Quiz for RTI Leadership Principals Module
Essay or Discussion Questions:
Pick one of the 4 Big Ideas for leadership emphasis and provide examples of processes, procedures, or activities you could ensure were in place to demonstrate leadership for RtI in this area.
It is difficult to do everything at once when involved in the implementation of a large-scale change such as RtI. If you had to pick one area to begin with, what would it be and what is your rationale for choosing it.
In assessing your own strengths and skills for leading RtI, what areas of professional development would you seek out to further your own knowledge? Please articulate your rationale for your choice(s).
Quiz questions:
- When getting ready to lead in RtI, a self reflection includes assessing what?
A.) Beliefs
B.) Comfort with change
C.) Knowledge of RtI
D.) All of the above
2. What are the 4 Big Ideas for organizing leadership activities and supports?
- Consensus building activities include all the following except:
A.) Identify belief systems that drive the actions of the school
B.) Build a shared vision and goals
C.) Limit opportunities for discussion and questions
D.) Identify expectations of all shareholders
4. What are the system supports needed for infrastructure development?
5. Other than building consensus, meeting infrastructure needs and ensuring implementation, the role of school leaders with RtI also includes what?
A.) Actively acknowledging behaviors supporting RtI
B.) Being visible
C.) Coaching and providing feedback
D.) All of the above
6. What is a potential area of resistance from staff to implementing RtI and how would you work to remove that resistance?
1. D.
2. Consensus Building, Infrastructure Development, Implementation, Fidelity of the Process
3. C.
4. Scheduling, professional development, data management and utilization, action planning, resources (curriculum, interventions, human resources), and RTI building leadership team + teaching teams who meet to use data to make instructional decisions
5. D.
6. RTI takes a lot of time, RTI costs a lot of money, they don’t want to participate, it’s too late to begin so we’ll wait until next year, RTI is about changing the students