PDP History Research Workshop 2013-14

Date Class Homework Due

WEEK 1 (History Roster Students)

Monday, August 26th Introductions and Course Overview- Assign Manchester Essay

Tuesday, August 27th What is History? Lecture & Discussion

Wednesday, August 28th Introduction to Document Analysis Joan of Arc Document

Thursday, August 29th The Plague- Readings and Documents

Friday, August 30th Thesis Statements & In Class Manchester Essay

WEEK 2 (Science Roster Students)

Monday, September 2nd No School- Labor Day

Tuesday, September 3rd Introductions and Course Overview--Assign Manchester Essay

Wednesday, September 4th Introduction to Document Analysis Joan of Arc Document

Thursday, September 5th The Prince Document Analysis

Friday, September 6th Thesis Statements & In Class Manchester Essay

WEEK 3 (History Roster students)

Monday, September9thIntro to Mini-Internal Assessment

Tuesday, September 10thResearch QuestionsMIA Examples

Wednesday, September 11thThe Prince Document Analysis

Thursday, September12th Intro to Chicago Style Citations OPVL Document Analysis Due

Friday, September13th Practice Chicago Style Citations Bring 1 book, magazine, etc.

WEEK 4 (Science Roster students)

Monday, September16thIntro to Mini-Internal Assessment

Tuesday, September 17thResearch QuestionsMIA Examples

Wednesday, September18thLuther, Erasmus, & Loyola Document Set

Thursday, September 19thIntro to Chicago Style Citations OPVLs DUE

Friday, September 20th Practice Chicago Style Citations Bring 1 book, magazine, etc.

WEEK 5 (History Roster students)

Monday, September 23rd Research Question Discussion IA: Research Question/Bib

Tuesday, September 24th Mini Internal Assessment Workday – Library

Wednesday, September 25th Luther, Erasmus, & Loyola Document Set

Thursday, September 26th Peer Edit Draft IA: Thesis, A, B, & C

Friday, September 27th Intro to History Fair 2014

WEEK 6 (Science Roster students)

Monday, September 30th Research Question Discussion IA: Research Question/Bib

Tuesday, October 1stMini Internal Assessment Workday- Library

Wednesday, October 2nd Intro to DBQ- Mini DBQ Martin Luther

Thursday, October 3rd Peer Edit Draft IA: Thesis, A, B, & C

Friday, October 4th Intro to History Fair 2014

WEEK 7 (History Roster students)

Monday, October 7th Intro to DBQ- Mini DBQ Martin Luther

Tuesday, October 8th Library- Chicago Style Citations EXAM & MIA Workday

Wednesday, October 9th Charles I & Louis XIV Document Analysis OPLVs

Thursday, October 10th History Fair Workshop #1 Group, Topic, & Type DUE

Friday, October 11th HF Examples & Topic Discussion HF Proposal Paper DUE

WEEK 8 (Science Roster students)

Monday, October 14thNo School- Columbus Day

Tuesday, October 15th Library- Chicago Style Citations EXAM & MIA Workday

Wednesday, October 16th Charles I & Louis XIV Document Analysis OPLVs

Thursday, October 17th History Fair Workshop #1 Group, Topic, & Type DUE

Friday, October 18th HF Examples & Topic Discussion HF Proposal Paper DUE

WEEK 9 (History Roster students)

Monday, October 21st Mini DBQ- Louis XIV

Tuesday, October 22nd Peer Edit Mini-Internal Assessment FINAL ROUGH DRAFT IA

Wednesday, October 23rd Film: Peter the Great FINAL DRAFT IA

Thursday, October 24th Library- History Fair Workday

Friday, October 25th Library- History Fair Workday HF Proposal Paper DUE

WEEK 10 (Science Roster students)

Monday, October 28th Peer Edit Mini-Internal Assessment FINAL ROUGH DRAFT IA

Tuesday, October 29th In-Class DBQ Industrial Revolution FINAL DRAFT IA

Wednesday, October 30th Library- History Fair Workday

Thursday, October 31st Library-History Fair Workday HF Proposal Paper DUE

Friday, November 1st No School- In Service Day END OF Q1

PDP History Research Workshop 2013-14


WEEK 1 (History Roster students)

