Diocese of Leeds Registered Charity No. 249404


Hymns: 788, 810

0930 Mass girls

Missa brevis Britten

The Lord’s prayer Fanshawe

Benedictus Britten

1100 Solemn Mass adults

Missa salve regina De Cristo

Magnificat primi toni Mawby

Regina caeli De Cristo

Organ: Praeludium in F sharp minor Buxtehude

6.00pm Mass cantor and organ

Offertoire mystique Boëllmann

Villanella Ireland

Praeludium in E minor Bruhns

MASS INTENTIONS: Josie Moyniham, RIP x 2; Cecilia Armitage, Anniv x 2; Mary Brookes, Anniv x 2; Austin Murphy, RIP x 2; Teresa Gilbride, Maureen Dunne, Kieran and Anne, Nellie Delaney, RIP x 2; Donald Riley, RIP; David Mahoney, RIP; Holy Souls x 5; Return to Health; F.A. Bradley, Anniv; Ted Devers, RIP x 3.

JOURNEY INTO FAITH continues with ‘Life in the Spirit seminars. This gives a chance to experience God and the Holy Spirit in our Lives. Each of us has a relationship with God. We know who he is and what he can do... but have we actually felt Him in our lives? We were all given gifts by the Holy Spirit in Baptism and Confirmation, but do we use these gifts to improve our lives and the lives of our family, church and community?

Tues 29th April - Receiving God’s Gift Presented by Pat Brown

Living the new life God has begun in us through the Sacraments of Initiation involves falling in love with Jesus. Just as Jesus abandoned Himself to the Father and the Spirit with complete trust, so must we. Following Jesus involves turning toward God and away from all those things that block our relationship with God. Jesus must be our only Lord. God gives us the Sacrament of Reconciliation to help us return to God.

As we turn to God and surrender our lives, then the Spirit fills us with new life. There is a new fire that burns within our hearts, and a river of life in our souls that constantly refreshes and sustains us. Mary is an example of surrender to God. Our understanding of receiving the Spirit is based in the events of Easter and Pentecost, as well as a dynamic understanding of the Sacraments of Initiation, especially Confirmation. In this way, we receive the fullness of the Spirit along with the seven gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fear of the Lord, fortitude, knowledge and piety.

Wheeler Hall at Leeds Cathedral. 6.15pm – 8.15pm.

£1.00 per session including refreshments. For further

info please contact Fr. Michael ( 0113 245 4545.


DISCERNMENT EVENINGS 2008 FOR MEN WHO ARE INTERESTED IN THE DIOCESAN PRIESTHOOD take place on a monthly basis at Trinity and All Saints, Horsforth. This year the talks will focus on the theme for the 3rd year of Come and See, namely, “Being the Local Church”. Next meeting is on the 9th May and the theme is “The Eucharistic Community”.

GIFTAID ENVELOPES: The new offertory envelopes began on 3 weeks ago. There are still 20 books of envelopes to be collected from the back of the Cathedral; we ask that you collect your new envelopes as soon as possible. If you give on a weekly basis, are a Tax Payer and do not have a set of envelopes and would like to join this scheme please complete the form in the green leaflet entitled “Our Weekly Giving to the Church” and return it in the envelope provided.

MOURNING PROCESSION IN THE STEPS OF THE YORKSHIRE MARTYRS: Sun 27th Apr. Pilgrimage to York to honour the lives of 7 million innocent children killed since 1967, to pray for an end to Abortion and for the Conversion of our Country. Opening prayers in St Wilfred’s Church, High Petergate at 1.00pm. Coach from Leeds. See notice on board at the back of the Cathedral or ( Pat on 0774 769 8553.


CHORAL DIRECTOR: "The Diocese of Leeds seeks a Choral Director to deliver a singing curriculum to children as part of a well established cathedral outreach programme, and to direct a new boys' choir from September 2008 or as soon as possible thereafter. An application pack is available from: The Director of Music, Cathedral House, Great George Street, Leeds, LS2 8BE. Tel: 0113 244 8634, Email: , Closing date: 8th May 2008"

YOUTH MINISTRY CO-ORDINATOR Our Lady and All Saints Parish, Otley wish to employ a Youth Ministry Co-ordinator. See notice board for details. Closing date 16th May.

CATHOLIC CARE wish to employ as Assistant Director [Children] and a registered manager [Children’s home]. See notice board for details. Closing date 19th May.

CO-ORDINATOR, SAFEGUARDING: (Protection of Children & Vulnerable Adults) This is a full-time social work post requiring a DipSW, CQSW, or other recognised and relevant professional qualification. Candidates must possess recent relevant experience in Safeguarding and be sympathetic to the ethos of the Catholic Church. The post is subject to an enhanced Criminal Records Bureau check. Salary is negotiable according to qualifications and experience in the region of £34,000 pa. Informal enquiries are welcomed – ( 0113 2618 046. Further information and application forms are available from: The Administrator, Safe-guarding Office, Hinsley Hall, 62 Headingley Lane, Leeds, LS6 2BX. The closing date for applications is Friday 23 May 2008.