Module 1 Activities

If you are not currently working as a teaching assistant, you may need to do some research in order to fully answer these questions.

Why is it important that you are able to communicate effectively with people in your job role?
Explain your different styles of communication when:
a)noticing that a Foundation age child is becoming distressed
during a group activity in the Numeracy session
b)noticing that a Year 7 child is becoming distressed during a group activity in the Maths lesson
c) supporting a child with Asperger’s Syndrome during a role play activity about going on holiday
d) supporting a child with a hearing impairment during a role
play activity about going on holiday
You are concerned about the behaviour of one of the children with whom you are involved. You believe that this is due to learning development problems, and suspect that this may be due to underlying medical issues.
Explain how you would ensure that effective communication is maintained when discussing these issues with the child’s parent, the assigned teacher and other external professionals.
How can a HLTA help pupils to understand why it is necessary to behave appropriately during lessons?
Speak to a classroom teacher and ask them about the most important things they expect from their pupils in terms of behaviour. Record them below and state whether you agree or disagree with their expectations.
Teacher expectations / Agree/disagree
If there are expectations you did not agree with, think about why you did not agree. Record your thoughts here and discuss with the teacher.
Say how you as a HLTA would deal with each of the following situations (figures in brackets give the age of the pupil).
Amy (13) calls Jasmine (11) a ‘chav’
Susan (8) pulls the hair of the girl sitting next to her.
During a whole-class activity, Jack (11) gets up and wanders round the classroom, looking at other pupils’ work and distracting them.
You hear Tom (13) threaten to ‘knife’ Paul (12) when they get out of school.
You ask Mohammed (5) to stop talking while the teacher is talking and he swears at you.
Carla (13) and Rani (13) have an argument over a pencil. Carla is racially abusive to Rani and grabs Rani’s wrist to force her to give her the pencil.

You come across Chris (14) and Sam (15) smoking at the top of the playing fields.

You overhear Charlotte (14) and Jenny (14) discussing a sexually explicit scenario involving one of the male teachers.
List the activities/materials/experiences you provide in your school to encourage a positive attitude to diversity/multi-culturalism.
If you are not a teaching assistant describe activities/materials/experiences that could be provided.
Parents, guardians or carers
LEA support staff
Trainee teacher
Other TAs
School administrative staff
Educational Psychologists
Other therapists
Choose three people with whom you work/would expect to work closely as a HLTA (try to include a teacher and a pupil). Write down what you consider to be the key features of the communication/relationship that you have/would have with them.
Person / Key features of communications/relationship
Case study:
The assigned teacher is not present for a PE session with a class of children within the age range you work with (if you are not working as a teaching assistant, choose an age range you prefer). You have been asked to take the class and have a TA with you.
Explain what role and direction you would give to the TA to ensure that the required learning takes place.
Taking the scenarios from Q1.6, explain how you would ensure that the TA understands the needs of the children within the class, and is directed to use appropriate behaviour-management strategies.
Use the line tool to match the definitions to the management styles below.
Consider which style is the closest to your own way of working with your colleagues and other adults in the school.
List three positive points that you have found in how this style motivates the staff in the school.
Case study:
You have been asked to organise the annual school visit to the theatre to see a pantomime.
Explain what aspects you would need to consider, in terms of the number of adults accompanying the visit.
How would the volunteers be recruited, and what specific requirements would you need to know beforehand?
How would you communicate to the adults in terms of transport plans, their role during the visit and the feedback you would give after the event?
Read the following case study and then answer the questions that follow:
The class teacher is involved in an activity with a group of children to make a leaflet on the dangers of smoking. The resources available include information from websites and various leaflets from the health authority. You have just completed a course regarding this issue and feel that there are a lot of different ways the teacher could approach this topic to make it very interesting and relevant for the children’s age range. You want to give the teacher the opportunity to benefit from your experience in a way that allows her to take advantage of it without feeling resentment towards your additional knowledge.
Describe how you would approach the teacher to make sure that your criticism is constructive and positive.
When and where would you talk to her?
What type of language and stance you would use?

Feedback/Support Form

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Type of Support (please place a cross (x) in relevant box)
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Work Submitted Module No(s): / Were all agreed actions fully completed?
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(If No please state)
Learner Achievement Summary:
Specific Areas of Noteworthy Recognition:
Further Areas of Development Required:
Action Plan including date(s):
Tutor: / Target date for next submission:

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Work completed and returned by Tutor within 10 days / Y / N / Tutor communicated all achievements / Y / N
Action Plan confirming further process provided / Y / N / Work filed electronically/paper / E / P

Issued August 2012