Monday, November 5th In-class DBQ Industrial Revolution

Tuesday, November 6th Library- HF Workday

Wednesday, November 7th Library- HF Workshop #2 FIRST Rough Draft w/bib Due

Thursday, November 8th Locke & Hobbes Doc Analysis

Friday, November 9th Adam Smith Document Analysis OPVL

WEEK 2 (Science Roster students)

Monday, November 11th No School- Veterans Day

Tuesday, November 12th No School- Report Card Pick-up

Wednesday, November 13th Locke & Hobbes Documents

Thursday, November 14th Library- History Fair Workshop #2 FIRST Rough Draft w/bib Due

Friday, November 15th Candide Reading & Smith OPVL Finish SmithOPLV

WEEK 3 (History Roster students)

Monday, November 18th Library- History Fair Workday- SSF Form Introduction

Tuesday, November 19thCandide Reading / Catherine& Joseph I Docs

Wednesday, November 20th Library- History Fair Workshop #3 FINAL Rough Draft w/bib Due

Thursday, November 21st Women in Scientific Revolution DBQ

Friday, November 22nd Women in Scientific Revolution DBQ cont.

WEEK 4(Science Roster students)

Monday, November 25th Library- History Fair Workday-SSF Form Introduction

Tuesday, November 26th Library- History Fair Workshop #3 FINAL Rough Draft w/bib Due

Wednesday, November 27th NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break

Thursday, November 28th NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break

Friday, November 29th NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break

WEEK 5 (History Roster students)

Monday, December 2nd Library- History Fair Workday

Tuesday, December 3rd French Rev. Cont. “A Tale of Two Cities” Excerpt

Wednesday, December 4th French Revolution Documents

Thursday, December 5th French Revolution Documents cont. OPLVs (pp. 694,703,696)

Friday, December 6th Film: French Revolution

WEEK 6 (Science Roster students)

Monday, December 9th French Revolution “A Tale of Two Cities” Excerpt

Tuesday, December 10th French Revolution Documents OPLVs

Wednesday, December 11th REVISED HISTORY FAIR PROJECT DUE (100 Points)

Thursday, December 12thFrench Revolution Docs cont.

Friday, December 13th Film, “The French Revolution” – History Channel

WEEK 7 (History Roster students)

Monday, December 16thHistory Fair Workday- Last One

Tuesday, December 17thLatin America Documents OPLVs

Wednesday, December 18th REVISED HISTORY FAIR PROJECT DUE (100 Points)

Thursday, December 19th Latin America Map Test

Friday, December 20th Film, “Guns, Germs, Steel”

Winter Break! Finish/Revise History Fair Projects

WEEK 8 (Science Roster students)

Monday , January 6th Turn in projectsBoth Rosters History Fair

(All students must turn in their complete History Fair projects (boards, scripts, CDs, papers) today. This includes the Annotated Bib. and the Summary Statement Form.)

Tuesday, January 7h History Fair Presentations

Wednesday, January 8thHistory Fair Presentations

Thursday, January 9th History Fair Presentations

Friday, January 10thLatin America Map Test

WEEK 9 (History Roster students)

Monday, January 13th History Fair Presentations

Tuesday, January 14th History Fair Presentations

Wednesday, January 15thHistory Fair Presentations

Thursday, January 16th History Fair Presentations

Friday, January 17th Che Guevara Docs & clip from “CHE”

WEEK 2(History Roster students)

Monday, January 20th NO SCHOOL- MLK Day

Tuesday, January 21st Final Exams (ODD)

Wednesday, January 22nd Final Exams (EVEN)

Thursday, January 23rd Che Guevara Docs & clip from “CHE”

Friday, January 24th NO SCHOOL- IN-Service Day END OF SEMESTER 1

On the day of History Fair, all students with Exhibits must bring 3 copies of their Annotated Bibliography and Summary Statement Form and move their projects to the FreshmanBuilding Gym. Students with Performances and Documentaries will be assigned a class period during which their project will be judged and on their assigned day students must bring 3 copies of their Annotated Bibliography and Summary Statement Form. Students will Papers will be asked by their teacher to submit 3 copies of their Paper and Annotated Bibliography before the day of History Fair.

