Covenant Community Church
Name:Amber Ernst
Position/Ministry Area:Worship
Date of Report (MM/DD/YY):05/24/2016
- Worship team seems to be more engaged in the services
- Rotation schedule seems to be working well
- Wednesday night practices and getting to know you days are going well
- Lessons are going great
- We had an outing with the youth group
- We went bowling
- Worship Committee meeting went really well
- We had a new member join the meeting (Bill Garrison) who is going to be the congregation representative
- We have two new members at our Sunday night small group. Which makes 13 regular attendees
- We are studying the book of James
- Shelby did a great job with organizing the youth service
- Kim has finally (probably) found her helpers she was looking for for the computer on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings
- Potluck Pool Party at the Welkers
- Redecorating the stage
- Trying to make practices go smoother
- Possibly having a new vocalist
- Moving towards getting my ministry license
- PARTNERSHIP: How can the Council and/or Pastor help you to accomplish your goals for the next month?
- Continued prayer! I know God has great things in store!
Covenant Community Church
Name:Marlene Evans
Position/Ministry Area:Adult Ministries
Date of Report (MM/DD/YY):May 28, 2016
*The women met at J. Austin’s for lunch.
*A progressive dinner was held on the second Saturday. The evening began with everyone enjoying appetizers at Berkeley Square; the main course was served at various assigned homes; and everyone met back at the church for dessert and games. Thanks, everyone!
*The men met for the third Saturday breakfast.
*The after church snacks, on May 22nd, were prepared by Pat Bowling and Donna Parker. Thanks for all of your hard work.
*A family dinner was prepared for Suzy Fields and Nancy Heim after the loss of their mother.
*Thank you to all who have been transporting others to their medical appointments.
3.PARTNERSHIP: How can the Council and/or Pastor help you to accomplish your goals for the next month?
Covenant Community Church
Name:Barbara Martin
Position/Ministry Area:Financial Secretary
Date of Report (MM/DD/YY):06/01/16
Giving Units in May: 40
Special offerings received in May:
CWR: $3111.31
Corey Wigal: $842
Grace Covenant: $200
We Care Fair: $1000
3.PARTNERSHIP: How can the Council and/or Pastor help you to accomplish your goals for the next month?
Covenant Community Church
Name:Regina Schroer
Position/Ministry Area:Administration
Date of Report (MM/DD/YY):06/06/2016
The food pantry served 12 families in the month of May.
Things are pretty status quo in the office, no big projects in the near future.
Read The Story Implementation Guide.
Assist with VBS materials as needed
I’d like to get some shelving or even make some for paper, and other supplies in my office, and a small closet enclosure to use for coats, etc.
I have lots of things that belong to many people in the church that are cluttering up my office.
I’d also like to request a larger computer screen to help with eye strain and minimize mistakes in my work.
3.PARTNERSHIP: How can the Council and/or Pastor help you to accomplish your goals for the next month?
Make sure to give me dates, I can’t tell people what is happening if I don’ tknow.
This is a very busy church, make sure to check with me before scheduling a meeting.
Covenant Community Church
Name:Shelby Langford
Position/Ministry Area:Youth Intern
Date of Report (MM/DD/YY):6/7/16
- Attended New Members Class
- Planned Youth Sunday with Joe/Amber
- Acquired cost and details for summer trip
- Cared for students and be available to listen and pray for them
- Communicate better with staff, and our youth to ensure/maintain healthy; good relationships
- Attended Woman’s ministry painting night
- Attended Progressive Dinner
- Strengthened relationships within church
- Helped with Kingdom Kid’s Auction
- Skyzone (End of June)
- Youth Trip (Summer)
- Meet with students individually/in pairs to discuss their relationship with Christ and how I can help them and encourage them
- Care for the students and be available to listen and pray for them
- Prepare for my sermon on June 26th
3.PARTNERSHIP: How can the Council and/or Pastor help you to accomplish your goals for the next month?
- Community/Friendship
- Accountability for goals [bible study]
Covenant Community Church
Name: Denny Crutcher for Charlie Garrison
Position/Ministry Area: Properties
Date of Report (MM/DD/YY): 06/07/2016
Finished up flooring in main floor restrooms
Got most of the snow removal product put away
Making repairs to the shed which was broken in to
Got an estimate to get the roof repaired from storm damage
Looking in to estimates for electrical work in the sanctuary
Have an estimate to get the ceiling in sanctuary fixed and painted
Organize a Service day for the church
Get electrical work completed in the sanctuary
Get a new lawn mower to replace the stolen one
- PARTNERSHIP: How can the Council and/or Pastor help you to accomplish your goals for the next month? Keep Charlie in prayer as he decides his future with the Properties committee
Covenant Community Church
Name: Denny Crutcher
Position/Ministry Area: Council chair
Date of Report (MM/DD/YY): 06/07/2016
Involved in the rollout of The Story
Developed an Agenda for the monthly meeting
Helping teach the new members class on Sunday mornings
Set an Agenda for an all church meeting
A little R & R while on vacation
Set the advertising for The Story in to motion
3.PARTNERSHIP: How can the Council and/or Pastor help you to accomplish your goals for the next month?
Continue to give great feedback and guidance for all of the projects that we have going.
