Dear Classic Enthusiast
We would like to invite you to the WHITSTABLECLASSICMotor Showon Tankerton Slopes, Whitstable, Kent on Sunday2 August 2015.
The Motor Show is organised by Chris West of Classic Music and Motors, supporting the Whitstable Lions. We have space for 700 classic vehicles. Included in the show will be interesting static displays,classic music & entertainment, retro market and more...
We hope you will be able to attend the event, please feel free to copy the booking form.
If you are a member of a club, we willplace you all together and we welcome your stands, flags etc.
For further information email: or call: 07841 598076.
Please visit our website for more information.
Chris West, Event Organiser
Whitstable Classic Motor Show2015 BOOKING FORM
Email:………………………...... Tel: …………………………………..…
Make of Car / Bike / Vehicle………………………………………………Year……………
Club Name……………………………………… Other info…………………………………………..
I agree for my vehicle, if required, to be used in CM&M media publications Y / N (pleasedelete)
- All vehicles must be in a roadworthy condition and have 3rd Party Insurance risk on & off the event area.
- Vehicles must not move between 10am – 4.30pm, unless escorted by a steward. Max speed 5mph.
- Organisers reserve the right to refuse admission.
- Engines must be switch off throughout the event.
- The organisers accept no responsibility for any loss / damage / theft to exhibitor’s person, vehicleor property whilst at the event.
I accept the Terms & Conditions:
Signed ……………………………… Name…………………………………. Date……………
Please enclose your fee VEHICLE£5.00, BIKE£3.00 Please make chequepayable to ‘Classic Music & Motors’, enclose your fee with your booking form.Payments can bemade through Paypal at: ‘. Paid via Paypal (Please tick)
Please enclose an A5Stamped Addressed Envelope or if you would like your pitch number emailed,please tick here Pitch numbers will be sent to you 4 weeks before the event.
(If booking more than one vehicle or for other shows, one cheque / payment is fine)
Please return your booking form to:
Chris West, Classic MotorShow,3 Yew Tree Close, Deal, Kent CT14 9UX or email: Thank you for supporting the event