History Research Workshop 2010-2011 (3rd Quarter)

DateClass Homework Due

WEEK 1 (Science Roster Students)

Monday, January 30th Introduce Mini Extended Essay Assignment

Tuesday, January 31st “The Research Essay” & Review of Citations PPT Bring Chi Style PKS

Wednesday, February 1st Europe Map Test

Thursday, February 2nd Marx Document Analysis

Friday, February 3rd NO SCHOOL – Teacher In Service Day

WEEK 2 (History Roster students)

Monday, February6thCH 26 Document Analysis – Marx

Tuesday, February7thIntroduce Mini Extended Essay Assignment

Wednesday, February8th“The Research Essay” & Review of Citations PPT Bring Chi Style PKS

Thursday, February 9thLPHS History Fair Day/Decembrist Revolt, Russia DVD clip

Friday, February 10thEurope Map Test

WEEK 1 (Science Roster students)

Monday, February 13thNo School Lincoln’s Birthday

Tuesday, February 14thE.E. Workday-Library Topic/R.Q./Thesis DUE

Wednesday, February 15hUnification Documents

Thursday, February 16th Dreyfus Affair/ Revolution in Russia Docs OPLVs (755,759,761)

Friday, February17thE.E. Workday-Library

WEEK 2 (History Roster students)

Monday, February20thNo School -Presidents Day

Tuesday, February 21st E.E. Workday-Library Topic/R.Q./Thesis DUE

Wednesday, February 22nd Unification Documents

Thursday, February 23rd Dreyfus Affair/ Revolution in Russia Docs OPLVs (755,759,761)

Friday, February 24th E.E. Workday-Library

WEEK 1 (Science Roster students)

Monday, February 27th E.E. Workday-Library Intro/Bibliography Due

Tuesday, February 28th White Man’s Burden Analysis

Wednesday, February 29th E.E. Workday-Library

Thursday, March 1st Film: Russia Golden Age of Tsars

Friday, March 2nd In Class Essay #2 Bring Kagan/Outlines

WEEK 1 (History Roster students)

Monday, March 5th No School- Pulaski Day

Tuesday, March 6th White Man’s Burden Analysis/ Africa Map

Wednesday, March 7th E.E. Workday-Library Intro/Bibliography Due

Thursday, March 8th Lenin / Bloody Sunday Documents &Video

Friday, March 9th Women’s’ Lives in 19th Century Documents

WEEK 2 (Science Roster students)

Monday, March 12th E.E. Workday- Library

Tuesday, March 13th France- The New Paris, Middle Class, Sports (722)/Africa Map

Wednesday, March 14th E.E. Workday-Library Rough Draft Due

Thursday, March 15th Lenin / Bloody Sunday Documents &Video

Friday, March 16th Women’s’ Lives in 19th Century Documents

DateClass Homework Due

WEEK 1 (History Roster students)

Monday, March 19th E.E. Workday-Library

Tuesday, March 20th Social Darwinism Documents

Wednesday, March 21stE.E. Workday-Library Rough Draft Due

Thursday, March 22nd Zionism & Racial Theory Docs OPLVs (pp. 813,820, 808)

Friday, March 23rd Africa Map Test

WEEK 2 (Science Roster students)

Monday, March 26th E.E Workday- Library

Tuesday, March 27th Social Darwinism Documents MINI E.E. DUE

Wednesday, March 28th Africa Map Test

Thursday, March 29th In Class Essay #3 Bring Kagan/Outlines

Friday, March 30th CH 28 Document Analysis pgs. 808,813,820 (In Class)


WEEK 1 (History Roster Students)

Monday, April 9th Begin Video “All Quiet on the Western Front”

Tuesday, April 10th Video “All Quiet on the Western Front”

Wednesday, April 11th Video “All Quiet on the Western Front” MINI E. E. DUE

Thursday, April 12th Present E.E. Papers & Discuss AQWF 1-2 page write up DUE

Friday, April 13th No School – In Service Day End of Quarter 3

History Research Workshop 2010-2011 (4th Quarter)

DateClass Homework Due

WEEK 2 (Science Roster students)

Monday, April 16th Begin Video “All Quiet on the Western Front”

Tuesday, April 17th Video “All Quiet on the Western Front”

Wednesday, April 18th Video “All Quiet on the Western Front”

Thursday, April 19th No School- Report Card Pick Up

Friday, April 20th WWI Documents & AQWF Discussion 1-2pg Write Up Due

Week 1 (History Roster)

Monday, April 23rd Assign Africa Project/PPt Skills Lecture

Tuesday, April 24th Africa Project Workday-Library

Wednesday, April 25th PSAE TESTING

Thursday, April 26th PSAE TESTING

Friday, April 27th Africa Project Workday-Library

Week 2 (Science Roster)

Monday, April 30th Africa Project Workday-Library

Tuesday, May 1st AFRICA PROJECT Due-Presentations

Wednesday, May 2nd AFRICA PROJECT Due-Presentations

Thursday, May 3rd AFRICA PROJECT Due-Presentations

Friday, May 4th Asia Map TEST

Week 1 (History Roster)

Monday, May 7th Asia Documents OPVLs Due (1035, 1075)

Tuesday, May 8th AFRICA PROJECT Due-Presentations

Wednesday, May 9th AFRICA PROJECT Due-Presentations

Thursday, May 10th AFRICA PROJECT Due-Presentations

Friday, May 11th Asia Map TEST

Week 2 (Science Roster)

Monday, May 14th Introduce Middle East Activity/”Struggle for Land” Article

Tuesday, May 15th Middle East Articles/Discussions “Sunni/Shiite Split”

Wednesday, May 16th Middle East Activity Workday-Library

Thursday, May 17th Middle East Activity Workday-Library

Friday, May 18th Middle East Activity DUE- Presentations

Week 1 (History Roster)

Monday, May 21st Introduce Middle East Activity/”Struggle for Land” Article

Tuesday, May 22nd Middle East Articles/Discussions “Sunni/Shiite Split”

Wednesday, May 23rd Middle East Activity Workday-Library

Thursday, May 24th Middle East Activity Workday-Library

Friday, May 25th Middle East Activity DUE- Presentations

Week2 (Science Roster)

Monday, May 28th No School - Memorial Day

Tuesday, May 29th Introduce History Fair 2013; Read Ann Claunch Article

Wednesday, May 30th Cold War Docs OPLVs (pp.1014, 1019)

Thursday, May 31st Film: “The Cold War” – History Channel

Friday, June 1st History Fair Topic Analysis DUE/ In-class Discussion of Topics

History Research Workshop 2010-2011 (4th Quarter)

DateClassHomework Due

Week 1 (History Roster)

Monday June 4th Final Exams (ODD)

Tuesday, June 5th Final Exams (Even)

Wednesday, June 6th Introduce History Fair 2012; Read Ann Claunch Article

Thursday, June 7th Film: “The Cold War” – History Channel

Friday, June 8th History Fair Topic Analysis DUE/ In-class Discussion of Topics

Week 2(Science Roster)

Monday, June 11th Film: Thirteen Days

Tuesday, June 12th Letter to the incoming class/ Finish Thirteen Days

Wednesday, June 13th No School- In-Service

Thursday, June 14th No School- Teacher Institute Day

Friday, June 15th Report Card Pick-Up End of Quarter 4

Monday, April 16th Stalin/Trotsky Documents

Tuesday, April 17th Video- Stalin Biography

Wednesday, April 18th

Thursday, April 19th No School- Report Card Pick Up

Friday, April 20th Readings- Nazism & Hitler / Triumph of the Will Clip

Week 1 (History Roster)

Monday, April 23rd Stalin/Trotsky Documents

Tuesday, April 24th Video- Stalin Biography

Wednesday, April 25th PSAE TESTING

Thursday, April 26th PSAE TESTING

Friday, April 27th Africa Project Workday-Library