Covenant Community Church
Name: Patrice McCracken
Position/Ministry Area: E and O
Date of Report June 8, 2016
- Conferenced with Birthing Director at Mercy Hospital.
The presentation to help grandparents (or other “older” adults) who unexpectedly become parents is almost complete. An agenda of the program will be emailed to me soon and a date for hosting (providing a meeting spot) this at CCC will be set. Mercy Hospital’s promo department will promote this program to the community.
- 60 board books and 40 bilingual books (Spanish/English) of Tale of Three Trees have been ordered with a 20% discount for bulk ordering. A label with CCC’s contact info will be affixed to the back of the books. The books will be given to new clinic moms and those birthing a child with special needs (about 200 each year at Mercy Fairfield). These will be given in conjunction with a homemade congratulations card crafted by CCC ladies.
- Met with Nancy Adler who agreed to chair the card making outreach for Mercy. Parameters were set and budget decided. $25 a month will be allotted to make 60 cards and envelopes each month (there are ~ 1700-1800 births at Mercy Fairfield each year). Nancy will share her tools which create the parts for the cards and will purchase the needed materials. These cards will have hand written scripture and the creator’s name. These cards will be prayed over and then delivered to the Mercy Birthing Director who in turn will deliver a card to each new baby’s mom. We discussed promotion of this outreach. Promotion will begin this weekend June 12.
- Met with and conferenced with Elliott Ernst regarding softball outreach and planning. Everything is in place with softball outreach beginning this June 12.
- Personal outreach contacts to CCC members: 5
- Visitor and absentee contacts: Penny Jacobs is going to have her Welcome Team members complete a card right after morning service for each visitor for whom they have contact information. Absentee contacts are being made by the Staff as deemed appropriate and Barb Martin also contacts absentees as she deems appropriate. As E&O chair I request that each Council Member check the absentees each week to see if any of the CCC members for whom they are responsible need a contact. Note: if a person’s name is on the absentee list that means they have been absent for at least three weeks. I request college students be contacted periodically also to let them know we still think of them.
- Interacted with the WCF team via email as I could not attend the meeting. In the email I expressed some concerns as well as the need to obtain some demographics from attendees to help guide us in purchase of age appropriate materials and to know from which communities we draw. Demographics are also requested on the applications for funding by foundations and companies. WCF meeting notes are available from Denny. I am still working to obtain additional funding from Kroger through its headquarters. I have obtained at least one translator for the event.
- CCC Sign: Fred Guthrie has agreed to be the sign keeper following the monthly calendar given to him by Pastor Joe.
- Met with City of Fairfield Engineer for Public Works Ben Mann regarding the front easement which the City mows. Information was obtained regarding the City’s responsibility to the slope and CCC’s and what CCC can and cannot do with that property. The procedures to commit these to paper were determined. Currently the City mows the area but is under no written agreement to do so. This is Outreach in that what the building and the grounds look like is an outreach either positive or negative to those passing by observing the “look” of CCC.
- Covenant World Relief – Barb Martin completed the” focused” drive for CWRF resulting in the collection of $ 2,601.31
- Food Pantry is now under the direction of Joyce/Jim Arnold and Nancy Heim.
- Attended the leadership meeting for The Story. I will be teaming with Denny Crutcher to promote The Story as Outreach.
- Labels for the Mercy book outreach as well as a rubber stamp for the cards containing the Church’s contact info need to be made/ purchased.
- I need to write a budget with explanation of where money has/is going and why additional funds are required and submit this to Denny as the Council Chair. I anticipate the need for another$ 600 – 800.
- Welcome Packets require updating.
- Write a “letter” to CCC members indicating how much they are appreciated and needed in Evangelism /Outreach participation. I agreed to write letter and Marlene agreed to disseminate it. Pastor Joe is in “the loop” on this.
- I need to obtain information on a freestanding display board on which EO promos can be highlighted and on which visitors (those attending non-church functions) can obtain a “take-away” flier of information.
- Add EO info to CCC’s website.
- Set next EO/Missions meeting.
3.PARTNERSHIP: How can the Council and/or Pastor help you to accomplish your goals
for the next month?
- Make contacts to absentees on Council list
- Talk with me before spending E&O money
- Pray for discernment for E&O members regarding God’s priorities in choice of E&O opportunities acted upon by the E&O committee.
Covenant Community Church
Name:Joe Poppino
Position/Ministry Area:Senior Pastor
Date of Report (MM/DD/YY):06.09.16
- Began search process for Minister to Children and Families (accepting applications now through mid-July)
- Several “The Story” Leadership Team meetings – beginning (in earnest) the planning process for Fall 2016
- New Members’ Class (co-led with Denny Crutcher)
- Preaching, pastoral care calls and visits, staff meetings, daily leadership.
- Continue Story prep
- Continue search process (possibly interview first candidates)
- “Gather 2016” (ECC Annual Meeting in Phoenix)
- Accept new members (schedule Council interviews and welcome Sunday)
- Begin new preaching series on the Parables
- PARTNERSHIP: How can the Council and/or Pastor help you to accomplish your goals for the next month?
- I would like to schedule new member interviews for 1-2 Sundays (in the 9:30 to 10:45 hour) in late June, early July. Council will be asked to participate in this process.
- Pray for the Search Process and for The Story Initiative, that those involved would have wisdom and discernment and that God would show us the best way forward.