Assessment Activities


  1. A sandwich-making-robot has been given the task of making a jam sandwich but the instructions have been muddled up. Can you put them in the correct order?

  1. Put the slices together with the buttered sides facing
  1. Spread jam on one slice
  1. Take out two slices of bread
  1. Cut in half
  1. Spread butter on one side of each slice
/ Write the correct order below (just write the numbers):
  1. The turtle below needs to draw a picture of a square using a set of instructions given. Improve the instructions by using a loop (replace the ?s With your answers):

Pen down
Forward 100
Right 90
Forward 100
Right 90
Forward 100
Right 90
Forward 100
Right 90 / Output:
/ Improved instructions:
Pen down
  • Given each of the inputs below write down the output that would be produced from following the instructions in the flowchart:

/ INPUT = 10
  • For this question you need to give Frederick the Farmbot some instructions (try to use key words like IF and REPEAT in your instructions).

(a) Write out a list of instructions for Frederick to collect all of the eggs and pick up the chicken at the end:

/ Write your instructions below:

(b) Now Frederick has to shear the sheep. Write out the list of instructions so that he visits every square on the map to check for a sheep and if he comes across one, he should shear it and collect the wool:

/ Write your instructions below:

Programming & Development

  • This is a sequence of instructions in the programming environment, Scratch. Explain in the box below what you think this will do.

/ Write your explanation here:
  1. Make an improved version of the above using a loop. Open this Scratch program and put the instructions in the right order to create a working loop:

<Create a Loop.sb2>

(a) Rearrange the instructions in this Scratch program such that the turtle stops moving when it hits the obstacle:

<Another Loop.sb2>

(b) Rearrange the instructions for the robot in this Scratch program so that he collects the egg and stops when he reaches the chicken:

<Collecting Eggs.sb2>

Data & Data Representation

  1. Data can be stored in different formats. Some of these are text, numbers, and dates. If we were storing the following data about students, can you name the type for each piece of data (use only the words text, number or date).

Data / Type of Data
Date of birth
  1. The same piece of data has been displayed in two different ways below.

Data Display Method 1:
Dave Johnson is 33 years old and lives in Maidstone. He works as a solicitor and does not like cakes. Jill South is 23 and likes cakes, she is currently unemployed and living in Chatham. / Data Display Method 2:
Name / Age / Location / Job / Likes Cakes?
Dave Johnson / 33 / Maidstone / Solicitor / No
Jill South / 23 / Chatham / Unemployed / Yes

Explain the difference between the two methods of displaying data and explain which one is quicker to read and why.

  • Here is a table of data about customers of "The Cake Factory":

Name / Age / Location / Job / Likes Cakes?
Dave Johnson / 33 / Maidstone / Solicitor / No
Jill South / 23 / Chatham / Unemployed / Yes
Martin Bennett / 18 / Gravesend / Student / Yes
Kayleigh Lewis / 32 / Gravesend / Teacher / Yes
Bill Sykes / 45 / London / Unemployed / No
Chris Rock / 35 / Rochester / Singer / Yes
Kevin Smith / 21 / Maidstone / IT Technician / Yes

(a) What is Kayleigh Lewis' job?

(b) If this table contained hundreds of customers what could be done to make it easier to find people?

  • Computers can search for information much quicker than humans, so if we give the computer the right instructions it can find our information for us.

For example, if we wanted to find out who lives in Gravesend in the table above we could give the instruction "Location = Gravesend" and the computer would give us a list of all the people living in Gravesend.

Fill in the gaps in each of the instructions below to find the information requested, use only the words/symbols shown here:

= |< | > | AND | OR | BETWEEN

(a) People who like cakes:
Likes Cakes ___ "Yes"
(b) People over 40 who like cakes:
Age ___ 40 ___ Likes Cakes ___ "Yes"
(c) People in their thirties who like cakes:
Age ___ 30 ___ 39 ___ Likes Cakes ___ "Yes"

Hardware & Processing

  1. Devices plugged into a computer are either giving the computer an input or receiving an output. Identify whether each of the devices below is an input device or an output device.

Device / Type (write 'input' or 'output')
Movement sensor (like Kinect)
Monitor (screen)
  1. Think of an example of a job that is better carried out by a computer than a human and explain why.

Communication & Networks

  • Why is it important to keep your personal information private when you are using the Internet?
  • List three ways to report unacceptable content or bullying online:
  • (a) What is the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web?

(b) Tick the boxes next to the Internet services you have used before:

VOIP (Video chat, such as Skype or FaceTime)
Social networking (i.e. Facebook, Twitter etc.)
Search engines (i.e. Google, Bing etc.)
Blogs (where you have written at least one blog post)
  • If you were asked to find local restaurants nearby explain how you would search for this information:

Information Technology

Sarah has created the poster below for the 6th Form Halloween ball, however when she collected feedback from her friends they said it looked "too childish because of the pictures and font used".

(a) Using your own ideas and the feedback given, explain some improvements that could be made below so it is more suited to the audience (over 16s):

(b) Now make your suggested improvements to the poster:
