SEPTEMBER 25, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Pam Pomeroy, everyone introduced themselves. Present were Pam Pomeroy, Nancy Larsen, Heather Kronemeyer, Julie Henderson, Katie Bauer, Nikki Pavlat, Noel Rupprecht and Monica Sharp.

This was the first meeting of the 2012-2013 school year, so there were no minutes to report, and an open agenda.

Topics that we discussed are as follows:

  • PTO in the past has a fundraising event each marking period, and we would like to continue that again this year.
  • The first event this year will be “Family Night,” Thursday, November 1 from 5-7p.m. The cost of admission will be $1.00 per person.
  • Family night will consist of Wii dancing in the library,Heather Kronemeyer and Del Craven have Wii’s and games.
  • Dodgeball, Basketball and Volleyball in the gym.
  • Games in the computer lab.
  • A “little kids” activity room.
  • 2 liter pop, ring toss
  • Karaoke
  • Cake Walk

It was suggested that we contact Tracy, at the High School, to see if we could have some seniors from Students United, to help with some of the games.

Katie Bauer and Nikki Pavlat volunteered to run the ring toss. Julie Henderson and Monica Sharp volunteered to do the cake walk. Noel Rupprecht volunteered to do the little kids room.

It was also suggested, that we have a competition between each home room, to see who brings in the most cakes. Perhaps donuts and juice would be awarded to the winners of each grade.

During the family night there will also be our book fair, spirit wear for sale, and a concession stand available.

Other possibilities for future fundraisers were discussed to have like last year, a night at Wendy’s, Taco Bell or Frank’s Place, and possibly a Luau.

Homeroom collects metal tabs from pop cans, as well as plastic tops from coke bottles, for Student Council. Noel said she would take care of organizing the plastic tops.

We spoke briefly about PTO donating money for t-shirts for the Social Studies Fair in January. They will need about 10 shirts for each grade level, at an approximate cost of $4.00 per shirt. We will contact a few businesses for prices. PTO also helps the Student Council with Teacher Appreciation Week in May, so we will need donations for gift baskets etc.

Forms for background checks for members of the PTO were passed out.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

SAMS PTO MEETING – October 25, 2011 – 6:30 – Library

Present: Pam Pomeroy (guidance counselor), Nancy Larsen (guidance counselor and 6th grade mom), Libby LaJoie and Julie Martin (6th grade moms), Wendi Greene and Donna Petts(7th grade moms), and Lizabeth Jenkins-Dale (8th grade mom).

  1. Introductions

Of those present at the meeting.

  1. Parent Clearances

For those volunteering for SAMS activities.

  1. Pop Caps

Update on this fundraiser. It includes bottle caps and box cartons with special code under cap or inside box. SAMS can use points for rewards for kids. Perhaps Student Council classrooms can collect these for PTO.

  1. Schwan Sales

Seller will be at parent conferences November 16, 17. Preorders are recommended. Can email orders ahead of time as well as order gift cards. Parents can purchase what is on truck November 16, 17 if no preorder is made. Publicity: flyer about this going home with kids and will be discussed at family fun night, too.

  1. Wendy’s Fundraiser

Can raise from $200 to $1200 depending on publicity and turnout. First time for this area. We get 50% of inside sales in dining room (no drive through sales). Done Tuesday and Wednesday nights only. Activities to go with event to boost sales and turnout: guitar playing, student singing, or small band ensembles. Need six week notice. December 6th??? ! Could be option for XC team or some other group to have car wash at Wendy's. All those getting car washed get free frosty.

  1. Scarves

Examples were presented. Nancy has purchased navy and white felt material and will cut to size. Julie will sew triple stitches. Donna and Lizabeth will cut scarves once sewn. Going to charge $5.00/ scarf. We will have as many as possible for November 3rd family fun night.

  1. Spirit Wear

Will present opportunities (November 3 Fun Night and flyers sent home with kids) to preorder spirit wear before making large order. Will have product in time for Christmas. Will have adult sizes. Libby could create an ad for a newsletter with her child????????????

Sweatshirt hoodiesnavy/white$22



Long sleeved teesnavy/white$15



short sleeved teesnavy/white$10



  1. Dance

One in December might be planned by Student Council and Mr. Frush. It will be during the day. 7, 8th graders only. 6th graders will have alternative event.

  1. Family Fun Night

Charge $1/pp. Two years old and under are free.


  • Mr. Craven – gym
  • Mr. Martin – gym
  • Math department/Chris – concessions
  • Libby -- Selling clothing/spirit wear
  • ? – computer lab
  • Freshman – working doors and taking money
  • Mrs. Moran – book fair in library
  • Donna – karaoke or movie in library
  • Mr. Howell – fly fishing
  • ? – board game room in small room in library
  • Student council kids – small kids’ room with Julie’s fun stuff (cubes, floor puzzles, and books) in music/chorus room
  1. Yearbook

Meetings every Monday with kids starting November 7th at 3:00 in library.

  1. SAMS Facebook Page

Looking for a parent to establish and monitor a SAMS Facebook page to help parents and kids stay on top of activities.

  1. Future Dates

DonDee Bowling Lanes night

Tubing hill night

More Family Fun Nights

Rent out a movie theater night

The Bear Arena ice skating night

The Bear Arena volleyball/sports night

  1. Next Meeting

Tuesday, November 29, at 6:30.



NOVEMBER 27, 2012

The minutes from the October PTO meeting were reviewed. The Family night in October was a success, approximately 200 people attended. Everyone seemed to have a great time!!!The topics for this month’s meeting were as follows:

  • Friday, December 7, 2012 during 5th & 6th hours, the 7th & 8th grade students will be having a “dance”. The 6th grade students will be having “Fun Friday” during this timeThe students will be able to play games, watch a movie and there will be activities in the gym.
  • If you are able to help chaperone for the dance, please contact Mr. Frush at 635-3839 ext. 5719, or Mrs. Pomeroy at 635-3839 ext. 5706.

Possible upcoming events that were discussed are:

  • Having a “Winter Family Fun Night” in January, at Minneapolis Woods Hill.
  • A “Cabin Fever Family Fun Night” at the School, in February.
  • PTO will be helping out with the Social Studies Fair in January, providing t-shirts for the students and sandwiches for the judges.
  • Everyone is welcome to join the PTO!
  • PTO meets the last Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the library.

*December’s meeting will be on Tuesday the 18th, prior to Christmas break.


DECEMBER 18, 2012

The topics discussed at this month’s meeting are as follows:

Still trying to get a Family Fun Night at Minneapolis Woods.

Having a “Cabin Fever” Family Fun Night at the school, with fun activities such as dodgeball, Wii Dance, a relay, possibly a craft room and cookie decorating.

We will also be making up great baskets to raffle off at the “Fun Night”!

Once we finalize these activities we will be looking for volunteers to help out at these events.

Next PTO meeting will be on Tuesday January 29, 2013 at 6:30 p,m, in the library. Everyone is welcome to attend!