History / TOPIC: Migration West
Key Concept: Causation / YEAR GROUP 8 /
Prior learning (check earlier Key Stages) / Students will have just completed a unit of work on the traditional Native American way of life. This will provide a basis for the changes that the white settlers would have brought to the Natives. /
Lesson number and title / LEARNING OUTCOMES – What will your learners be able to do by the end of the lesson (how will you know?). Use Bloom’s Taxonomy / Timing / Specific resources /
1 / Why go West? / Identify reasons why people went West
Describe reasons why people went West
Link the reasons why people went West / 1 hr / Character cards
Character interview sheets
2 / Diggers or destroyers? / Describe the impact of the Gold Rush on Native Americans
Explain why the Native Americans resented the arrival of the white man
Create a persuasive piece of work which encourages people to join the Gold Rush. / 1 hr / Ppt
Textbook ‘The Native Peoples of North America’
3 & 4 / Wagons West! Simulation / Identify objects to take on a journey West
Explain why you have chosen these objects
Empathise with the feelings of the pioneers before they migrated West
Apply the events of a journey West to your own team
Evaluate your own journey West and compare it to others in the class / 2 hrs / Record sheet
Notebook slides
5 / Case Study- A Wild West Town / Draw what you imagine that Wild West was like.
Investigate Dodge City using a range of sources
Reach a conclusion about how ‘Wild’ the West really was and support this with evidence / 1 hr / Dodge city sources
Post its
6 / Why did settlers go West? (Assessed task) / 1 hr / Assessment materials in relevant folder in shared area

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