Rural Ambulance Group Meeting

Monday13thMay 2013

9:00am – 12:00pm

Bishopgate Medical Centre, 178 Newgate St, Bishop Auckland DL14 7EJ


Gillian FindleyDDES Director of Nursing/Nursing Advisor

Joseph ChandyDDES Director of Performance & Information

Nigel MitchellNEAS Team Leader/Paramedic

Gareth CampbellNEAS Assistant Operations Manager

Stephen GwillymDurham County Council Health Scrutiny Office

Richard BellDurham County Council County Councillor (Barnard Castle West)

Tony CookeDurham Dales Ambulance Monitoring Team

Margaret DentDurham Dales, TeasdaleCommunity Representative

Joy UrwinDurham Dales Community Representative

Jean HeatheringtonDurham Dales, Weardale Community Representative


Lynn CorriganNEAS

Dr Jonathan Nainby-LuxmooreDr – Teesdale Practice

Douglas McDougallNEAS

Joe BurginCommunity Paramedic

In attendance:

Sharon Milton (SM) PA to Directors


RAG/01 / Apologies for absence:
Apologies were received fromLynn Corrigan, Jonathan N-Luxmoore, Douglas McDougall, and Joe Burgin.
RAG/02 / Introductions
JC started by giving abriefintroduction and this went around the table. JC commented to the group that the Primary Care Trust was no longer. From 1st April andBerenice would no longer chair the meetings The new organisation was Durham Dales, Easington & Sedgefield Clinical Commissioning Group was now in place.
It was noted that the last group meeting was held back in November 2012 and out of respect to the group it was suggested to pull a meeting together as a matter of urgency. Apologies were given for the timing of today day due to short notice. JC asked for the groups patience as the organisation was new.
RAG/03 / Matters arising and notes from the last meetingsheld on 14th November 2012 and 22nd February 2013
Minutes of the Rural Ambulance Monitoring Meeting on 14th November 2012 – Lanchester Road Hospital, Sharon Rochester
Last official minutes were noted as incorrect minutes from beginning to end and it was requested that they were to be done again.
Action: It was agreed that members of the group would email Sharon Milton who would make corrections and amendments to.
Actions and matters arising only
Action:Page 1 reviews & update required from Gill Findley to be actioned
Tony Cooke’s apologies were not recorded but were sent by email.
JU picked up that CH was noted in the minutes to follow up on an action when this should have been noted as the PCT and not CH. This was referring to Item 4.
Action:GF was happy take up this action from here. / All monitoring group members & SM
Minutes of the Ambulance Group Meeting on the 22nd February 2013
All actions from the notes on the 22nd February the following actions were completed.
JC discussed with SF the remit of the group across the DDES area.
JC completed the Terms Of Reference; these were to be discussed on item 4 on the agenda later in the meeting.
It was noted that Annie Dolphin had completed the action on where DDES CCG sitswith ref togovernance.
JU and JH attended the Durham Dales Patient Group.
RAG/04 / Terms of Reference
JC gave the group a copy of the new Terms of Reference and this was discussed more in detail
Item 1. Purpose to the Group
It was asked that the word ‘stakeholders’ be added after the word ‘patient’ to read ‘patient, stakeholders’ in the first paragraphand that the last sentence be altered from Durham Dales Implementation Group to Dales Ambulance Monitoring Group.
Action: SM to make alternations
Item 3.Objectives
NEAS CQUIN was explained by GF as North East Ambulance Service Clinical Quality & Innovation.
Action: RB requested 1 page summaries of Teesdale & Weardale information in future.
Item 4. Frequency of meetings
It was agreed that the group will meet quarterly with an added work shop in between.
JC proposedproactivemessaging and regular updates as part of a Communications Strategy this will be discussed more in Item 11.
Item 5.Chairmanship of meetings
JC asked the group to appoint a chair. Thegroup were very happy for the CCG to chair. It was seconded by JH, JU and MD. The Co-Chair was agreed to be the CCG Lay member.
It was noted that wording be changed from ‘the locality PRG members annually’ to read from ‘membership annually.’
Action: SM to make alterations.
Item 6. Administration Support
Sharon Milton was appointment to be the administration from DDES CCG.
Item 7. Quorum
‘2 lay members’, instead of ‘2 lay members from 2 different localities’
Item 8. Membership
Primary Care Rep
OSC Link
NEAS representative
Locality PRG (maximum 4 members per locality)
DDES Governing Body Lay member for PPE/Involvement
Director of Performance DDES CCG
Director of Nursing DDES CCG
NEAS Contracting Lead, NECS
Local Authority Councillor
Local councillorappointment for the community is RB and SG is in attendance to be part of the group Overview and Scrutiny for the TOR. SG to ensure an LA rep from at least one of the three localities at any meeting. 1 Primary Care Rep. (J.L.N to be invited).
It was noted by GF thatonly 1 representative from NECS is required.
DDES Governing Lay Member was noted as David Taylor Gooby. Annie Dolphin nominated David Taylor Gooby.
Item 9. Reporting
It was stated that the minutes will be changing to action log or notes only. It was to be this meeting only that would be minuted and the next meeting would be changed to notes as agreed by the group. It was requested the notes will be straight to the point. These notes will then go the Quality Finance and Performance it will then feed out to the PRGs it will then proceed to go to the locality patient reference groupsand finally the governing body.
It was requested that actions on the notes were to be in red.
Action: SM to make sure all actions notes are in red on all notes in future
Starting times of the meetings wereagreed for 2:00pm
TORs to be reviewed in 3 months. Thesewill normally be annually but for the first meeting it was agreed to be 3 monthly.
Item 11. Equality & Diversity
Locations of the meetings were asked to rotate to suit everyone from the group and easy accessibility was requested for the disabled.
Action: SM to organise rotation of meetings
Notes of the TOR approved
TOR to be updated for the next meeting.
Action: JC to update TOR / SM
RAG/05 / Notes of the Extraordinary Meeting
No matters arising.
RAG/06 / Weardale & Teesdale Reports
MD was concerned about the breaches from the Teesdale Monitoring Data.
