Pierce County Course Syllabus

World History

Teacher Name:Brett SteversonTextbook Title: Glencoe World History

Cost of Textbook: $64.98Teacher Planning Period: 3rd Block

Room Number: 14 B

Course Description: A survey course beginning with the earliest civilizations and highlighting important developments throughout the world until the early 21st century.

Dates / Topic / Standards to be covered / # of Days needed
8/7-8/17 / Intro of class
Prehistory/Ancient Civilizations / SSWH1-2 / 9
8/18-8/29 / Classical Societies / SSWH3 / 8
8/30-9/11 / Emerging Middle Eastern Societies / SSWH4-7 / 8
9/12-9/25 / Renaissance, Reformation, Exploration / SSWH8-10 / 10
9/26-10/4 / Common Assessment/Review
Absolute Monarchs and Downfall / SSWH11-13 / 7
10/5-10/18 / Age of Revolutions / SSWH14 / 7
10/19-10/31 / 19th Century Politics / SSWH15 / 9
11/1-11/8 / World War I / SSWH16 / 6
11/9-11/16 / World Between Wars / SSWH17 / 6
11/17-12/1 / World War II / SSWH18 / 6
12/4-12/8 / Post-War World / SSWH19-21 / 5
12/12-12/19 / Common Assessment and Final Exam/Review / All World History Standards / 6

Daily Work:

●Use a pencil or pen.

●Work with no name is automatically deducted 5 points.

●Cheaters and the person from whom they cheat get zeros.

Rules and Expectations:


●No food or drinks (except water) in class.

●Be respectful.

●Phones are off and put away once you enter the classroom.

●Be prepared.

●All school rules will be enforced.

If a rule is broken…

First time: Warning

Second time: Conference

Third time: Parent/Guardian contacted/Lunch detention

Fourth time: Referral

Severe Disruptions: Student will be sent immediately to the office.

Classroom Procedures:

  1. Beginning the block:
  2. Come in, grab your binder, get out supplies,and sit in your assigned seat.
  3. Begin your bellringer.
  4. During the block:
  5. Remain in your seat.
  6. Remain quiet during instruction.
  7. During discussion:
  8. Remain quiet and listening until it is your turn to speak.
  9. Be respectful of what others say.
  10. Leaving class:
  11. No lining up at the exit door.
  12. Miscellaneous:
  13. Go to the bathroom before and after class. That way you do not miss any class time.
  14. Agendas are absolutely necessary.
  15. Students are not allowed to leave the room unless it is an emergency.


  1. 1 3 ring binder
  2. 5 tab dividers
  3. Pencils or pens
  4. Notebook paper

Grading Procedures:

Course with no EOC

Classwork (Includes tests, quizzes, daily work, and notebook)75%

Tests- 50%


Daily Work-30%

Final Exam25%

Lunch Detention: All assignments will be expected to be completed. Teachers will assign students academic lunch detention to get work that would be given a zero. Students will attend lunch detention until missing work is turned in.

Late Work: Late work will be accepted, but points will be taken off for each day that it is late.

Exam Exemptions: Students may exempt the final exam for my course in the following ways:

●A student must have an average of 70 or above

●Miss no more than two days this semester

Participation: Participation means being awake, listening, learning, and contributing to discussions and doing your own work.

Parents and Guardians,

This course is required to graduate, therefore each student must pass this class. I know that all of my students can succeed in World History and each one is capable of passing this course. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me any time. You may contact me at or by calling the school.

Please sign and return this sheet. Thanks!!




Student SignatureDate


Parent SignatureDate


Parent email addressParent Phone Number