By: Jan Markison, Senior Safety Representative, Great West Casualty Company
Winter is finally over and now comes the dreaded road construction season. Like death and taxes, road construction is unavoidable and with it comes the increased risk of crashes and injuries. According to the U. S. Department of Transportation, rear-end, fixed object, head-on , and angle-related crashes are the most common in work zones. For professional drivers, applying the Essential 7 Driving Techniques is key to preventing work zone crashes. These are:
1. PROPER SPEED FOR CONDITIONS – Slow down when approaching the construction zone. Other traffic will be jockeying for position, so let them go. When inside the construction zone, do not exceed the posted speed limit. In fact, try to go 2-3 mph slower to increase reaction time and establish proper following distance. Once clear of the work zone, do not speed up until signs indicate the end of the construction zone and it is clear to get back up to speed.
2. PROPER FOLLOWING DISTANCE- A minimum of 6 seconds is recommended under normal conditions so don’t be afraid to add another second or two if other hazards are present, like being tailgated. By increasing following distance with the vehicle in front, drivers will have more time to react and gradually slow down so that the tailgating driver does not cause a rear-end crash.
3. MAINTAIN ONE LANE- As lanes end approaching the work zone and vehicles jockey for position, begin merging as soon as possible (if needed) then stay in that lane. This includes avoiding aggressive behaviors like driving on the shoulder or median to prevent others from passing. Likewise, be mindful of narrow lanes, uneven pavement, and lane shifts that can make it difficult to keep the trailer out of neighboring lanes.
4. YIELD THE RIGHT OF WAY- Encroaching on someone else’s lane is not yielding the right of way. Also, there will be times when other traffic will need to enter the roadway in or around the construction zone. Protect each other by yielding the right of way to prevent a crash.
5. AVOID DISTRACTIONS- Flashing lights, warning signs and clouds of dust are common exterior distractions in construction zones so drivers must be extra attentive. Likewise, avoid in-cab distractions like changing the radio station, talking or texting on a cell phone (which is illegal), eating, drinking, or anything else that detracts from the task of driving.
6. BE ATTENTIVE TO THE ROAD AREA- Watch for workers and construction vehicle that may enter the roadway as well as obstacles and debris. By being attentive to the road ahead, a driver can anticipate problems and react in time.
7. REACT PROERLY TO HAZARDS- It only takes a second for a hazard to present itself, so allowing extra time to identify and react to hazards gives drivers an opportunity to determine the safest course of action. Using the “What IF” strategy, drivers can scan for hazards and decide ahead of time how to react to possible threats. For example, what if a barrel gets knocked into the roadway? The safest course of action may be to stay in the same lane, slow down and hit it.
While road construction can be a hassle, a crash is much worse. Applying the Essential 7 Driving Techniques is key to saving lives, time, and money so encourage drivers to do their part in protecting themselves as well as the workers and motorists within the work zone.