23 Sep 2015



SUBJECT: Professional Officers Course (POC) Leadership Laboratory Syllabus – Fall 2015


Academic Freedom/Academic Integrity: The free exchange of opinions and ideasis essential to the educational process and, to the greatest extent possible, faculty, students, and staff are encouraged to speak and write freely. Statements, disagreements, and other comments made by individuals or groups in the educational forum are safeguarded through the practice of non-attribution. However, academic freedom must be tempered by good judgment to refrain from making offensive remarks, unfounded opinions, or irresponsible statements either verbally or in writing. All cadets must adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. You are prohibited from engaging in plagiarism, cheating, misrepresentation, unprofessional relationships, or any other act constituting a lack of academic integrity. All individuals who violate this are subject to adverse administrative action including disenrollment, expulsion from school, and disciplinary action.

Students With Disabilities: If you need accommodations because of a disability, please inform your instructor immediately and contact Dr. Jane Warner in 103 Thompson Hall or call 843-953-1820 to schedule an appointment. Her office is responsible for reviewing documentation provided by students requesting academic accommodations, and for accommodations planning in cooperation with students and instructors, as needed and consistent with course requirements. If your request for accommodations has already been approved and you have your accommodation letter, please see the instructor as soon as possible during office hours.

Academic Support Center: The Academic Support Center’s mission is to aid students in their transition to college life and help them achieve individual academic success culminating into graduation. Services are free to students and include academic advising, L.E.A.D program guidance, mandatory study program, math and writing labs, subject area tutoring, and supplemental instruction. For more information or assistance, contact 843-953-5305 or


Welcome to AERO450, AFROTC Detachment 765’s Leadership Laboratory (abbreviated as LLAB, and usually called “Lead Lab”). The main focus of the POC Leadership Laboratory program is to provide “Juniors” or Intermediate Cadet Leaders (ICL) cadets returning from field training sufficient opportunities to demonstrate and develop the leadership and management skills needed to successfully function as active duty officers. For Senior Cadet Leaders (SCL) it is designed to provide cadets to be commissioned additional opportunities to demonstrate and develop the leadership and management skills needed to successfully function as an active duty officer and to adequately prepare them to transition from the ROTC environment to active duty.

a.  You will be assigned to positions of leadership and responsibility in the cadet wing to meet the objectives of the LLAB training program. These jobs will require you to plan, organize, direct, coordinate, and control. LLAB objectives that will be covered this year are listed in Attachment 1.

b.  A note about FTP cadet training: Field Training will require unique military decorum rules such as squaring corners, coming to attention with heels to the wall, and using the seven basic responses. However, for training purposes these requirements will only be required of FTP cadets during LLAB hours (at the discretion of the flight commander) and will not be used outside of these hours.


You are expected to be actively engaged in your leadership development at Detachment 765. The following behaviors are encouraged and expected for a passing grade in AERO450:

·  Show commitment to the (Air Force) Cadet Honor Code:

“We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.”

·  Strive for outstanding performance, have a positive attitude, and excellent military bearing and appearance.

·  Practice effective time management and consistently meet suspenses established by the detachment staff.

·  Attend all ROTC events… LLAB, PT, and ROTC Training Weekends.

·  Go above and beyond in your cadet duties.

·  Show no indifference to military training.


During the semester you are expected to attend all scheduled Professional Military Training (PMT) sessions, which include LLAB, PT, and ROTC training weekends. For cadets on contract it is mandatory that you attend all scheduled PMT sessions. If you are unable to attend regularly scheduled PMT sessions you must attend the make-up sessions as scheduled. Typical PMT sessions include LLAB, PT, and ROTC weekends.

a.  Primary LLAB: Thursdays from 1600 – 1800 hrs

b.  Makeup LLAB: Mondays from 1200 – 1250 hrs held in AS100 classroom

c.  PT: Mondays from 1600 – 1700 and Wednesdays from 0540 – 0640 hrs; formation in front of the F-4 static display on Summerall Field

d.  ROTC Training Weekends: 17-20 Sep and 13-15 Nov


Each cadet is part of the Air Force training organization where we accomplish, on a regular basis, practical military training. As a participant in the Air Force ROTC program, you are expected to adhere to both Air Force and Air Force ROTC standards. This applies to personal appearance and grooming (AFI 36-2903 Air Force Dress & Appearance Standards), rendering proper customs and courtesies, and acting in a professional manner.


