2010-11Pre-School Enrollment Information
Annual Registration fee: Theregistration fee is paid every year and is required to reserve your child’s place for the fall. **The registration fee for all pre-school classes is $125 & is NON-REFUNDABLE. No credit will be given towards your first month’s tuition.
Curriculum fee: $75 for each child, $100 per family due on July 1, 2010 with the August pro-rated tuition payment.The curriculum fundwill help offset expenses for portfolio fees, curriculum materials used by our teachers and other additional expenses. **This fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.
Monthly tuition: Monthly tuitions will be auto-debited from your account via Tuition Express beginning July 1, 2010 and all subsequent months following. Your last tuition will be withdrawn on April 1, 2011. All families are required to use Tuition Express.
All children must meetage requirement by August 31, 2010, no exceptions. All children must be toilet trained before attending the first day of school.
Package B:This package is for the hours from 9:00am to 3:00pm for the school year.
Five day enrollment for 9am – 3pm$585 per month
Four day enrollment for 9am – 3pm$485 per month
Three day enrollment for 9am – 3pm$375 per month
Two day enrollment for 9am – 3pm$295 per month
*This package is eligible for before & after care for a fee, please ask for pricing.
Package C: This Half-day package is for the hours from9:00am to 12:30am for the school year.
Two day enrollment for 9am to 12:30pm$225 per month
Three day enrollment for 9 am to 12:30 pm$295 per month
Four day enrollment for 9 am to 12:30 pm$365 per month
Five day enrollment for 9 am to 12:30 pm$435 per month
*This package is eligible for before care, please ask for pricing.
Five day enrollment for all day$735 per month
Four day enrollment for all day$605 per month
Three day enrollment for all day$480 per month
Two day enrollment for all day$325 per month
Before care:Early drop-off from 7:30 to 9:00 am/ after care:Late pick-up from 3:00 to 5:30 pm
*Please note: Snacks & lunchesare to be provided by parents.
Multiple child discounts: Families who register more than one child will receive 10% off of their monthly tuitions for each additional child.
Registration for Fall enrollment: Please return this completed form (front & back) with signature & registration payment to the office. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 623.551.1144 or email .
FCDC2010-11Pre-School Enrollment form
CHILD’S NAME First Middle Last
Home Phone()Cell Phone ( )SexM F
Birth DateAugust 31st ageyr. months
Mother’s NameWork Phone ()
Father’s NameWork Phone ()
E-Mail Address______
Current IEPYesNo (please attach IEP forms)Previous IEP?YesNo
Indicate with an “X” the package of your choice /“Circle” your choice of days:
Package B includes before & after fees: 7:30am – 5:30pm
5 day / $7354 day / $6053 day / $4802 day / $325
Your choice of days:MTWThF
Package B:9:00am – 3:00 pm
5 day / $5854 day / $4853 day / $3752 day / $295
Your choice of days:MTWThF
Package C AM:9:00 am – 12:30 pm
5 day / $4354 day / $3653 day / $2952 day / $225
Days Enrolled:MTWThF
*Teacher Request: I would like to request ______to be my child’s teacher. I understand that my request is not a guarantee of placement.
I acknowledge & agreethat the registration and curriculum fees are both NON REFUNDABLE. I also acknowledge & agree that my enrollment is accepted based on the days and times I have indicated above and changing this package may jeopardize my child’s place in the school.
Parent SignatureDate
Office use only
Date registration fee received Check #or Cash:Amount rec’d:__
August Pro-rate fee: ______Curriculum Fee: ______Balance due: ______
Registration received by: ______Info entered in ProCare - date/by (initial): ______