Final Exam Review
Gilded Age1. Labor unions
2. Cattle industry boom
3. Horizontal alignment
4. Robber barons
5. Transcontinental railroad
6. Gilded age
7. Assimilation
8. Pendleton act
9. Dawes act
10. Laissez faire
11. Nativism
12. Industrialization
13. Vertical alignment
14. Klondike gold rush
15. Angel island
16. Political machine
17. Tenement
18. William “boss” Tweed
19. Galveston Island
20. Immigration
21. Bessemer steel process
22. Haymarket riot
23. McCormick Reaper
24. Pullman Strike
25. AFL American Federation of labor
26. Ellis Island
27. Entrepreneur
28. Homestead Act
29. Chinese Exclusion Act
30. Urbanization
31. Alex Graham Bell
32. Mark Twain / Progressive Era
33. Progressive Era
34. Prohibition
35. Amendment
36. Antitrust Acts
37. Suffrage
38. Recall
39. Social Gospel Movement
40. 16th Amendment
41. 17th Amendment
42. 18th Amendment
43. 19th Amendment
44. Muckraker
45. Reform
46. Populism
47. Upton Sinclair
48. Susan B. Anthony
49. Ida B. Wells
50. W.E.B. Dubois
51. Theodore Roosevelt
52. John Muir-
53. Frances Willard
54. Jane Addams
55. Booker T. Washington
Spanish American War
56. Admiral Dewey
57. Battle of Manila Bay
58. San Juan Bombardment
59. Battle of San Juan Hill
60. Buffalo Soldiers
61. Emilio Aguinaldo
62. Jose Marti
63. Joseph Pulitzer
64. William Randolph Hearst
65. Yellow Journalism / 66. Monroe Doctrine
67. Panama Canal
68. Roosevelt Corollary
69. Rough Riders
70. Spanish- American War
71. Teddy Roosevelt
72. USS Maine
73. William McKinley
74. Treaty of Paris (1898)
World War 1
75. Alliance System
76. Allied Powers
77. American Expeditionary Force
78. Archduke Franz Ferdinand
79. Armistice
80. Central Powers
81. Espionage and Sedition Act (1917)
82. Fourteen Points
83. General John J. Pershing
84. Henry Cabot Lodge
85. Isolationism
86. League of Nations
87. Lusitania
88. Militarism
89. Nationalism
90. No Man's Land
91. Reparation(s)
92. Selective Service Act
93. Sussex Pledge
94. Treaty of Versailles (1919)
95. Trench Warfare
96. Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
97. War Industries Board
98. War-Guilt Clause
99. Woodrow Wilson
100. Zimmerman Note (Telegram) / World War 2
101. Admiral MacArthur
102. Adolf Hitler
103. Allied Powers
104. Axis Powers
105. Benito Mussolini
106. Blitzkrieg
107. Civilians
108. Concentration Camp
109. Dictator
110. Dwight D. Eisenhower
111. Franklin D. Roosevelt
112. Genocide
113. Harry S. Truman
114. Hideko Tojo
115. Hiroshima
116. Holocaust
117. Joseph Stalin
118. Kamikaze
119. Lend Lease Act
120. Manhattan Project
121. Nagasaki
122. Pearl Harbor
123. Propaganda
124. Rations
125. War Bonds
126. World War 2