You must be enrolled in AERO450-01 or AERO450-02 to receive credit for LLAB. AERO450-02 is reserved for makeup LLAB cadets who can’t attend regular LLAB on Thursday afternoons. To enroll in either class, meet with your academic advisor to do so online through the Lesesne Gateway.


LLAB is graded on a PASS/FAIL system and will not affect your course grade in Aerospace Studies classes. In accordance with AFROTCI 36-2011 and AFROTCI 36-2010, each cadet must satisfy three requirements to receive a passing grade: (1) adhere to the attendance requirements mentioned below, (2) attempt the physical fitness assessment (PFA), (3) not show indifference to military training. You must pass LLAB to remain in AFROTC and to be eligible for an Air Force officer commission.


There are a total of 12 LLABs and 18 PT sessions this semester. The expectation is 100% attendance at all LLABs activities and PT sessions. At a minimum, you must attend at least 80% of PMT activities to pass LLAB, which means attending no fewer than 10 LLABs, 14 PT sessions, and both ROTC training weekends. Attendance will be taken at all regularly scheduled and make-up PMT sessions. It is your responsibility to ensure that your presence is accounted for and that as flight commanders you properly account for those cadets in your flight. If you fail to meet the required 80% attendance minimum, you will be dismissed/disenrolled from the AFROTC program.

Total Meetings / 80% Attendance to Pass AERO450
LLABs & Makeup LLABs / 12 / Attend at least 10 LLABs
Mon/Wed PT Sessions / 18 / Attend at least 14 PT sessions


You will be required to attempt the Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) this semester in order to pass AERO450. This test includes a body composition component (height/weight and waist tape measurements) and 3 muscular/cardio fitness components (pushups in 1 minute, situps in 1 minute, and a 1.5 mile run). You are expected to maintain all physical fitness and height/weight standards to remain in good standing in the program. To view the minimum/maximum scores for the PFA, please visit: http://www.afpc.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-110804-054.pdf.


As a member of the 765th AFROTC Cadet Wing you will be given a rank and position. While holding any position in the cadet wing and military you are required to adhere to the rules and regulations governing proper relationships with subordinates.

  1. The supervisor – subordinate relationship is based on mutual respect. Cadets are specifically forbidden from using their rank or position to take, or be perceived as taking, undue advantage of subordinates; prohibited from maltreating each other, including discrimination, sexual or other types of harassment, hazing, disrespectful treatment or language, oppression, abusive initiations or rites of passage, physical discipline, or deprivation of any right or privilege to which they are legally entitled as cadets or students. A merit/demerit system will not be used within the cadet wing.
  1. Cadets in the cadet chain of command should refrain from engaging in social relationships (dating), with other cadets within the chain of command. This behavior has the potential to undermine discipline and morale in the cadet wing by creating a perception of favoritism and potentially becoming an unprofessional relationship.
  1. Social Networking: Remember that you are representing the Air Force at all times. Be aware of this in online engagements in the public domain through social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google +, Tumblr, Vine, etc. Be smart about what you post!


It is your responsibility to attend all scheduled appointments. When you are scheduled to meet with a staff member or a staff member makes an appointment for you, it is your duty to ensure you arrive at the appointment on time (meaning 5 minutes early) or reschedule prior to appointment time. Appointments may be made verbally, written, by email or any other form of communication. I expect you to notify your cadet flight commander of your absence before the event or shortly after if unable to do so prior.


Extracurricular activities outside of PMT and AS course work, unless otherwise stated by the OFC, are strictly voluntary. Voluntary extracurricular activities include, but are not limited to cadet wing booster club fundraising events, unit socials, and cadet clubs – Arnold Air Society (AAS), Silver Wings (SW), and Civil Air Patrol (CAP). If cadets participate in voluntary activities, extracurricular clubs or hazardous/dangerous activities, they do so as university students, any injuries could result in loss of AFROTC status and benefits, and the Air Force is not liable for medical care in any way. Cadet activities are not sponsored by AFROTC or Detachment 765 unless there is a signed/approved OPORD from a Det 765 cadre member.

6.  AFROTC is designed to develop the Air Force leaders of tomorrow. You are those leaders! Your last two years as a POC member are the most important to develop and fine tune your leadership and management skills. As the leadership for the cadet wing and role models for General Military Course (GMC) members I expect you to set the standard and lead by example this semester. The goal of LLAB is to prepare you to be an effective Air Force officer. Do not forget “…you are always on parade…” and we are evaluating you at all times.

