Third PartyEvent Policy and Application

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring an event that benefits Roadrunner® Food Bank. For groups hosting a food drive, there is no need to fill out this application unless you are using the Roadrunner Food Bank name or logo in printed materials, television ads or radio spots. If you would like to schedule a food drive please call 505.349.8921 or email .

To ensure the success and mutual satisfaction of such events, Roadrunner Food Bank has established the following policies.

Approval Process

Community members, groups and others interesting in hosting an event to benefit Roadrunner Food Bank may be entitled to Food Bank staff support and potential use of our name and logo to promote the event. Because the event would involve the Roadrunner Food Bank name, we would like to know something about your plan for the event. Please complete the application form and return it to the Food Bank by mail or fax. Also, if your event will involve the general public in any way, please type the attached Indemnification Agreement on your letterhead, have an officer of your organization sign it and send it to us. Based upon the information provided in the application, Roadrunner Food Bank Development staffwill evaluate the proposal and get back to you to discuss the proposed event. Thank you for your patience and assistance.

General Event Criteria

  1. Organizations must be categorized as one of the following: government agency, religious group, business, media outlet, service organization or school. Others will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  1. All projects must be non-political in nature.
  1. Events held by external groups that benefit Roadrunner Food Bank must have prior approval by the appropriateDevelopment staff member.
  1. Food Drives: The sponsor is responsible for labeling all boxes or barrels of donated products with the organization’s, group’s or person’s name. This helps us properly credit and account for any group or person hosting a food drive to benefit the Food Bank to appropriately acknowledge your generosity.

Publicity and Media

  1. In most cases, the sponsor will handle all event publicity. Requests for Roadrunner Food Bank assistance will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If you would like the Food Bank to issue a news release, media coverage or other public relations activities, please describe within this application.
  1. Use of name and logo: Any use of the Roadrunner Food Bank name and/or logo on printed materials, television or radio material requires advance approval. Please do notlist Roadrunner Food Bank as a co-sponsor or beneficiary without obtaining permission. Any promotional materials displaying our name or logo must be approved by the Roadrunner Food Bank Communications Officer prior to use.

Again, thank you for considering Roadrunner Food Bank as the charitable organization receiving proceeds from your event. If you have questions about the application form, please contact us at 505.349.5343 or email .

**NOTE: If you have Microsoft Word, you should be able to type directly in each box provided.

Event Application


1. Name of the hosting organization/group/community:

2. Contact person(s) organizing the event:

3. Mailing Address:

4. DaytimePhone:Cell Phone:

5. Fax: 6. Email:


1. Name of the Event or Promotion:

2. Description of the Event or Promotion:

3. Location of the Event:

4. Date and time the Event or Promotion will occur:

5. End date of the Promotion (Proceeds should be given/disbursed to Roadrunner Food Bank within 30 days of this date):

  1. Please list/describe the major sources of event funds (ticket sales, auction, % of sales, etc.)

Note: If you hold a raffle or drawingas part of the event, you MUST discuss it in detail with Food Bank staff:

  1. If you plan to pay an individual/organization to plan, manage or conduct the promotion or to solicit contributions, please indicate the names and contact information below:
  1. If there are multiple beneficiaries of the event, please list the additional charities and how the

donation will be split among each of the charities

  1. Please provide any additional information you feel may be helpful for us to know:
  1. Please attach approvals by local authorities and evidence of insurance.
C. FINANCIAL INFORMATION(fillin this section if expenses are taken out of the proceeds from the event).
  1. Please estimate the total expenses for the event:
  1. Please estimate the total revenue for the event:

3. Please estimate the net proceeds you anticipatecontributing to the Food Bank from the event:

(fill in this section if you are asking for our help to help promote the event or use the Food Bank logo).

1.If you advertise or publicize this promotion who will handle these tasks? Please provide any contact information if it is a different person other than the main contact listed:

2.Are you requesting to use of the Roadrunner Food Bank name and/or logo
during the promotion?

3.In what materials (newspaper ad, radio ad, in-store signs, TV spots, etc.) will you use the Roadrunner Food Bank name and/or logo?

4.The Food Bankmust approve how the logoand name is used in conjunction with the event. Please provide an email address below so we may send an electroniclogo file for your use. Please include a preferred file format. Call 505.349.8682 or email or logo use and approval.

5.Do you have any special requests for the event, and if so, will this require any help from Roadrunner Food Bank? Examples might include staff attendance, a booth with Food Bank information, volunteers to help, the use of a hunger video, a presentation before or after the event, etc.

6.If your event conflicts with an already scheduled Food Bank event, please be aware that we may notbe able to helppromote your event. You are encouraged to utilize your own contacts and methods to market the activity. However, if you are requesting help to promote this event, please checkthe appropriate support requested from the Food Bank. Given our own activities, we will evaluate our ability to support each requested items below.


1.Will any businesses or organizations be asked for donations (monetary or in product) for the event? If so, please describe below:

2.If you are an owner/employee of a business, and plan to donate a percent of sales, please provide the percentage or dollar amount of sales.

3.Will the percentage be taken out of gross (total) sales or out of net sales (after all expenses are paid)?

4.Is there any additional information you would like to provide to us about the event?


Until permission has been approved by Roadrunner Food Bank, do not use the Food Bank name or logo in any solicitation of gifts/contributions, in marketing materials or radio/TV spots.

Information provided on this application is correct and accurately describes the event/promotion.


Sponsoring Organization SignatureDate

Please submit the application six (6) weeks prior to the event. Completion of this form does not ensure approval. Our staff will contact you if more information is needed. You will receive a written or verbal response from Roadrunner Food Bank no later than ONE week after the completed application is receivedwith the appropriate signature.



Review Date:

Event is:

Food Bank Staff Signature: ______

Roadrunner Food Bank

Event Indemnification Agreement

(Please type on your organization’s letterhead)

Dear Roadrunner Food Bank:

______agrees to indemnify, defend and hold

(Your organization’s name) harmless Roadrunner Food Bank and its officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives from any claims, losses, costs or expenses arising from any personal injury or property damage directly or indirectly incurred by the sponsor, volunteers or any other third parties related to the planning or conduct of the______

(name & date of the event).


(Signed by an officer)


(Date of signature)