Action: It was requested that the breaches listed were further investigated.
It had been noted by the monitoring group that things have improved slighty since receiving the date in November.
MD offered to present the data in a different format if required.
GF pointed out that the information being received from the monitoring group is interesting data.
GC and NM gave a brief description of why the timings from the ambulances are taking longer.
GF explained the difference between REAP 2 and Clinical Escalation. RB asked if this could be supplied as an aide memoir. It was explained that the REAP is a proactive assessment of future demand where as clinical escalation is a reactive action plan.
TC asked if the road works have been a major factor or life threatening on the A67 and instructed this was to be for another 18 months until this is fully repaired.
Action: Updates will be required GC to action.
Out of area activity JU gave a description of breaches in the Weardale area.
In the month of March in total there were 5 breaches out of the 5, 3 of them were down to meal breaks.
It was bought to the group that a female single paramedic was stuck in a snow drift on a narrow farm road and the sat nav directed the paramedic on this route, 2 police vehicles came to rescue and they became stuck. JU expressed her views on sat navs and a single female paramedic on her own.
In February 2013 there was an issue with supplies with reference to oxygen NM mentioned this is due to fire regulations in catch 22 with rules and regulations. It was asked if the community hospitals could store the oxygen. NM stated oxygen has to be checked every day on the ambulances this was a priority.
In a response to a query from JU about progress on meal breaks, GF gave a brief description on meal breaks and they are not likely to be changed if both groups stand down together this will only be on the changeover.
JH mentioned a night shift was not covered in November and asked if this was due to a shortage of staff? NM mentioned there were staffing issues at the time with high sickness levels of crew, maternity leave etc.Staffing seems to be a problem in general. Joseph suggested there should be a standard staffing structure on the agenda to be called Staff updates to be on every meeting.
Action: SM to add standard staffing structure to agenda for all meetings
TC suggested to the group that there is a LINK 2 transport in the Dales that will provide transport. / JC/GF
RAG/07 / Letter to Mr Featherstone dated 25th March 2013
JU discussed the letter to the group and stated there was a second letter. Concerns were bought to the group as they were worried that nothing was being done.
Pat Glass hadrequested additional information for a parliamentary debate.
GF attended the Clinical Summit there were two people appointed, Jeremy Pease for handover and delays in A&E and asecond person Angie Nesbit, SF is coordinating a countrywide Sub group and GF is to chair on urgent care board.
RAG/08 / NEAS Report – Douglas McDougall
Deferred. It was agreed that useful discussion had already taken place, through the meeting.
RAG/09 / CCG Performance Update – January, February, March
No performance report was bought to the meeting today, JC stated that at future meetings there will be 3 montly reports available.
MD asked the question if the reports that get sent in from Weardale and Teesdale are actually read by the CCG. JC stated it needs to be married with the information that comes in from the monitoring group and the information received as a CCG and look at how it is influencing performance; this is something that needs to be explored in the workshop.
Action: JC to meet Gary Collier and Alison Chapman to discuss data.
GF as discussed earlier the minutes of this meeting will be sent to the Quality Finance & Performance Meeting. / JC
RAG/10 / Work Programme
JC suggested we have a work programme and put a time scale on this and that we have a workshop that will influence the work programme.
2 Schedules were suggested:
Action: Siobhan Jones
  • Work Programme,
  • Communication strategy.
/ SJ
RAG/11 / Communications
This Item was discussed in Item 10.
RAG/12 / Organisational Research in Healthcare Report
GF gave a brief summary and explained the confusion between the demands of the PCT and the CCG taking over. Two reports have been received the first report from a company called EXPLAIN. They were involved in qualitative research for us, theymet a lot of people from the public and asked a lot of questions about changes to the service. GF mentioned DDES CCG could share the report but it needs to go to the Governing Body before this is shared. The second report is from Organisational Research in Healthcare. These are a company that have been used previously by NEAS they look at the population, response times, and levels of service you need to get to various targets. A meeting was held on 8th May but unfortunately this did not leave enough time to then proceed to the governing body meeting.Once Governing Body have reviewed the information it will be circulated.
RAG/13 / Any Other Business
GF had requested a quality report from NEAS, with a list of indicators relating to the quality of services in the area.
TC expressed his concerns with reference to cost. It was requested that all members of the monitoring group receive emails and also hard copies of the papers,as the concern was the amount of paper that has to be printed off. TC stated it isn’t just the amount of paper used to print off APRG Meeting papers it’s the amount of ink which is expensive. SM pointed out thet the organisation was trying to be paperless.
Action: It was agreed hard copies of the data will be posted to the 4 Lay Members and only a few hard copies of papersin the future will be bought to the meetings.
JH requested that data should be sent out on time from all parties.
Action: JC to raise with Zarna.
Suplementary Note
Action: JC and GF to meet Satinder Sanghera and Dr Jonathan Nainby-Luxmoore with reference to meetings. / SM
Dates of next meetings:
Thursday 12th September2013 – Sedgefield Community Hospital, Boardroom
Thursday 12th December 2013 - TBC
Thursday 13th March 2014 - TBC
2:00pm – 5:00pm
Workshop Meeting
Thursday June 27th 2013 – Sedgefield Community Hospital, Boardroom
1:00pm – 5.00pm (Breakout Areas)

Contact for the meeting:

Sharon Milton:

Telephone: 01913713224