//SIGNED/cpd/23 Sep 2015//


Operations Flight Commander


1) LLAB Objectives

2) Fall LLAB & Makeup LLAB Schedule

3) Fall Regular & Makeup PT Schedule

4) Academic Freedom / Academic Integrity Definitions

Attachment 1: LLAB Objectives

(Excerpted from AFROTC T-508, Leadership Laboratory (LLAB) Curriculum Handbook; Cadet’s Guide to LLAB)

Attachment 2: Fall 2015 LLAB Schedule

DATE / Thursday LLAB Schedule / DATE / Monday LLAB Schedule
Thurs, 3-Sep-15 / Welcome Back - Commander's Call / Mon, 7-Sep-15 / Welcome Back – CC Call
Thurs, 10-Sep-15 / LLAB (Awards) / Mon, 14-Sep-15 / Makeup LLAB
Thurs, 17-Sep-15 / LLAB (AF Birthday Celebration) / Mon, 21-Sep-15 / Makeup LLAB
Thurs, 24-Sep-15 / LLAB / Mon, 28-Sep-15 / Makeup LLAB
Thurs, 1-Oct-15 / LLAB / Mon, 5-Oct-15 / Makeup LLAB
Thurs, 8-Oct-15 / LLAB / Mon, 12-Oct-15 / Makeup LLAB
Thurs, 15-Oct-15 / NO LLAB - Midterm Exams / Mon, 19-Oct-15 / NO LLAB - Midterms
Thurs, 22-Oct-15 / LLAB / Mon, 26-Oct-15 / Makeup LLAB
Thurs, 29-Oct-15 / LLAB / Mon, 2-Nov-15 / Makeup LLAB
Thurs, 5-Nov-15 / LLAB / Mon, 9-Nov-15 / Makeup LLAB
Thurs, 12-Nov-15 / LLAB / Mon, 16-Nov-15 / Makeup LLAB
Thurs, 19-Nov-15 / LLAB / Mon, 23-Nov-15 / NO LLAB – Fall Furlough
Thurs, 26-Nov-15 / NO LLAB – Fall Furlough / Mon, 30-Nov-15 / Makeup LLAB
Thurs, 3-Dec-15 / Final LLAB & Change of Command / Mon, 7-Dec-15 / Final LLAB

Attachment 3: Fall 2015 Physical Training Schedule

Date / Tues/Wed PT Schedule
Tuesday, September 15, 2015 / No PT - SCCC PFT
Wednesday, September 16, 2015 / No PT - SCCC PFT
Tuesday, September 22, 2015 / PFA (GMC height/weight)
Wednesday, September 23, 2015 / PFA (GMC pushups/situps/run)
Tuesday, September 29, 2015 / PFA (POC height/weight)
Wednesday, September 30, 2015 / PFA (POC pushups/situps/run)
Tuesday, October 06, 2015 / PT
Wednesday, October 07, 2015 / PT
Tuesday, October 13, 2015 / No PT - Midterm Exams
Wednesday, October 14, 2015 / No PT - Midterm Exams
Tuesday, October 20, 2015 / No PT - Midterm Exams
Wednesday, October 21, 2015 / No PT– Leadership Day
Tuesday, October 27, 2015 / PT
Wednesday, October 28, 2015 / PT
Tuesday, November 03, 2015 / PT & Makeup PFA (GMC & POC)
Wednesday, November 04, 2015 / PT & Makeup PFA (GMC & POC)
Tuesday, November 10, 2015 / PT
Wednesday, November 11, 2015 / PT
Tuesday, November 17, 2015 / PT
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 / PT
Tuesday, November 24, 2015 / No PT - Fall Furlough
Wednesday, November 25, 2015 / No PT - Fall Furlough
Tuesday, December 01, 2015 / PT
Wednesday, December 02, 2015 / PT
Tuesday, December 8, 2015 / PT
Wednesday, December 9, 2015 / Final PT Session
Final Exams 10-16 Dec

***NOTE: Semester PFA dates are highlighted, all cadets are required to attempt the PFA to pass AERO450

Attachment 4: Academic Freedom / Academic Integrity Definitions

Academic Freedom

·  Instructors are entitled to:

o  Full freedom in research and publication of results

o  Freedom in the classroom in discussing their subject but should be careful not to introduce into their teaching controversial matter that has no relation to their subject.

·  Due to unique nature of the USAF, even in the academic setting the military mission requires limits on some types of expressions:

o  In accordance with the UCMJ commissioned officers, OT’s, and cadets may not use dishonoring words towards

o  President or Vice President

o  Congress


o  Military members may not make dishonoring remarks about superiors