PO BOX 1013

Mt. Wolf, PA 17347


Mt. Wolf Elementary PTO held its meeting on September 2, 2014 in the library.

Board Members in attendance were: Randi Payne, Sandy Datesman, Veronica Reitzel, Chris Heiland, Tara Nolte, Wendy Latshaw, Laura Mulligan, Alexis Reachard, Shannon Adams

Pto Members in attendance were: Megan Muehling, Dana Sykes, Sarah Wooden, Angie Lesher, Mrs. Welker

Excused members: Teresa Wilson

Approval of minutes:

·  The minutes from August 11, 2014 were distributed. Veronica made a motion to approve the minutes & Laura seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried.

President’s Report– Sandy Datesman

·  Conflict of interest paper needs signed by all board members. Completed before meeting.

·  Babysitters are lined up for this and future PTO meetings.

Vice President’s Report— Wendy Latshaw

·  Student directory papers have been submitted. Working on the directory layout and data entry.

·  Would like to have the minutes from meeting submitted sooner. Alexis has agreed to get them in. They will be distributed via email to members and BLAST for all parents.

Treasurer’s Report—Shannan Adams

·  Checkbook balance is $2059.16 This will be increasing with buyout, membership drive and kids stuff book orders.

·  The taxes for last year has been submitted to accountant and everything entered was balanced to the penny.

·  Field Trip budget is set at $4000. With current enrollment of 209 students this allows $19.13/student. Enrollment at this time shows the following budget for each grade. This is subject to change based on enrollment at the time of the field trips.

·  Kindergarten: 48 students=918.24

·  Grade 1: 59 students=1128.67

·  Grade 2: 58 students=1109.54

·  Grade 3: 44 students=841.72

·  Last year the budget for field trip was as follows: 4696.61/225=$20.87 per student

·  Kindergarten: 60 students @ $1073.80= $17.90 per student

·  1st grade: 60 students @ $1469.40=$24.49 per student

·  2nd grade: 44 students @ $680.05=$15.46 per student

·  3rd grade: 60 students @ $1234.30=$20.57 per student **** 3rd grade numbers include the extratripto downtown York that we all agreed to fund due to them not being able to go to the grant funded playtripK-2nd grade goes on... excluding thattriptheir numbers are actually 60 students @ $915.31=$15.26 per student

Principal's Report— Randi Payne

·  Class of t-shirts will be given to kindergarten with “courtesy of PTO” tag. They are ordered but have not arrived yet.

·  AR shirts will be designed and a cost will be given at the next meeting.

·  DRA testing for Grade 1-3 will be held in Oct. Kindergarten is tested in December. 1st grade will be tested 4 times a year starting this year. 2& 3 grade are tested Oct, March and end of the year.

·  3rd grade started Study Island. This is a benchmark testing based on where they should be at the end of 3rd grade. This is used 4 times over the year. Randi will meet with each child to discuss their personal score as well as setting goals for the November testing.

Teacher’s Report— Teresa Wilson (Mrs. Welker)

·  Teachers where ok with the budget for the field trips. They will have to make some adjustments to fit into the budget but they felt it would work.

Committee Reports

Membership- Wendy Latshaw.

·  41 members and total of $205 raised

Hospitality– Veronica Reiztel

·  Next event is the teacher dinner during November conferences. This will be discussed in October meeting.

Yearbook– Chris Heiland NO REPORT

Book Fair– Laura Mulligan

·  Fall book fair is Oct 20-22. We need someone to work Tuesday Oct 21st during school hours.

·  The spring BOGO sale was slated for April 29th. This week was not available. It was decided to hold the BOGO May 7th & 8th. This will coincide with Grandparents day Friday May 8th. We will include this on grandparent day flier.

Party Coordinator– Veronica Reiztel.

·  Fall party will be planned for next meeting.

·  Alexis mentioned a building layout for where the events/activities will take place. She has given Veronica an example from a different school. We also should check out someone that does balloon animals and face painting. This would be something we might get someone to do for free or small fee. This would also help eliminate some need for volunteers.

·  50/50 raffle will be included for raising money.

Fundraising—Tara Nolte.

·  Kids stuff books are coming back. Some have been sold

·  Wolfgang candy will be sold starting Sept 15th-Oct 6th. Delivery will be November 4th with pick up during teacher conferences November 5th & 6th. We will need volunteers for pick up both days from 1:30-3:30 and 6-8. Please contact Tara if you are available to help with pickup.

·  Chic-a-filet will offer a breakfast and information meeting on fundraising opportunities. Sandy and Shannon will attend.

PTO member comments/concerns:

·  It was brought to attention that some parents felt that the fall picture day was too soon to the start of school. It could be too much money for families to afford pictures, sports registration and fundraising at the same time. This will be taken into consideration for next year.

·  A suggestion was made to have a PTO event for working parents to be involved. Wake-up with AR is not available for kids who have parents that work at 8. It would be nice to hold an evening AR event so that the children could still participate as well as allowing parents who work to be involved more. In order to do this we will need volunteers for the library as well as the computer lab. We will look into setting up an evening AR event.

·  PTO meeting will be considered for a later time as well as the second or forth Monday of the month to allow PTO members to still go to board meetings. 6:15 or 6:30 are times to consider.

·  It was mentioned in the budget at the August meeting that PTO needs to raise $10,000 for each school year. The question was ask what do we do if we find we are raising more than that. If we would raise extra money we would use it to fund different events as well as give us a cushion for things like extra tables, poster machine, t-shirts and bobcat costume that have recently been purchased.

We will hold our next meeting on October 6, 2014 at 5:45pm in the library .

The meeting was adjourned by Sandy Datesman.