs Ercall: Having considered the application, Councillors agreed on a ‘No Comment’ response.
Updates: Reference18/00455/FUL: Erection of two-storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory: 1 Steppes Way, Childs Ercall: Cllr B Managh, having declared a pecuniary interest in the application as an immediate neighbour took no part in the discussions – The planning officer is of the opinion that the proposed extension is too large in comparison to the existing building.
Reference: 18/00009/FUL: Erection of detached double tandem garage: The Old Village Hall, Narrow Lane, Childs Ercall:- Revised application: A revised plan has been submitted with clearer information regarding measurements.
Consents:Reference: 17/03362/FUL: 17/05920/OUT:Outline application (access for approval) for the erection of one dwelling Proposed Dwelling North West Of New Cottages Childs Ercall (adjacent to No 2, New Cottages). The application has been approved. It is the planning officer’s opinion the concerns raised may be addressed under reserved matters.
Bottom of Form
Top of ForBottom of Fo(e)(99BUS SHELTER:- Cllr P Clifton had declared an interest in the item but it was agreed that he should take part in the discussions. The clerk has been contacted by the solicitor acting for the Clifton Bros. The Chairman has agreed that Ben Brassington, Aaron and Company LLP should act for the Parish Council in the transfer process and he will provide an estimate for the work involved. The clerk is in the process of obtaining the information required but cannot complete until the return of the Chairman from his holidays. Mr Marcus Mackay who was present at the meeting offered to carry out the legal work if he is able to obtain an exemption certificate from the Law Society.
(a)Potholes: It was reported that there are a number of potholes, some serious and dangerous, on the road in Crow Lane in the centre of the road on the junction with St Michaels Way estate, opposite the turning to The Hall and Arboretum and along past the entrance to Ollerton Business Park. Additionally, there is a dangerous pothole in Narrow Lane and also across The Four Crosses towards Mill Gree
Proposed by Cllr D Doig, seconded by Cllr B Managh and unanimously agreed to pay:-
Payee / Details of payment / Cheque No / AmountJ Woodhouse / Re: Remuneration for voluntary litter picking: Playing field. February 2018 / 1561 / £20.00
E-On Electricity Ltd
A Wellings: Clerk
Childs Ercall Community
Association / Repairs to street light outside 4 St Michaels Way, Childs Ercall
Clerk: Salary: October/December £582.15 Less PAYE; £116.40: £465.75 plus expenses £57.96
Annual paymentstorage £25.00 and ink
cartridge £15.00.
Re: PAYE: A Wellings
Hire of Jubilee Hall: Meetings September 2017/
March 2018 / 1562
1565 / £230.40 (inc Vat £38.40)
Childs Ercall PC Playground Fund
L Sambrook / Transfer of committed funds to Playground Fund Account.
CIL Payment: £4,508.90
LJC Payment: £2,374.00
Children’s Christmas Party Proceeds: £ 237.59
Stationery items and padlock and keys / 1566
1567 / £7,120.49
The cheques were signed by two of four councillors, Clls P Clifton and J Luscombe as per bank mandate
NEIGHBOURHOOD FUND: CIL 2017: Notification has been received that the CIL payment due for 2017 is £9,507.42 and will be paid with the Annual Precept at the end of April
Play Equipment: Aerial Runway:Ray Parry from Ray Parry Playground Services was meeting with Cllr David Doig the day following the meeting to give his expert opinion regarding the safety of the runway and any action necessary at this time.
Steering Group: Mr Colin Macklin presented an update from the Steering Group. The total funds raised to date (including the CIL funding committed) is £7,707.42(including £50.00 retained float). A second successful car wash, Mother’s Day jewellery making sessions and a second quiz night have taken place.
There are several events confirmed with the continuation of the monthly car wash, together with a Dance evening, Farm Walk, Ceilidh and hog roast following the summer fete, quarterly table top sale in the Jubilee Hall and monthly quiz in the Club. Additionally, the Community Association has agreed that the proceeds from the annual bonfire should go to the fund and another Children’s Christmas Party has been confirmed for 25th November.
REQUIREMENT FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF DATA PROTECTION OFFICER BY 31ST MAY 2018: Final confirmation is still awaitedbut it appears that the clerk of smaller parish councils will be able to act as Data Protection Officer. The clerk will attend a training course on 26th April.
RETIREMENT OF CLERK: Following the clerk’s intention to retire when a replacement can be appointed, the process for the appointment a new clerk will need to commence. SALC advertises vacancies on the website and it maybe advertised locally.
COMMUNITY LITTER PICK: It was requested that an item be added to the next agenda to discuss a possible litter pick date.
ELECTRICTY:LOW PRESSURE SODIUM LIGHTING REPLACEMENT: The clerk will ask E-On for a costing to replace the nine lamps which remain in the public lighting.